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Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

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Walking lunges up lane (see picture)

My quads are burning from here just looking at that picture!!! :D

I was reading the thread that Chris Conley started on Strength and Flexibility...and ofcourse Jake and XRE had to chime in on how great cross fit is....Cross fit, cross fit, cross fit...everywhere I turn...it's cross fit!! So I'm feeling left out cause everyone is getting all buff doing this type of work out...SOOOOO I decide to give it a try.

Drink the Flavor-Aid, Jane. You'll be much happier :D

I don't think I've ever done 100 pushups...I usually stop at 25. Ofcourse I did sets of 25 (girl style) and rested inbetween sets...BUT I DID THEM!

Perfect ;) Doing them is the important part, really...

After today's workout..I'm really pysched about it. :)

Let us know how you feel tomorrow... :D That part gets better, too, though....

Proud of you, Jane! Keep up the hard work, and the results will show more quickly than you can believe....

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How sore is Calamity Jane today?? Pretty darn sore. I literally rolled out of bed this morning feeling pretty stiff. I had to work today so I did a 30 min easy nordic track ski to loosen up and then I stretched. Tomorrow I'll do a pool workout. Eventually the pain will fade.

The pain is a good kind of pain. It's the kind of pain I'm looking for. It's the embodiment of "training to the pain" and that makes me really happy. I'm already thinking about trying 50 burpees next. I'm wondering if I can do that??? There's NO WAY I can do 150...but 50....maybe I can do that. ;) If I can do 50 without puking I may try for more. :)

I'm going to buy the gymnastics rings. I'm not going to listen to that little voice in my head anymore that has been telling me I'm too old and I'll get hurt. I don't think that's true anymore. I'm stronger than I think...it's time to prove it. :cheers:

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There's NO WAY I can do 150...but 50....maybe I can do that. ;) If I can do 50 without puking I may try for more. :)

Its simply a matter of time and will - if you can do 1, you can do 150. It might take you all day, but you can do it. ;) Most of the suffering I've done in the name of increased performance has been of the mental variety. The physical stuff hurts, sure, but like you say, it goes away pretty quickly, and leaves you stronger than you were. The mental stuff is so much more insidious for me....

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There's NO WAY I can do 150...but 50....maybe I can do that. ;) If I can do 50 without puking I may try for more. :)

Its simply a matter of time and will - if you can do 1, you can do 150. It might take you all day, but you can do it. ;)Most of the suffering I've done in the name of increased performance has been of the mental variety. The physical stuff hurts, sure, but like you say, it goes away pretty quickly, and leaves you stronger than you were. The mental stuff is so much more insidious for me....

I'm with you on that one XRE. This whole physical challenge for me is ALL ABOUT the mental game. I know I don't have to be any fitter than I am right at this very moment to compete in our sport. For me...the reason I'm going to push hard....train to the pain...is totally for the mental aspect.

I looked at that lane the other day and knew it was going to hurt, knew it was going to be hard, but did it anyway. The last words in my head before I started out was "how hard can it be?" I found out ofcourse. :lol: The more and more I push in the physical arena...doing things that are outside my comfort zone....the stronger mentally I will be.

I can hardly wait to torture myself with those burpees :devil: I'm going to hurt like heck...but I'm going to be one step closer mentally to where I need to be to really compete.

It's the hubby's birthday today :wub: We're out the door to celebrate!

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I think I know how Thomas Moore's wife felt after she climbed out of the Grand Canyon! :lol: I'm day 3 of post lunge workout and I would say the pain in my legs, hips and glutes is probably like you would feel after a NORMAL workout.

I'm thinking about installing a chin up bar somewhere in my house. Anyone know where I can get one?? Suggestions??

Visions of Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 are going through my head. I think I'm becoming delusional :lol: The next 12 weeks will tell the tale.

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Most likely they would. Check in the "Fitness" department.

Getting a heavy bag and boxing would be great to supplement your workouts with and will definitely help, but don't forget that boxers work their asses off outside of the ring too with endless push ups, jump roping, and tons of other exercises. Not to mention a usually phenomenal diet.

Check out http://www.rosstraining.com for some good info.

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Jane, are you drinking plenty of water through out the entire day?

Jake, I wonder if Dick's Sporting Goods would have one of those pull up bars? I also might be looking in to getting a heavy bag, boxing is a great way to get in shape.

H2O....not as much as I should ;)

Dick's does have a chin up bar for $25...look here


Thanks guys....I'm about 13 lbs, a gazillion chin ups, push ups and sit ups away from my Terminator 2 body :D:lol:

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'm day 3 of post lunge workout and I would say the pain in my legs, hips and glutes is probably like you would feel after a NORMAL workout.

My abs are still sore from my workout on Thursday... :o Nice! :D

I'm thinking about installing a chin up bar somewhere in my house. Anyone know where I can get one?? Suggestions??

I need to figure out something other than the "screw into the door frame" version - probably going to build something in the garage using plumbing pipe, but need to put some brain behind it. The door frame version obviously works fine.

Visions of Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 are going through my head. I think I'm becoming delusional :lol: The next 12 weeks will tell the tale.

She was pretty hard in that movie... In fact, they had to get her sister to play the "soft happy mommy" version of her, cause she was too ripped up ;) Not delusional.... 12 weeks might be a short timeframe for that kind of ripped, but... maybe not :D

Hope y'all had fun w/ the B-Day celebrations. Happy B-Day, Dave! :D

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I think 12 weeks is very doable if you do everything right and work your ass off. You'd be amazed at the transformation your body can go through in 3 months.

If I had my own place I'd turn my garage into a gym in a second...but since I'm pretty limited in what I can do, the door frame version of the pull up bar works fine for me.

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20 min Nordic Track (intervals)

50 burpees (9:31)

10 min pilates


This was the first day I could squat and not let out a "yelp" so I decided to try some burpees. I thought 50 was a reasonable goal since all I've ever done was 10. I did sets of 10 with a little rest inbetween. My form is slow and methodical. The squat down, the plank position, and push up are not a problem....it's the squat and jump at the end that gets to me. Next time I'll do more. ;) The mental victory was I set a goal of 50 (which I thought was going to be hard) and I did it.

I think tomorrows mental challenge will be to do a 5K on the nordic track. My comfort zone is 2.5 miles.

I've joined swimplan.com to help get ideas for my swim workouts. The first thing I have to do for them is a timed trial. After I put in the information from the time trial...they will generate workouts for me. Wednesday or Thursday will be my swim day.

I'm feeling good about the physical side of my training plan. This week I will turn my attention to the shooting side of things....which means load ammo...go shoot...do some standards...and see where I'm at. Rain..snow...cold...will not stop me from doing that THIS WEEK!

I'm jubilant that the holidays are over and a new year is upon me. I'm ready to work the plan and accept the consequences. :)

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Looks good Jane. I've been thinking about getting a jump rope for cheap easy training (and a good way to keep your heart rate up) but this looks better. Def. not cheaper ...... but alot more like the footwork we do in shooting.

Hand-eye coordination is one thing ......... foot-eye coordination is another. But what I worry about is developing a tendency to look at your feet. <_< Which is probably not good.

But who knows .... if it is possible to jump-rope without looking down I suspect the same is true with this item.

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Nothing has helped me build fitness and build a leaner lower body than cycling. With the gently rolling hills in your neck of woods would be fantastic for that. Running is great (I've come to learn), but cycling is still #1 for me. Everything from long, slow burns to speed intervals are great on a bike. Plus, it is a great way vehicle (pun intended) for clearing the mind and building mental toughness. Lance Armstrong was right, the pain is the reward. ;)

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Nothing has helped me build fitness and build a leaner lower body than cycling. With the gently rolling hills in your neck of woods would be fantastic for that. Running is great (I've come to learn), but cycling is still #1 for me. Everything from long, slow burns to speed intervals are great on a bike. Plus, it is a great way vehicle (pun intended) for clearing the mind and building mental toughness. Lance Armstrong was right, the pain is the reward. ;)

There is no doubt cycling has worked for you...you look FANTASTIC!! The hubby rides the bike indoors. He and I were just talking about making a cross country bike route around our property. More of a mountain bike type of feel. Also thought it would be great exercise for the boys. I think some sort of biking is in my future. ;)

Jake...you left me a crumb trail to your secret :lol: Thanks ;)

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