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first open gun

jostein jensen

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First off, I'm a rookie shooter so the question might be stupid, but anyway.

I tried an open gun for the first time this weekend and loved it. The owner is thinking of selling it, and the rest could be history!

It was an Sti Stinger in .38 super. Its done 5k rounds, has had trigger tuning and a couple of popple holes by "bakern" in Norway. Is this a bad gun to start with in open? I've never shoot one before so I don't know the difference between this and a long one handling wise.

I own and shoot an Edge so the lightning fast slide and shock from the comp was almost frightning on the first shot, but when I saw how the dot stayed on the paper and how easy it was to aquire targets and fire fast good hits, I sort of fell in love with it.

The shock from the comp almost felt like a bitch-slap when I wasn't prepared for it. Does that meed I should look for a different gun, or is that simply a side-effect of popple holes? I toally loved the flatness of it and the fact that the recoil was straight back and forward. The dot was in the lens and on target between shots and it was simply magnificent.

The whole experience was.. well.. I don't know what to compare the tingeling feeling it made to. Maybe like the first time one falls inlove!

Darn.. I might have become an open addict :cheers:

Is it bad for mye shooting learning curve to ditch the steel sights after maybe 5k shots?

thanks in advance, Jostein.

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Open guns are loud and concussive. Making the gun short (like the STInger) and adding holes to it just makes it more so. The shorter the barrel, and the more holes, generally the more powder it takes to make major - and therefore the more gas it makes, which contributes to the shock wave and the noise.

It wouldn't be a horrible choice to start into Open - but many of us have found that a gun with a longer recoil system, and a little more barrel is more shootable. You don't really see STIngers in use as USPSA/IPSC Major PF guns in these parts (of course, we have a 165 PF for Major, too). You might ponder why, after only 5K rounds, the owner is wanting to sell it... ;) I've shot DJPolo's STInger with minor steel loads, and the gun just rocks for that stuff - very light and quick to move around. He says "its really not bad" about it with major PF ammo - and its a 9x19 gun, so... I'd really have to try it out to give you a good solid opinion, of course.

In the end, you'll get used to the concussion, and won't notice it after a while.

I don't think switching to an Open gun is going to hurt you, in regards to your learning curve. I'd advise against a lot of flip-flopping for a little while, until you get used to it. After that, there's some benefit to be found in switching between irons and a dot - they teach you different things, and are complementary to one another.

I'm totally an Open addict, so I get where you're coming from :)

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You can get close to the weight and handling of the short guns in a full 5" gun, and the noise isn't nearly as bad to me.

I just started Open in March. I was a middle B Limited shooter, and just picked up an A card in Open. Almost picked up another A card in L10 with a classifier match last month too after not touching an iron sight gun for months. Shooting Open is making me a better shooter all around. My trigger manipulation has improved dramatically. When I do go back to iron sights I will be a much better shooter.

I say go for the open gun. I couldn't shoot a Stinger or any of the short guns with pop holes though, they are just brutally loud and painful to me. For that reason I built a light 5" gun that handles like a short gun. My full 5" gun has no ports other than the comp, and it makes all of the noise I can take.

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Ditto what Howard said. My gun has no ports in the barrel. Just the three ports in the comp. And it's STILL a beast! But I love it. I don't really notice it. I have heard people comment on how much flame comes up out of the comp, and I have no idea what they're talking about until I see it for myself in a video.

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the loud noice will probably be less so with double-plugging. I actually think it was lauder watching the owner shoot it than shooting it myself.. I just relly liked the dot and extremly fast slide action.

I'm ofcource going to shoot a full-size side by side to it before I decide to buy.

thanks for fast replies!

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I do double plug, there is no way I could function shooting an Open gun without doing so I don't think.

They are a lot louder when just off to the side than when directly behind it, even mine is NASTY just off to the side. One guy I shoot with has a 5" super, no holes anywhere but in the comp and it is just wicked loud. He loads with somewhere between a handful and a full cup of N105 under 115's, I cringe when I see it LOL. It doesn't shoot, it EXPLODES each time he presses the trigger. He shoots the piss out of it though. Some people aren't bothered by the noise, I wish I wasn't.

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Sounds like the gun is set up properly with the loads you tried (be certain to get the load data).

If it is reliable and the price is right, then it sounds like a good buy.

BTW - the gun was gunsmithed in Norway, but where are you living/shooting?



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Sounds like the gun is set up properly with the loads you tried (be certain to get the load data).

the rounds were filled with N105, how much I don't know. I could see the dot in the lens on the target when it fired, after I got acclimatized to the blast and kept my eyes open, so the load is probably right.

BTW - the gun was gunsmithed in Norway, but where are you living/shooting?



I live and shoot in Norway.

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I shoot a comander length gun with bbl holes. I can tell you that the concusion is a pain in the arse to deal with compared to the same set up in a 5", but I love mine. Though the blast behind it is not bad, get to the side and its a killer.

A longer cycling gun is a bit softer to shoot.

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