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Crossfit training

Chris Conley

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Did you find an appropriate KB to use, or did you do the swings w/ a DB??? Did you see the video of OPT doing a sub-7:00 Helen??? :lol:

Last night was a good one at our gym - as many rounds as you can complete in 20 minutes of:

7 Overhead Squats (95#)

7 pullups

7 ring dips

I did 10 rounds plus an extra 7 OHS before time was called. The "elite" level guys in the gym managed 12 rounds at prescribed weight, so I wasn't far behind at 10.3 rounds ;) That was after running a mile for part of our warmup, too... ;)

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Did you find an appropriate KB to use, or did you do the swings w/ a DB??? Did you see the video of OPT doing a sub-7:00 Helen??? :lol:

Yep, had a kettleball.

Sub 7? :surprise: I was thinking in between pants that I used to be able to run about 1 minute 400 m, so that's 3 minutes there, what got me as more of a cardio shock than the run was the damn kettleball; I've got some work to do, that's for sure!

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Sub 7? :surprise:


He's running the 400s in around 1:20-1:30, and just hammering through the pullups and swings. OPT's got the weird reverse kip going on, too - seems to be more efficient...

I was thinking in between pants that I used to be able to run about 1 minute 400 m, so that's 3 minutes there, what got me as more of a cardio shock than the run was the damn kettleball; I've got some work to do, that's for sure!

In all likelihood, you weren't running 1 minute 400s, either, though... :D

The trick with swings is you use your hips - drive your hips forward and open as you swing up, and you'll add a lot of power. That, and keep breathing - nice and controlled. You'll find a pace that you can maintain... That's why the GJ guys use KB swings as a good exercise to do breathing ladders, too - you can real dial in on a weight that allows you to retain a sort of stasis... ;)

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I haven't posted anything here in a while. I haven't been doing any physical training at all. Something is up with the inside of my right knee. Hurting so bad that I can't sleep. I can walk fine but running and bending it past 90 degrees is out. Going to the Doc on Thursday. Right before the season starts.... this blows.

You all keep up the hard work.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Do all your prescribed physical therapy and stay on top of the inflamation and you'll get thru it. Hopefully it's not so bad you need surgery. Coincidentally, I managed to strain my knee yesterday. I had one of the best yoga sessions ever in the morning contorting myself into a virtual pretzel at will. Went home and was changing shoes and managed to twist my knee...Of all the stupid !*)$&!^ things! Argh! It always feels like two steps forward one step back. I wore my brace most of today (twisted this same knee at nationals in '05) and it's feeling better since I iced it immediately. But last time it took at least a month before it was pain free. Maybe I got lucky! Fingers crossed I won't need the brace at this weekend's match.

In an effort to not derail my workouts, I did a scaled JT today at the gym. Since it was all upper body work, the knee was safe!

15, 12, 9 reps of HSPU (my roman chair modified version - boy do I get stares! :lol: ), dips and bench push ups. The dips were on a gravitron with weight assist (10# less than last time Yeah!). Cleared all the reps in 10:40. My shoulders were so smoked I could barely lift my arms at the end. Youch!

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So anyway...

I now have 2 20lb Kettlebells, a 12lb medicine ball, an assortment of other weights, and even a tractor tire(a BIG one). Now anyone know where to find a decent pull-up/chin-up bar for mounting to the ceiling?

I think the steel piping that used is 1 3/8 inch in diameter and 4 feet long. But mine is outside and I used 4x4 fence posts and set in the ground 3 feet.

Chris C.

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Yeah, rings are badass.... I'm still working (in the back of my mind) on how to get a pullup bar at home. Doorway bar is a no go for me, for various reasons... Need to build something ;)

No.343... 5 sets of 3 reps of back squat, ideally raising the weight each time to get to your 3RM (that's 3 rep max - you shouldn't be able to do a 4th rep in the last set). Also common to see 1s (so 5 sets of 1RM) and 5s... That's purely a strength workout... ;)

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So anyway...

I now have 2 20lb Kettlebells, a 12lb medicine ball, an assortment of other weights, and even a tractor tire(a BIG one). Now anyone know where to find a decent pull-up/chin-up bar for mounting to the ceiling?

I think the steel piping that used is 1 3/8 inch in diameter and 4 feet long. But mine is outside and I used 4x4 fence posts and set in the ground 3 feet.

Chris C.

I keep looking into ceiling DIY designs. For all the materials needed I might as well purchase one. I want to mount it to my garage ceiling so I have someplace to workout in the winter.

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Haven't worked out for a week so I made it back into the gym tonight. Just doing strength training for now and no leg work. Can't wait to get back and do some Crossfit. We'll see what the MRI says on Tuesday.

Chris C.

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CFT today. 755, with a PR press of 145#. I hadn't done back squats for 1RM, yet. I lost an attempt at 295, and had to settle for 275 there - I can lift 295, I had a form issue and ended up with weight over my toes... all over from there. Dead was 335 again - I'll try for more next weekend ;)

That lands me squarely in the Intermediate bracket for CFT ;) A long way to go to break 1000, but my press is doing good - just gotta get the squats and deads up....

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I took my husband with me to the gym and we did Linda today! :blink::lol: Wait, that doesn't sound right....How do I phrase this?! I took my husband with me to the gym and we completed a scaled Linda WOD....much better! ;)

10 8 6 4 2 deadlifts, bench presses, and cleans at 1/2 his body weight. Didn't bother to time it as we had to share one bar. There are only three bars in the gym and one is attached to a smith machine. The good news tho is that the gym wasn't as crowded....As predicted, the girl scout cookies arrived last week and all the new year resolvers have disappeared! :P

We did less than body weight because I wanted to make sure form was dead on perfect. I'm still improving mine and he is starting from scratch. I really need to find a Saturday where I don't have a match and wander over to the Crossfit gym close to me and take an elements class. The lack of oly lift knowledge is keeping me from doing some of the WOD's.

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So I just sat and crunched the numbers....Since starting bikram yoga and crossfit, I am seeing some real improvement. I'm down only 10lbs but have lost 5% bodyfat and a total of 13.25 inches (between biceps, calves, chest, hips, stomach and thighs). Yeah for me! :cheers:

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So I just sat and crunched the numbers....Since starting bikram yoga and crossfit, I am seeing some real improvement. I'm down only 10lbs but have lost 5% bodyfat and a total of 13.25 inches (between biceps, calves, chest, hips, stomach and thighs). Yeah for me! :cheers:

Way to go!!!! Keep it up. I can't wait to get back started myself.

Chris C.

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I tried the WOD for the first time yesterday. Wow, I'm so out of shape. I felt like I was totally off balance. I sure am glad that I decided to start with light weights and not worry about time. I was shaking so bad after three sets that I couldn't hold my cup of water. Hopefully, I'll do better today.

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The "Girls" and the other named WODs are, shall we say, "definitive" workouts??? ;) Linda is a massive beast. The fact that you made it through Linda, scaled or not, is a good thing. Don't kick yourself for that.

Of course, the important question is, what was your time??? :D:lol:

Now... today's WOD is another "named" workout (although it never shows up with the name on the site....) - if you can make it through Filthy 50 alive, you're doing real good :D

Yesterday, we did our monthly fitness test, followed by Elizabeth (21-15-9 135# hang cleans, ring dips). The fitness test is 4 exercises, and is used to track progress - a lactic threshold test (4 rounds of tabata squats - score is lowest number), # of pushups in one minute, # of situps in one minute, and time on a 400m run/sprint. My previous lactic threshold test was 22/22/22/21, for a score of 21 - this one was 24/22/22/22. Pushups and situps were both up a couple - in fact, situps were up 5 this time. I took 7 seconds off my 400, and got bound up at the turn by another runner, so probably could have taken another couple of seconds off. 400 was a 1:25, and I can't remember the actual numbers of pushups and situps (I think 47 and 42 ??).

Elizabeth after the the fitness test was an interesting experience. Except for the dip and drive on the hang cleans, we hadn't directly worked most of the muscle groups involved in the workout... and yet I was already on the verge of feeling ill before we started. I dropped the first two cleans at 135# and backed off to 115# (and lost a solid 45 seconds switching weights on the clock). Finished in 10:04 @ 115# and a very modest amount of assist on the last set of ring dips.... and then I had to sit down for a little while... :lol: In fact, I rested for a solid 20 minutes after that before I dared drive, due to the little tweety birds that kept circling my head....

That's one thing that still gets me about the intensity of CrossFit done right - you can feel like you're just not getting work done during the workout (like I did this time - it was getting frustrating, dropping the weight and all, and then being behind), and then you turn out to be totally wrecked.... Fun stuff :D

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Remember your NUTRITION for doing this kind of workout. If you want I can send a crossfit article with embedded video that covers some nutritional aspects taught at their seminars. Just PM me your email addy.

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