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Best Way To Reload A Limited Shotgun

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Mike, I was off in Texas shooting in the Texas State 3 Gun ( a fun match by the way). I will take the Mike Hughes challenge as soon as I can (probably Friday or Saturday). I'm predicting low 3s. I doubt I'll break 3 though.

I suspect that the weakhand load is slightly faster but to me at least, it carries a much higher disaster factor.

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Kelly, how was the Tesas three gun? Did you win? Were you shooting limited or open?

Let me know your times for the shooting hand reload. Try Kurts drill and let me know how you did with his. You probably will have a better time with Kirts.

Like I said earlier, the fumble factor is greater with the support hand loading but sometimes its worth it and for me it's more tactical.

Just takes lots more practice. Something I don't do enough of and it shows.

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OK, I tried MHughes test. I'm not quite as old as MHughes, but I'm a mere mortal. The quickest I could manage was low 4's (4.20) loading with strong hand from the sidesaddle. That is with my tactical M12. Guess I need to practice more.

KNeal may be too modest to report on the Texas State 3-Gun Championship, but if you go to the match web page you can see his results (Limited Division) and if you go to the "pictures" page you can see him accepting a trophy.


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Mccoy, if your doing this out of a side saddle in the low 4's you are fast. Now I'm going to have to try and see what times I can load out of a side saddle. I'm sure most of us, and I can only speak for myself, are loading out of the Chote 6 shot belt carrier and grabbing three rounds at a time.

Are you grabbing three rounds at a time out of the side saddle?

And I know Kelly does well at any match he shoots. Great job Kelly.

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Start with safety off, pointed at target. On buzzer pull trigger, rack the action (Winchester M12), load three off the sidesaddle (one at a time) shoot the next target. 4.50-4.20 if I don't fumble. Longer when I do (about 1 out of 5, longest time was 5.80). The targets were 8" plates 1yd apart at 12yds. Doesn't count if you miss.


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1st try: 4.08 sec. (little fumble)

2d try: 3.96 sec.

3d try: 3.75 sec.

4th try: 3.78 sec.

5th try: 4.02 sec. (little fumble)

I figure that low-mid 3s are possible w/ the strong hand technique, but I doubt I could break 3.

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Now that I have been practicing religiously once a day loading my shotgun, after all Europe is soon in the offing for me, I can happily report that the low 3 are indeed more than possible with weak hand loading. For the mundane test ( only loading 3) Mike has provided for us, my best time to date is 2.43 seconds, and I run in the 2.6s all the time. Now to load 4 on this same drill, that is where I can run in the low low low 3s, and best time to date is 2.99... not much under 3 seconds but hey it,s under. KURT

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Good luck in Europe! Even loading weakhanded, I would like you to win.

I'm not going to come anywhere near 2.4 so I must concede that the weakhand load is quicker. But for me, I prefer the strong hand load since it is more reliable and safe.

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Now that I have been practicing religiously once a day loading my shotgun, after all Europe is soon in the offing for me, I can happily report that the low 3 are indeed more than possible with weak hand loading. For the mundane test ( only loading 3) Mike has provided for us, my best time to date is 2.43 seconds, and I run in the 2.6s all the time. Now to load 4 on this same drill, that is where I can run in the low low low 3s, and best time to date is 2.99... not much under 3 seconds but hey it,s under. KURT


Your weak hand ain't so weak.

Any way you could/would video this? I would really like to see your technique.

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I am tring to find someone with a digital camera w/ video capabilities. When I do I will post a brief segment. Funny thing I have noticed, the more I play my guitar, the better I am able to handle the shells, also practicing 15 min. a day doesn't hurt either for the playing, or the loading. KURT

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Kurt has no chance of winning... he is staying in a hotel we recommended, we have bribed the hotel maids for awful room service, his room overlooks a 24 hr building site and he is out numbered 40 to 1. Plus we have promised to buy him the beer all week and the bar don't shut till 4am (we have the shift rotas all worked out) - we will inprovise adapt and overcome to discover and exploit his weak points.....even if it kills us !!

who am I kidding.

Rule Britannia, Britannia all the way...

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Todd you little devil you. You just can't get enough of Mike's wife can you? :D:D

Mike45: Hope you have a BIG expense account to by beer for Kurt. Oh should I mention Kurt on a hang over shoots a lot better then out a hang over.

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I have the camera and "No" Todd I won't post any pics of my wife. You get to see her in person at least once a year and maybe twice if you are going to the 3 gun in Raton in August. You don't have another AR A-1 stock with the name "Joy" on it do you?

I will try to get Eric, Jimmy, Blane and I to go out and do this drill and put it on a video clip to down load.

Send me your address so I can send you this Columbine CD.


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I am still in town off and on as the house hasn't sold yet. This being the 30th I should be around most of next week. Give me a ring and maybe we can get it videoed. Thanks KURT

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I have seen the video and must (regrettably :angry: ) HAIL KURT MILLER, the be.com shotgun reloading king. That is an awesome shotgun load you've got going there. I must now pray to Bennie Cooley for strength and guidance.

Cmon Mike, just a few pictures........

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Perhapse you should pray to the Taran.... after all he loads weak handed! After seeing the video, some have questioned the veracity of the frames...I.E. tampered with. Let me reassure everyone this is NO CROP CIRCLE PRODUCTION. Joy..( Mike's Wife) was the one taping!!! See, I get to see her and you don't, but for the right price, Todd and Kelly, I could arrange...... oops, got to go Mike just showed up! KURT

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I have seen the video and must (regrettably :angry: ) HAIL KURT MILLER, the be.com shotgun reloading king. That is an awesome shotgun load you've got going there. I must now pray to Bennie Cooley for strength and guidance.

Now I really gotta see it. How can we do this? I'll send you a VHS tape with a prepaid return envelope?

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Hey kurtm, if you send me a digital copy Ill post it in a link to this board.

I have plenty of space on my server to host the file.

PM me for my email.

I too would like to check out your technique.


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It has been decided at a pay grade far above mine to quash the tape in the U.K. It will be posted ( albiet a short static load 3 clip, not the full on movement and loading 4 clip) on the Rocky Mountain 3-Gun web site; address to found in this thread posted by PacMan. KURT

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Oops!!!! I lied!!! It's not posted in this thread so here it is!!!

http://home.attbi.com/~gunslinger13/rm3ga.html KURT

I am not sure when it will get posted as all the people involved in doing so are fully involved in putting on the U.S. Marshal's Match today and tomorrow! I am betting Eddie Rhoads wins, and the team from Pueblo P.D. takes the team shoot.( L.E. only match ). KURT

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