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High Plains Shotgun Challenge

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Alex, you will be disappointed again. Scout was there this weekend and he'll be there for the RO's but not for the regular match, because I am leaving for SMM3G after the match and he is staying home. ( the motel won't allow him, and the lack of humidity seems to wear him out faster these days).

Get signed up so, you can enjoy the fun. Benelli2, I hope you can make it, we can have "Team America" there, F.Y.!!!!!!!


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Grams Engineering and XS sights has promised to support our match, we welcome them and appreciate all the assistance they can give.

For those of you not aware of what they offer, Grams Engineering does some very fine shotgun work, makes base pads for pistol mags, tunes mags, etc. and XS has a very cool and ingenious little express type rear sight for shotguns that is invaluable and unobtrusive. I have personally used products from both sources and I am very satisfied.

Thanks GE and XS,


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Hey Trapr

My Company canceled that Business trip. No pulling night shift for 3 weeks and flying in to shoot the match on, 3 hours sleep.


I’m a go for the match.

But now I’ll have to work on my excuses of why I might shoot poorly seeing that sleep excuse is now a wash, and I’ll have time to practice.

I’ll hang with the getting OLD excuse. :D

Jim M ammo

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Hey Trapr

My Company canceled that Business trip. No pulling night shift for 3 weeks and flying in to shoot the match on, 3 hours sleep.


I’m a go for the match.

But now I’ll have to work on my excuses of why I might shoot poorly seeing that sleep excuse is now a wash, and I’ll have time to practice.

I’ll hang with the getting OLD excuse. :D

Jim M ammo

If you shoot poorly = you can blame it on me. Me causing you to laugh so hard at my shooting attempts. :blush:

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Hey Trapr

My Company canceled that Business trip. No pulling night shift for 3 weeks and flying in to shoot the match on, 3 hours sleep.


I’m a go for the match.

But now I’ll have to work on my excuses of why I might shoot poorly seeing that sleep excuse is now a wash, and I’ll have time to practice.

I’ll hang with the getting OLD excuse. :D

Jim M ammo

If you shoot poorly = you can blame it on me. Me causing you to laugh so hard at my shooting attempts. :blush:

Good one I’ll add that to the list! :cheers:

And my weak hand reloading technique, includes dropping shells all over the place. :ph34r::blink:

So that I can always find my way back to the beginning of the stage.

See I’m working on them!

I need to go and practice now.

Jim Mammo

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Our list of match supporters keeps growing, I've received notice that MSTN will join our list of gracious match supporters.

Thank You, Paul

Its just 15 days away, please get your entries in if you haven't done so already, it would really be a shame if you waited and then couldn't enjoy the fun.

RO's will be shooting Saturday, March 15.


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Cheryl, I have personally seen yours and Rod's entries, you both are in.

and thanks, you can expect a very fun and challenging match.

Also, those of you who are curious, there should be not need for carts or wagons, or golf cars and such. You will be able to drive your own vehicles within easy reach of the stages, unless it rains, at which point we will be driving you so as to reduce traffic on the roads, and keep from destroying the lanes of travel.


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Come on now Mel!! Low Plains Shotgun Challenge just doesn't sound good, nor did erosional out wash basil plain shotgun match...so we went with what sounded good, besides who is to say it won't move up in the world sometime. Are you going?? you can ride down with me, but of course you will receive the customary penalty per mile from the range master (me)! Kurt...almost time to go home..M

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Mel is talking smack and he's the Mayor protem of a town named Arkansas city, thats located in WHAT STATE????????????


Remember Mel,

As Always............Yuer Ronge :devil:


(mel is a close personal friend and this comment in no way is meant to degrade or defame his standing in his community, this statement approved and payed for by the commitee to re-elect Mel Kuhn)

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I was only trying to point out to the lame’os out there which kind of HIGH you were referring to, you know I wouldn’t say thing hurtful or ugly. Furthermore I already know all the penalties from the range master butt this time I will be prepared.

To the others out there; I truly understand where you are coming from. I would like to point out that the word spelled Arkansas is pronounced ‘Or-kansas’ meaning ‘City of Beautiful People’. We are careful to call our town Ark City because some people out there may incorrectly pronounce it Arrrr-Kansas City and think we are a bunch of Pirates run by a gaggle of nar-do-wells.

May you prosper and enjoy the virgins on the other side


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I am not sure here.....but I believe Mel has kryptically insulted the range master!!

Take note of the following statement: "Furthermore I already know all the penalties from the range master butt this time I will be prepared."

I believe that he purposely, strategically, left out a comma......what he really meant was: "Furthermore I already know all the penalties from the range master butt, this time I will be prepared."

Anyone else catch that??

Hey, not that I'm shootin a pump or anything like that.

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Mr. Trouble

“Cryptically” I am flattered to think you consider me that smart! Beautiful, now brains: you and I are esoteric. Only because I know you are not a pot stirrer I am sure you have other uses.

Always reechoing


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I been thinking up all kinds of new penalties for you...................sport!

Oh, and geographically speaking(Mel, thats a big word for you, I'm sorry, it means speaking of land) The match is taking place on the edge of what Texas considers to be its high plains. And considering that the military just debunked the whole Stephenville UFO deal by saying it was just a bunch of high flying planes, I thought it was quite poetic. :rolleyes:

Mel, In honor of your political status, we will REPLY, to all of your questions but not necessarily answer them. :rolleyes:

also since we are campaigning to get you there we will promise you whatever you want, but once you're there you will have to submit your requests in writing and we will get to them when we can.

See you soon, buddy.


Almost forgot, MGM Targets has promised to support our prize table and match, thank you MGM Targets.

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Nah, not you Alamo.......and do I need to put smiley faces in this stuff, so people know I'm kidding?????? :lol:

Seems like I got about 10 days and I'll be there. Looking forward to the match, and the penalties.

I assume there will be no beer consumed after this match, just like all the others. :cheers:

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We probably need to find out where the hotel rooms are, that will allow consumption of alcohol and excuses to be exchanged after the match.

I'm sure there will be plenty of at least one of those.


I did start making my Excuses early :cheers:

Maybe we can find a place to get dinner, in Stephenville? that will depend on how long the match runs.

I have a 2.5 hour drive, SO I'll be grabing a bite,, in town on the way home. in any case.

just a thought.

Jim M ammo

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Just wanted to verify that you guys got my entry and match fees. Can't wait for this match - should be a real indicator of things to work on with the old shotty. How many entries have ya'll got so far?

Jim M,

We're still a GO for riding together - right?


Doug J

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Just wanted to verify that you guys got my entry and match fees. Can't wait for this match - should be a real indicator of things to work on with the old shotty. How many entries have ya'll got so far?

Jim M,

We're still a GO for riding together - right?


Doug J

We are good to go.. Doug.

I'm looking forward to this match.


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