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Being in the wrong place at the wrong time


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So on break from work..and driving across town to do some bank errands..

guy in oncoming traffic turns right in front of me :surprise: ...and BAM!!!! :blink:

truck still drives..but being 15 years not sure what his insurance company it going to do..pretty much will need repair to the hood, front and a front quarter panel :angry:

agggghhhh..hate being in the wrong place.

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So on break from work..and driving across town to do some bank errands..

guy in oncoming traffic turns right in front of me :surprise: ...and BAM!!!! :blink:

truck still drives..but being 15 years not sure what his insurance company it going to do..pretty much will need repair to the hood, front and a front quarter panel :angry:

agggghhhh..hate being in the wrong place.

Glad you are okay... this storm has claimed 23 so far....

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wait a minute, if he turned right in front of you. you must have rear ended him. maybe he made a left turn, right in front of you?

this reminds me of the story of the insurance claim remark..'i had to swerve several times before strike him'

i'm just having fun at your expense. i really hope your ok and you can repair the damage.


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My wife has been having that kind of year. (2accidents this year. One just like yours. The second driving to the airport on a wet day the car infront of her on the highway doing 20 with no hazzards.) I feels your :angry2::angry2: Hope you are all right

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I got a call last Thursday about 6:45 from my daughter in law in tears. She had stopped at a traffic light and was hit from the rear by a car going appx 35 mph. My first question was are you and the baby ok? (5 mo old grandson). They were fine but the car could not be driven so I went to pick them up. I get there and find out she was hit by an 85 Ford sedan with 6 illegal aliens in it. Of course no insurance, drivers liscense or green card, car registration in somebodys name from Mexico..I ask the police officer if he can call INS? Tells me he has done that and they told him they would not get involved( he also told me that was the same answer he got the last time). Long story short, they finger print all 6 at the scene, issue tickets for no DL, no insurance and wreckless driving. Glad nobody got hurt, but this is typical of US government today. We just continue to pay the price while the illegals just ride the band wagon. Seems they have more rights than we do.

Took my daughter in law and the baby to the ER just to make sure everything was ok.

Thanks for letting me vent, I feel much better now. Only hear two voices in my head now just wish they were both speaking english.

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That bastion of the "vast right-wing conspiracy": MSNBC.COM (mods - that is a joke - not a political comment) has a column called "Gut Check America" with reporter Kari Huus who covered the issue (in part) of car wrecks involving persons who may not have lawful status in the United State. Her report is here:

LINK to Florida news station and to MSNBC.com

or try


Stuart - sorry about your truck. Glad you are OK.

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Glad to hear you're ok...vehicles can be replaced, people can't.

I was in an accident in '96 in Ft. Lauderdale...raining cats and dogs, slick streets. A woman pulls out in front of me as I am tooling at 45 or so. Of course I tapped the brakes, hydroplaned, and smashed up both vehicles. She was from an island in the Caribbean, with NO DL, no insurance, on the road illegally. She got an attorney, sued my insurance company for 250K and State Farm rolled over and settled out of court. I'm sure she's the queen now of whatever backwater village she went back to. Shizzle sometimes happens to good people.

I hope it all works out for the best.


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