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F1 soap opera (Max Mosely)


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As I follow the F1 season this year it has become apparent that this year the real energy isnt about the racing as much as it is about Max and his escapades.

The man has single handed ruined the sport over that last few years and now we find out that he has a deviant side. I dont really care that he does these things in the privacy of his home as much as that now that people know about it he is squirming like a worm on a hot road. His responses are absolutely hilarious, and the people that were defending him are now backpedalling. Its like a really bad soap opera, or an upscale version of Foxworthy's Blue collar humor. May we should rename it Blue Blood humor.

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It appears that our Automobile Association withdrew an invite for him to speak at some bullshite dinner on the enviroment.

Anyway it turns out that it was onthe advice of the local cat house. It turns out that all the girls had booked their Leather Jackets and Brown Shirts into the dry cleaners that weekend.

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I hate his guts. He has ruined F1 with all of his cost cutting B.S. I wish him goodby ASAP!!


agree 1000%-he's gotta go. and he's one sick bas%$rd.

Like I previously stated, I dont care what he does privately, it is what he has done to the sport that has me torqued. I want the old F1 back from 10 yrs ago. I want technology , faster cars, faster cormering speeds, and so much horsepower that the drivers that can really drive will shine and the others will look like what they are. A bunch of rich also rans.

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  • 2 weeks later...
if they can just get the slicks back, I can live with smaller wings, as they have concidered. Slicks to keep the corner speed and less wings to get the cars closer for a LOT more overtakes.

You do realise it is the big wings that allow them to corner so fast so tight even with the grooved tires. The slicks just made them brake later and go round them just a little quicker than they do now, and then accelerate better. The big wings makes them go a little slower in a straight line.

They should make a box, give them an engine size, minimum weight, smaller fuel tanks, more clearance under the car when at minimum wieght and let them loose.

Formula One sould mean balls to the wall no limits racing, just like Open should MEAN OPEN!!!!

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if they can just get the slicks back, I can live with smaller wings, as they have concidered. Slicks to keep the corner speed and less wings to get the cars closer for a LOT more overtakes.

You do realise it is the big wings that allow them to corner so fast so tight even with the grooved tires. The slicks just made them brake later and go round them just a little quicker than they do now, and then accelerate better. The big wings makes them go a little slower in a straight line.

They should make a box, give them an engine size, minimum weight, smaller fuel tanks, more clearance under the car when at minimum wieght and let them loose.

Formula One sould mean balls to the wall no limits racing, just like Open should MEAN OPEN!!!!


I have a similar gripe about NASCAR not embracing fuel injection. Or right hand turns.

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I have a similar gripe about NASCAR not embracing fuel injection. Or right hand turns.

Can you imagine the horsepower from a NASCAR tuned engine with EFI.

We run a V8 series down here using an off the shelf road chassis that are then fitted with all the safety equipment and racing running gear, but the chassis must come from the factory, they do turn both left and rigth on a track, so they have good brakes. They run 5Litre EFI engines pushing 620HP, on the endurance races they can have new brake pads in the front end in under 2 minutes.

Even with restrictor plates out of a 6Litre and with ONE 4 barrel carb NASCAR get about 610HP, without restrictors 670???

Take a 6 litre, four valve engine, EFI and whatever sized intake and exhauts, no rev limiter. 800HP?? Now that would be racing.

Now back to F1, they get 720+ HP out of 2.4Litre V8 at 19,000 or 20,000rpm, and they weight nothing. The thing is this is supposed to be the pinnacle of Motorsport development, and the limitations on what they can and can't do is staggering. The FIA is more interested in what money it can make from this and that, they have forgotten that the fans might want to see cars going like lightning, including around corners.

Don't just point finger at Mosely, take a long hard look at Ecclestone, he is as big a knobhead as his boss. I don't have all the answers but I know what I don't like, and I don't like those two.

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I have a similar gripe about NASCAR not embracing fuel injection. Or right hand turns.

Can you imagine the horsepower from a NASCAR tuned engine with EFI.

We run a V8 series down here using an off the shelf road chassis that are then fitted with all the safety equipment and racing running gear, but the chassis must come from the factory, they do turn both left and rigth on a track, so they have good brakes. They run 5Litre EFI engines pushing 620HP, on the endurance races they can have new brake pads in the front end in under 2 minutes.

Even with restrictor plates out of a 6Litre and with ONE 4 barrel carb NASCAR get about 610HP, without restrictors 670???

Take a 6 litre, four valve engine, EFI and whatever sized intake and exhauts, no rev limiter. 800HP?? Now that would be racing.

Now back to F1, they get 720+ HP out of 2.4Litre V8 at 19,000 or 20,000rpm, and they weight nothing. The thing is this is supposed to be the pinnacle of Motorsport development, and the limitations on what they can and can't do is staggering. The FIA is more interested in what money it can make from this and that, they have forgotten that the fans might want to see cars going like lightning, including around corners.

Don't just point finger at Mosely, take a long hard look at Ecclestone, he is as big a knobhead as his boss. I don't have all the answers but I know what I don't like, and I don't like those two.

You sir have just hit the nail. Ecclestone is the puppetmaster of Mosely. They bothe need to go as Ecclestone is taking courses away from the old countries that have been there forever and giving it to countries like Malaysia and China, just because they will pay him huge sums of money to have it there. Mosely is trying to neuter the cars because of his own agenda and the result is fewer teams in the show. But it is all ok, because at the rate this pair of Eurotrash is going the series will be gone in another 5 yrs and then the manufacturers can pick up the pieces and make it back into what it was before Bernie shutdown Brabham.

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We run a V8 series down here using an off the shelf road chassis that are then fitted with all the safety equipment and racing running gear, but the chassis must come from the factory, they do turn both left and rigth on a track, so they have good brakes. They run 5Litre EFI engines pushing 620HP, on the endurance races they can have new brake pads in the front end in under 2 minutes.

In my opinion, the FINEST production car racing on the planet. Truly awesome. The production quality of the coverage is great too.

Back on(towards the) topic - F1 needs to visit Bathhurst now that they have no traction control :D

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There are parts of Bathhurst (The Dipper) they would never get a F1 car around. But that's part of the problem.


As far as knocking all the old courses off, OK if they are unsafe, but with soem investment can you imagine Spa or Nurbergring with modern cars, this exact conversation came up Tuesday night over Coffee and Welding at my place. At the mention of these fine old track eyes glazed over and the hair stood up.

Moseley and Ecclestone are not European, they are British. There is a difference, if they were Italian, French, German etal and tried this crap they would have had some Sicilian gentleman pay them a visit and make them an offer they would not refuse, everybody just sits there and lets these turkeys get away with murder WTF. The Italians in particular have a certain passion that Moseley and Ecclestone lost when a large brown envelope was slid under the hotel door by various interested (read Rich) parties to ensure they got a piece of the pie. I have no problem in expanding the F1 series, but you can't forget your roots. I aplaud the South East Asian people who want to get into F1 and sure the expansion has to come from somewhere, if you piss off enough people then when the newbies get bored with your game (and they will) the oldies will kick you so hard in the groin you will have a lump or two in your throat and your ears will ring.

Now for real thread drift, does any of this resemble IPSC at present, with playing their game all over the world costing competitors large chunks of money, they keep putting the World matches on in very un-gun-freindly places that are so difficult to get ammo and reloading components into that the ordinary unsponsored shooter is shit out of luck to get a look in.

Back to cars.

The Aussie V8 series is available on Playstation, get it and check out some of those corners. They have made some changes to the track because having a 90degree corner at the end of a 1 1/2mile 200+MPH downhill straight with a brick wall 50yards off the corner (in the old days they hit 210MPH), got a couple of guys killed. So they changed the angle and put a high speed chicane 80% of the way down the hill. They now again hit 200MPH even with this modfication.

They get 60+ cars at Bathhurst from 40odd teams. Some run two cars, some guys combine eforts, but they come out of the woodwork for this race. An old style race. Been going on the same track for 48years. Some guys have been there 20times. Denny Hulme (well know NZ driver) at age 56 died on the track behind the wheel. Pulled over and was found dead in the car, now that's dedication and passion that F1 lost in the 80's.

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Moseley and Ecclestone are not European, they are British. There is a difference, if they were Italian, French, German etal and tried this crap they would have had some Sicilian gentleman pay them a visit and make them an offer they would not refuse, everybody just sits there and lets these turkeys get away with murder WTF. The Italians in particular have a certain passion that Moseley and Ecclestone lost when a large brown envelope was slid under the hotel door by various interested (read Rich) parties to ensure they got a piece of the pie. I have no problem in expanding the F1 series, but you can't forget your roots. I aplaud the South East Asian people who want to get into F1 and sure the expansion has to come from somewhere, if you piss off enough people then when the newbies get bored with your game (and they will) the oldies will kick you so hard in the groin you will have a lump or two in your throat and your ears will ring.

Now for real thread drift, does any of this resemble IPSC at present, with playing their game all over the world costing competitors large chunks of money, they keep putting the World matches on in very un-gun-freindly places that are so difficult to get ammo and reloading components into that the ordinary unsponsored shooter is shit out of luck to get a look in.

I agree, the real problem within F1 is the 2 top dogs. The pack should turn on them and tear themn apart. But the next real problem is that, the teams are so tied to the money from FIA, for travel and such. Mosely and Ecclestone are power/money hungry Bastaards, have always been. England is the center of F1, but if the manufacturers dont take control of the whole series it will end up just as screwed as IPSC is right now with its current top end management. There is no way in hell I would travel to Bali, or any part of Indonesia. It may be beautiful but it has too many problems. If I want to go to exotic and beautiful places there are others that are more friendly to the US in general. I think that eventually that F1 will colapse on its own. It has before and the new product will be as good or better. This push by Mosely for new technologies to make it greener is a sham, and the teams will always find ways to out think the rules. Every year they come up with new regulations on the cars and every year the cars go faster.

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i never miss f1 races...but this year, i am. i hate those new circuits. i only watch spa, and monza...there's nothing else left. oh yea, i'll catch manaco, just cause it's manaco. but they can have the rest of the circuits. sure do miss the old hockenheim. IAC, wait till father's day...le mans time and the coupes with a roof are back this year. now that's a circuit!

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We NEED better coverage over here for the 'other' options... WRC, DTM, AV8SS, BTCC, A&E LMS, and the good 'ol almost grassroots stuff like Pike's Peak and the Baja 1000...

Well you can forget that as the Speed channel is full of the usual crap. Before it moved to Charlotte NC it was great, after it made its way into the heart of 1 particular racing series(if you can call it that) all the other coverage either was dropped or moved to 3 am. We only get the F1 races and WRC because of its time shift and the motorcycle racing if there is notheing else. It breaks a old mans heart. :(

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Pikes Peak, now that's a race. I missed the opportunity to drive up the mountain when I was there in 2005 as my schedule was a little screwed and I lost a day.

Hopefully your Kiwi bretheren will be there to (try) to get the title back :D

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