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Going on vacation


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I haven't had a vacation in about 2 1/2 years and my family and I are taking one over the Thanksgiving holiday. Two weeks back home in SW Colorado will sure be nice, get some rest and just get away. I will have little or no access to email and PM's, and won't turn my phone on much. Wish me luck in getting my batteries charged back up, hope I don't blow a knee skiing! Might also try some big mountain snowboarding, the ice they try to call snow here isn't forgiving at all and snowboarding HURTS on it but I truly am dumb enough to do it again. I hope it snows like hell so I can ride some fresh powder!!

Leaving Friday morning, can't wait :cheers: :cheers:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am back, in one piece too since there wasn't enough snow to bother getting out on skis or a board. Oh well, the rest of the vacation was simply fantastic, put a little charge back in my batteries and spent some time with my favorite people in the entire world. Took a few pics, hopefully will get some of them up in another thread in the next week or two. Back to work tomorrow, but with a little more pop in my step.

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Vacation...I have heard of those. Seems like I burn most of my "vacation" time going to get larger projects done around the house and to go to matches.

I keep pondering a week back down in Mexico though. Plentiful cervesa, Cuban cigars, warm water, nice beaches. But the wife keeps not getting with the program and getting her passport....

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