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Want free Lone Wolf 3.5 connector?


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Mine just came in today. I put it in my 35. It gives me a lighter and smother pull with no overtravel. The level of force seems directly linear instead of the typical Glock pull of nothing then a wall then bang. One of the best plating jobs I have ever seen on a gun part.

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Mine came today. I hope to get it in this weekend. Too bad my next match is ICORE, or I'd be trying it out (under match conditions) sooner.

PS: I checked and this connector is definitely not allowed in ICORE

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Mine finally arrived yesterday. :cheers:

I have always loved the Glock connector. I guess cause I never tried anything else really. This LW connector is great. Very crisp feeling like a 1911 trigger should be. I am going to polish up the interenals better today and see if it helps but I am very satisfied.


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Ok, I am hoping JR and the peeps at LWD got busy shipping tons of free stuff out. I ordered mine on the 7th also, and it still hasn't arrived. I can't get upset about it though, it's free! and if it never comes, I am outnothing...guess I'll just order one later as I had already planned.

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OK, I sent JR a private msg on GT and he promptly responded saying he thought my original package got lost, but would gladly send me another one out. I received it today (3 days shipping time) and am once again pleasantly surprised!

I really like LONE WOLF DISTRIBUTORS service and their products! JR and crew once again have my business!

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My free connector arrived 3 days after I placed the order, talk about customer service!

Installed it in a new G24 9mm open gun I am building. Very crisp 2lb trigger with the setup I have. Feels

great dry firing. Now, off to the range.....

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OK, I sent JR a private msg on GT and he promptly responded saying he thought my original package got lost, but would gladly send me another one out. I received it today (3 days shipping time) and am once again pleasantly surprised!

I really like LONE WOLF DISTRIBUTORS service and their products! JR and crew once again have my business!


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I think the thread over on GT has been disabled once again. And I think I know why!

I believe I am partly responsible for some of it.

First, I will apologize to everyone here who may have read the thread as it progressed (not GT members in general) for some of the stuff I said. Long story short, some guy decided to start name calling directed at me, and I followed suit by personally attacking his home gunsmithing abilities, maybe I went too far, but I don't honestly care. I feel he was well deserving of it. He took it upon himself to start sending me e-mails, PM's and continued to post stuff about me. Then when things started to get ugly, he went back and edited his responses to make himself look innocent in all of it, and pointed the finger at me, like I am some whacko. In the meantime, he was busy doing a thorough research on me and found out pretty much everything someone can find out over the internet. He posted my full name for all to see, which didn't bother me too much, but then he decided he would threaten to call my commander (because he somehow knew what I did, and where I worked) and discuss my actions on the message board (not worried about that at all, nothing I said had anything to do with the Air Force). But his last mistake was when he slipped up, and revealed the source he used to gain my military information. So in the end, I have the name of an AF member (whom also happens to outrank me) that provided this a-hole my home and work phone numbers and home address! How's that for completely overboard and stupid!

This troll has taken things WAY too far! This is an example of why I normally stay clear of GT and sites similar to it. Too many trolls and not enough bridges!

I have him blocked on GT, and have his e-mail address blocked from my computer now too! I wish I had done this much earlier!

Again, sorry for being an A-Hole if that is how I was perceived! :cheers:

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I think the thread over on GT has been disabled once again. And I think I know why!

I believe I am partly responsible for some of it.

The exchange (that started it all) on whether it was possible to change the connector in 60 seconds WITHOUT WRECKING THE GUN really cracked me up. :surprise:

Typical of the mood and attitude over on GT.... :surprise:

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I just finished my review, and went to go post it, and the thread had disappeared into the ether.

Send it in an email to JR. He would appreciate it. I shared much more with him in an email than I did on my post at GT.

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So true, my main point was that you would have to abuse the parts to hurt them, as his gunsmith had told him. Really, he is stupid enough to believe a guy who wants his business and his $$$ over what anyone else says! His failure to use proper english really bothered me, and the point that he had totally misread my entire post infuriated me. He claims that I put the part in, then removed it because I didn't like it. Which if it were still up, you would see was not the case at all. It is still in my pistol, and I absolutely like everything about the LWD connector!

His post claimed it took him over an hour to put the connector in. Then after I called him on it, and the exchange had begun, he added that he also cleaned his firearm, but would not admit to failing to mention it on purpose. The whole post exchange was me pointing out that he listened to the B.S. he obviously heard at his local gunshop/gunsmiths. You can bend and break the parts of a Glock trigger by simply changing the connector...PLEASE!

He pushed me over the top though when he attempted to get the Moderators to get me to change my posts (which they refused to do), yet he had already edited all his to make him look like he had done no wrong!

In another thread on GT, I found out that he has already been banned on several other websites, and has changed his name on GT at least twice. In 30 days of membership at GT, he had over 34 posts, most of which were questions asked iun a way to spark arguement! He meets the definaition of a Troll based on that alone!

Check out Dan Berock's post concerning his Beretta, and my response! I will continue to post where he does, so I can discredit his posts, he is a real idiot.

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I just received this from Dan_Berock:

your account has been deleted on gt...the usaf will be contacting you in the future

Funny, I can still post there! And I am not at all worried about the AF contacting me! I have thoroughly briefed my leadership on thiss a$$hat!

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