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Shooting With Better Shooters


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Last weekend I was visiting friends out of town and managed to get to a match. I saw an open GM drive in and knew that I had to squad with him, I'm B class L10. Just getting to watch how he moved his feet through a stage showed me where I'm lacking, it was impressive. I wish there were better shooters at my local matches, I feel that it is a great opportunity to learn watching M and GM shooters.

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  • 2 months later...

Every time I've squadded with better shooters, I've changed my mind about what is possible and ended up shooting a better match. Just seeing them do it and knowing that it can be done has made me better. I try to squad with them at least once every few matches. More than that and I don't have enough chance to catch up. :)

Edited by trevoro
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From a noob's perspective, I've been able to shoot and practice with shooters who are better than I am. Without their input, help and insight, it would've been a much longer road to where I am and want to be. Every now and then I even get a compliment :D I think that they like to see how I progress from their years of experience and insight. Had I been unwilling to accept any of their input, they would've stopped offering help long ago and I'd be stuck fending for myself. I know the major reason that my gf and I are as active as we are with the club we belong to is because of the great people that we've encountered since day one.

The goal is to be good enough to be able to "payback" their help and kindness to other new shooters one day. :)

Edited by Franksremote
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old story:

when I played serious tennis and played pre pro level, I always enjoyed and played better against better players. They elevated my level of game. That is a plus even if you lose.

Made me want to give it my all!!!

the same applies when I really work in a tactical setting.... time and stress and showing your wares so to speak, makes things jusy push the envelope to betterness!

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I was lucky when I first started shooting IPSC. I worked with a M shooter. He worked with me for three months before I even shot my first match. Then when I did shoot my first match he was there to help me.

Also when ever I go to other matches I try to shoot with different squads. Sometime shooters from my club will be there and will wonder why I am not squaded with them. I shoot with them all the time and it always good to watch other shooters. I this year at the Space City Challenge I was squaded with Travis T and Lee D from the USAMU. I learned quite a bit watching this guys shoot and also talking to them.

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DONT EVER FORGET THE mental game!! IN THIS SPORT, it is 95%mental. learn the physical and mental game. I for one has the physical

game but lacks on Mental game. now that i have achieved Master OPEN class,it is very easy to crash and burn!! LEARN THE MENTAL GAME!!

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My club used to have a GM, 2 M's, and one A. None of them shoot anymore. :angry: I have to drive a couple of hrs. to a club where there are some M's or GM's. I get to squad with Mink occasionally and he has shown me a lot of stuff. I just don't get to spend enough time with upper class shooters like that, so I went and took a class with Manny. I have found since I got back that I took away enough stuff from that class to have things to work on for a WHILE. :blink: But if a shooter can't swing the money (and New Zealand is a ways) I would say video and reading, and try to get to the club where the upper shooters are at least every 2-3 months. Try and take away one or two concepts with you. If you approach it right, that one or two concepts can keep your practices productive for several months until you can get back to the club with the better shooters. Same with the video and books. For me, concepts tend to take root a little better if I just work on one or two at a time.

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This winter I made several 5+ hour trips to S&W to shoot at the indoor winter matches, which were full of A's + M's.

It was worth every second of drive time and every cent of the (then) $2.70/gal. to gain the experience of those "above" you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

two A class shooters invited me to come to [church service] with them, i have improved so much, went from a C to a B in a matter of months. still need a lot of work,the mental part, but i'll get it sooner or later, hopefully sooner. First post kz45

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Thanks guys for all the advice

Im off next month to Queensland Australia to shoot a match

Cost about a week off work and $2000nzd but I think its worth it 8hrs in flights

Ive been watching a lot of ipsc dvds and I have found that the best thing is hat cam vids as you really see what speed is achievable

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Better shooters??


I hang out with the same guys in every match we get into. We have too much fun and cut up too much.

Our core group has 4 or 5 individuals and tends to grow depending on where we go and who else want to join the Senior goof off squad...I'm the youngest at 51!

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