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Martyrs Surprised!


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Interesting question... I was actively discouraged by them from using my left hand to write with... (I'm actually kinda ambidextrous). Well, the nuns didn't usually "ruler" the girls. I did get in trouble, though, for asking too many questions (and joking about) Communism, though. Seems like that's all they talked about! What did they expect, then, my asking about it...? Gah! :rolleyes:

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I used to get in trouble for asking too many questions as well SIG-Lady.

I'd ask questions like, "Can god create a rock so big, even he couldn't lift it?" :mellow:

Either way, you're saying the powers are limited. :o

The final straw was when I asked the nun, "Hey Sister, you have any dirty habbits?" :o

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I used to get in trouble for asking too many questions as well SIG-Lady.

I'd ask questions like, "Can god create a rock so big, even he couldn't lift it?" :mellow:

Either way, you're saying the powers are limited. :o

The final straw was when I asked the nun, "Hey Sister, you have any dirty habbits?" :o

Oh that is funny...dirty habits...lol :lol:


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The ironic thing about all this is that it was a nun who first showed me how to shoot a .22 rifle at some sort of "keep the kids out of trouble" summner camp. And this was in suburban Chicago! Needless to say, it was a long time ago.

The nuns really did not need firearms, though. They were just fine with empty hand, thrusting weapons (the pointer) and edged weapons (the yardstick). Remember the bar scene in the first Star Wars movie where Obiwan wips out the light sabre and cuts that guys had off? Well, that was Sister Cora with a yardstick. Damn, that hurt...

Maybe she was Jedi :huh:

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I think some of the nuns I knew were natural Jedi's... They weilded The Force with little or no weaponry most of the time. :D Actually, some of the nuns I studied under were very smart and very cool. I came to respect them for their ability to deal effectively with grade-school kids. Whatta job.

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You folks are pikers, I spent four years in Catholic grammer schools, then did four years hard time in a Jesuit run catholic high school.

The Jesuit brothers in high school would whack ya' upside the head with a heavy book if you acted up, but the nun's in grammer school used a ruler on edge over the knuckles. I will take it upside the head with a text book any day in preference ;-)

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I spent grade school with the Francisans, High School and two years of College with Jesuits. I can't count the number of pointers I had broke over me. I had so many detention hours. during grade school I had to show up during the summer to work them off. I never once passed conduct finally after two years of College with them. We mutally agreed to part company, I wouldn't give up the woman and booze.

You know I wouldn't have missed it for world. It was great education, and nobody ever tried peek in my knickers. You know they never gave up on me, and were always fair. They were never satisfied until you gave it your best shot. They never took any crap from students or parents. I was listening at a door one time when one of wealthier students parents were called in. They were whining that it wasn't Johnny fault, the kid was a lying sneek, they were polite and said take Johnny to some other school. The parents came unglued, yelling threatening etc. Four nuns escorted them to door and said don't come back!

Some other time I tell ya about listening to people in confession, it was the altar boys best past time.

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I absolutely refused to attend a Catholic high school after eight years of gender segregation--or sorta, anyway. The local Catholic high schools were either girls' school or boys' school--totally segregated. I couldn't accept that after so many years of stunted social growth. So I went to a halfway decent, newly-built suburban high school and bumbled thru that.

On one hand, the quality of Catholic grammar school education and the basic discipline instilled therein was GOOD, but the constant religion-down-your-throat and gender separations were unhealthy. Not every boy wants to enter the priesthood, for pete's sake, and not every girl wants to enter the convent. Social isolation was injurious and slowed my maturity by years!!!

On the other hand, I was the class goof-off and got a recognition award for it. I could successfully pass notes in class under just about ANY circumstance. One develops a system of allies and briberies.

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What a small world. I did 8 years in Catholic elementary and 2 in High School, all male, most of the teachers were priests, a couple of Franciscan Brothers and laymen. The elementary school nuns were proficient with both pointer and ruler. :D

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Notice how we all think of it as "did" "had to" when we speak of the years spent in parochial school, like it was jail time, yet we universally appreciate the level of learnin' they imparted to us.

In my case any knowledge imparted musta' been beat into my sorry head!

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The librarian at our high school was fond of a certain punishment where you were required to stand with both arms straight out to the side with a big dictionary in each hand. And you had to stand for quite some time.

It gave me really good upper body strength which helps in shooting. Thanks Sister


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