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Over 40 And Still Kicking... Spoiler!


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+1 to RC.

He is just a class act all around. It's too bad that Tim Silvia just doesn't get it. He was whining so much about how people don't respect him.........jeez I wonder. He runs around the mall and grocery store wearing his belt while Randy is simply a hard working, humble competitor....I know who I respect.

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That 43 year old man pushed the pace of that fight for 25 solid minutes!!! :blink:


I'm a Matt Hughes fan, and like Rich Franklin, and the Babalu fight was a great upset, but Randy?!?! OH.........MY...............GOD!!!! :o

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Randy didnt have the cardio he used to, but he put on a great show of how far true grit and pure desire will get you.

also, he put Sylvia on the ground 10 seconds into the fight. Last person to do that was Alrovski over 2 years ago.

is it just me or did Randy not look much bigger than when he fought at 205? I know he only wieghed like 225 on fight night, but he looked just as trim.

Nice to finally see a fighter (or any athlete) that can be counted on as a role model for kids.

Now we all gotta wonder, who's next?!

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I was really impressed. He obviously had a gameplan and the discipline to stick to it and execute it well.

That was something he lacked in his fights with Chuck. Yeah, yeah, everyone has a plan until they get hit, I know, but he looked too anxious with Chuck and while I am no expert in these matters, everyone tells me you DO NOT chase that kind of power around the ring.

Randy may be too much of a competitor to stay patient for five rounds against Chuck but he looked AWESOME against Silvia, like a little wolverine jumping on a big ole' grizzly bear.

Silvia made Monson look unprepared and even looked goodon the ground, but against Randy he looked outclassed.

<shaking head> 43 years old.... :wacko:

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Nice to finally see a fighter (or any athlete) that can be counted on as a role model for kids.

And Franklin and Hughes; nice to see MMA guys can be other than tatooed MTV goof balls.

Edited by dirtypool40
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Randy was aggressive the whole fight, Silvia had a look of stunned surprise. Silvia's low left hand did him in, Randy came over the top with a right 20+ times. Each time the right connected, Randy shot in an took him down while Silvia recovered. Randy was just a madman the whole fight, his cardio could've been better but it wasn't a huge problem against a meatsack like Silvia.

Franklin and Hughes are both guys I want to see around for a long time, although admittedly I'm glad Hughes got his butt whooped by GSP. It'll make him an all-around better fighter and served him up a big cup of humility to go with his Iowa wrestler jock complex.

How about that skinny Kampmann's arm triangle? That was crazy, I thought he had about 10 more seconds to live and he busts out a submission from nowhere.

I wish they would kill the associations they have with professional wrestling. It definitely takes away from their credibility to have UFC Live on Thursdays followed by a round of steroid induced play-acting.

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Pickles, thank you for reminding me about Randy's crazy new overhand right. I thought his stand up looked WAY better than it ever has. Maybe training with Bas Rutten rubbed off on him a little. I cant wait to see him in the future, as well as whatever fighters come out of his new gym.

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This PPV snuck up on me and I missed it, but saw enough on you-tube to wish I had dropped $40 to see the whole thing.

On paper Randy should not have been able to beat Silvia, but I had a feeling Randy would pull it off. He's a nice guy and all that, but in a fight he's an animal.

My wife and I were mildly interested in Silvia (didn't know he was a weirdo about the belt) during the phase where he was showing improvement in every fight. Then he got lazy and we lost all interest.

I agree that Hughes needed to lose to GSP. In the rematch I hope he gives up on playing striker or GSP will eat him alive. Hope to see him go with what has always worked and dominate GSP like their first fight, although all I really want to see is a good fight where both fighters bring their "A" games to the fight.

I'm glad Rich pulled out the victory as well. Can't wait of the rematch. I like Rich too much to be objective about the Silva fight so I still maintain Rich didn't "look right" before that fight ever started and then he caught some heavy damage that Silva didn't begin to let him recover from. I'll go out on a limb and say Rich is going to get his revenge in the rematch.

I'm glad we have GSP and Silva in the mix. It was getting to the point where the only way we were ever going to see a competitive match against Franklin or Hughes would be for them to fight each other. Apparently they are good friends, because they had the opportunity to fight after their stint as coaches on the Ultimate Fighter, but neither were interested.

Kind of cool that UFC is the king of pay-per-view now, beating out HBO boxing and that stupid WWE garbage.

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On paper Randy should not have been able to beat Silvia, but I had a feeling Randy would pull it off. He's a nice guy and all that, but in a fight he's an animal.

I just wanted to add that Silvia looked horrible after the fight. His left eye was a total mess. I still shudder when I see Couture's nasty cauliflower ear, I love watching the fights but I don't have the guts to do it.

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Sylvia did look messed up, Randy put a beating on him. His eye was black, not purplely bruised, but solid black. The whole fight he had a look of shock on his face, like he thought he was gonna walk through Randy.

btw, Randy has had that ear for 20 years. That is NOT from any MMA fight he has ever had.

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