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Crossfit training

Chris Conley

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After the CF warmup (with med ball tosses subbed for dips and pull ups since I'd be doing them in the workout) , I completed the scaled down WOD in 12:30. I can't do muscle ups so I instead I did dips and pull ups.

3 rounds:

20 Squats

10 Assisted Pull ups (did half my bw, not terrible)

10 Bench Dips

10 Hang Power Cleans 25# (a low weight but I'm trying to learn form - all the olympic weight stuff is new to me)

The last ten pull ups were a bit hard but otherwise this WOD went fairly easy...so much so that I opted to do a mile on the elliptical (10:40) and then some targeted SI work. Total workout took 45min.

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Kinda broke away from the WOD today. I'll do it tonight during lunch hour or at least try. Went to local park that has a 1 mile track that winds thru the woods. Neat thing is rest benches are every 1/10 of a mile so today was great. 20 box jumps every bench I ran past for the first mile then 15 elevated push ups for the second mile. No breaks in between. I also did 7 pull ups from the 2 picnic shelter rafters when I ran past them the second time. I thought before I got done I was going to puke but kept it down. It was a close one.

I liked doing that today. It was a change in the regular routine. Had the whole park to myself.

Chris C.

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Today is supposed to be a rest day but I'll be at a match tomorrow so I decided to do a scaled down Angie. Again, I did assisted pull ups and in 5:15 managed to crank out 25 pull ups, 25 sit ups, 25 push ups and 40 squats. The push ups are what ate my time. I only did five military and then finished the rest against a bench. I had to widen my arms for the last 5 to keep form - that isn't kind to my shoulder with bursitis. It feels alright tonite but we'll see in the morning if I can point my gun with out fatigue!

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Shoulders and arms were fine for the steel match - despite shooting some manly-man 200+ pf loads!

This morning started with 90 minutes of bikram yoga - felt tight to start with but surprised myself with a near 45 degree locust pose. Still having issues with my left knee on the bow poses. As soon as I point my toe and kick the leg, I get a pain in the shape of a smiley face - odd. After breakfast and a couple hours of work, I went to the gym, did a warm up then did a scaled down Cindy for the WOD:

Complete as many rounds in 12 minutes as you can of:

1 Pull-ups (or 3 Jumping Pull ups)

4 Push-ups

7 Squats

I managed 9 rounds. The first round I did 4 military push ups. Rounds 2-9 the push ups moved to a bench. On Round 4, the jumping pull ups became 5 assisted pull ups at half body weight. The pull bar at my gym is 9 foot up and at the start of round 4, I couldn't even clear one. I supposed I could have tried switching my hands to face in rather than out instead of moving over to the gravitron. I'll try to remember that for next time.

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Looking forward to this one tonight. I think we did Cindy about 3 weeks ago it seems. My total for 20 minutes was 14. I'll see if I have improved any later. A real ball buster. Keep up the hard work. Carinab, what does the yoga thing do for you? Not trying to be funny just asking.

Chris C.

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Carinab, what does the yoga thing do for you? Not trying to be funny just asking.

Chris C.

I actually took a class because it came recommended to me by a couple of other shooters. Henning mentions it on his website. Athena Lee was telling me about it at one of the matches we shot at. I took a sample class just to check it out and stayed.

Bikram Yoga isn't your typical "do stretches while nearly napping" yoga. Since it's done in a heated room and you have to hold some of the poses for a least a minute on the first interval, it's a work out....a sweaty, messy, exhausting work out. The poses are done in a specific order to open and stretch the body to maximize joint/spine alignment and health. You actually need strength to do stretching and quite a few (if not all) of the poses do some pulling on various body parts to facilitate the stretch.

I had a bad hip flexor strain that I went to see a osteopath about. He was a quack and on my first visit, he did some violent adjustment using my arm as a lever and whammo, I ended up with bursitis in that shoulder. I did phys therapy for it and specific weight lifting to strengthen surrounding muscles over the course of a year. Two months in the yoga and now I don't need to take any meds for it. I have regained my range of motion as well.

The short answer is I'm doing it to compliment the weight lifting and increase flexibility and balance.

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Took Cindy to the gym today - 12 sets. Started at 3 'regular' chin ups (all I can do at one time at this point), then 10 push ups/15 squats. Moved mid way through to 5 pull ups (assisted) when I couldn't do any more damn pull ups....

A good quicky, not nearly as miserable as Barbara, but then again, maybe I'm getting used to it a little more. :ph34r:

edited for my dyslexia... :blink:

Edited by Catfish
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Last night for us was entertaining....

6 rounds of:

21 jumping pullups

21 jumping ring dips

21 overhead squat (45# barbell Rxed)

250m run

Derrick - you can do various types of subs on the pull ups - or you just rest a second and let your muscles recover and pick up two more. Do 'em as fast as you can, but get the reps (only way to get stronger at it). What kind of assistance are you using? Gravitron, or jumps, or rubber bands, or???

I'm actually up to about 6 pullups in a row, now, which is pretty cool, considering it wasn't very long ago I could do any! :D

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Did my first 'Cindy' without assisted Pullups.... :cheers: 10 sets @ 19:50

Nice work, dude :D 10 sets is pretty sharp on that... esp. w/ your first unassisted pullups...

Time to go get ready for some abuse, actually.. speaking of this thread :D

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I've got a question about the agility ladder. Xre and Jake have eluded they have used it. I'm not sure if it is in the crossfit program but I have a hunch it might be. ANYWAY, I did it yesterday. I ran straight through it with high knees, both feet placed in each square, pretty basic stuff. Today my hip flexors are sore. My question is this. To use the agility ladder for training for quickness...increase foot speed...etc...as applied for shooting...do I really need to make my knees high? The explosion in my muscle is not created by the height of my knee but by the quickness in which I move my feet up and down..right?? So could I get what I want out of the exercise without bringing my knees so high?

I have another question...how come all the cross fit workouts are mostly named after women?? "I did Barbara today" "I did Cindy" Well good for you but what's wrong with doing "Bob" every once in awhile. :lol::lol: How come no one brags about doing Bob?? :o

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I have another question...how come all the cross fit workouts are mostly named after women?? "I did Barbara today" "I did Cindy" Well good for you but what's wrong with doing "Bob" every once in awhile. :lol::lol: How come no one brags about doing Bob?? :o

Maybe they will come out with one called "Jane" :D

Chris C.

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Derrick - you can do various types of subs on the pull ups - or you just rest a second and let your muscles recover and pick up two more. Do 'em as fast as you can, but get the reps (only way to get stronger at it). What kind of assistance are you using? Gravitron, or jumps, or rubber bands, or???

I'm actually up to about 6 pullups in a row, now, which is pretty cool, considering it wasn't very long ago I could do any! :D

Gravitron. May shift to jumps as I don't really like the gravitron as it's cheating big time.

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Good job Sandoz...

Jake - you might want to look at my friend Mehdi at stronglifts.com for his 5x5 routine. It's 10 weeks long. I put on 10 pounds from November 1 or so to yesterday. VERY squat intensive, 3x a week...

I've put my wieght on, now I'm shifting towards cutting down and speeding up.

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I'll check that out Derrick.


I do absolutely subscribe to CrossFit and it has had a amazing impact on my fitness. However the strength in my core and abs isn't progressing as much as I'd like (likely due to the fact that I haven't had access to weights for quite a long time). My legs were lacking mainly from being on crutches for 3 months and having reconstructive knee surgery. So the goal is to add mass and strength to my legs (Starting Strength has had some amazing testimonials....such as increasing your squat by 300 pounds in 9 months). After I get the strength back up in my legs and core, I'll have a bit better base to work with for my metabolic conditioning (MetCon).

CF is a great mix for shooters....but shooting isn't my only goal. I want to decrease my sprinting times and increase my vertical leap....the only way of doing that is to increase the amount of power I can produce in my legs (mostly the posterior chain of muscles....hamstrings, glutes, etc).

There is nothing better for that than lots of Squatting and Deadlifting.

The reason that I'm not continuing doing CF while I build mass is because the body cannot effectively develop strength AND endurance at the same time....something is definitely lost in the transition. The greater your strength, the greater your potential for endurance. So while I'm at a decent level right now, when I come back to doing MetCon I should be able to hit this level again fairly quickly and go beyond it.

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What is Metcon?

MetCon = Metabolic Conditioning. Basically, all the high intensity stuff we do. The strength workouts that get mixed in aren't MetCon, of course...

Do you subscribe to the CF mode of fasting and how does that help you?


I've got a question about the agility ladder. Xre and Jake have eluded they have used it. I'm not sure if it is in the crossfit program but I have a hunch it might be. ANYWAY, I did it yesterday. I ran straight through it with high knees, both feet placed in each square, pretty basic stuff. Today my hip flexors are sore. My question is this. To use the agility ladder for training for quickness...increase foot speed...etc...as applied for shooting...do I really need to make my knees high? The explosion in my muscle is not created by the height of my knee but by the quickness in which I move my feet up and down..right?? So could I get what I want out of the exercise without bringing my knees so high?

Check these drills out: http://www.pacific.edu/AthleticPerformance..._drillsweb2.htm - keep the feet low and fast, just high enough to clear the ladder. Doing high knees versions is valid, I imagine. I don't know that you'll see the same benefits to speed, though. We do various drills at the gym on them - Icky Shuffle, 2 feet in each box, 1 foot in each box, right foot / left foot only, Ali's (aka scissor shuffles), hopscotch, etc....

Now... if your hip flexors are sore, those high knee exercises might still be helping you, though :D

I have another question...how come all the cross fit workouts are mostly named after women?? "I did Barbara today" "I did Cindy" Well good for you but what's wrong with doing "Bob" every once in awhile. :lol::lol: How come no one brags about doing Bob?? :o


The "girls" are names for what are considered to Benchmark workouts - much like our Classifiers... There are "guys", too - the "Heroes Workouts". We brag about doing Murphy, JT, Badger, etc... :lol: Generally speaking, the ladies are rough, and the Heroes (for the most part) are rougher.

I did Fran tonight for the first time.... 9.11, as prescribed. Not stellar (GM times for Fran are sub-3.00!!!), but apparently not a bad time for my first attempt. This was my first time doing 95# thrusters - dropped the weight in the squat once, etc. Wrists were just giving out.... The pullups took a little while, but, I knocked 'em out :D

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<_< I read up on some of the Crossfit a few weeks ago... Makes me feel my age a bit, I always kept good care of my Body but I had constantly dealt with injuries, Thats why I went to shooting from water Skiing.

I think most of the work outs are out of my range.

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The trick with this stuff and avoiding real injuries (as opposed to sore muscles) is to always use good form on the exercises - and don't start scaling up the weight until you can do the exercises with good form consistently. Otherwise, bad stuff can happen as you throw on the weight.... All the body weight stuff is pretty benign, in terms of injury potential. Other than that - you just warm up well so that everything is loose, etc. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid cramps, and such...

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Couldn't get that video to open up, funky stuff...

Checked the CF site and they mention a couple of things like OHP or not doing full range of motion for the push ups - I was more worried about my balance and busting my arse doing the handstand PU which I haven't done in a decade or two.

It's something to work up to, for sure.

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Well, basically, what you can do is get in a PU position, and put your feet up on something. Then walk your hands in towards your feet until your upper body is vertical. The object your feet are on can support variable amounts of your body weight, allowing you to scale the HSPU to your ability. If that's not enough, put your knees on the object....

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