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Ipsc Anti-doping Testing

Paul B

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Moderators, please note the direct and personal attacks by this poster posing behind a fake name.

YOU cast the first stone by taking a potshot at a personal friend of mine (VP) and now you want to take the high road? Give me your address and I'll send you a box of tissues.

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The truth hurts, does it? Some advice: Don't mistake personal friendship for honesty. This WADA policy is as unenforceable as the Production rules (another fine gift laden with 180 departures from previous statements...by the same guys...). So facing facts and accurately quoting our annointed leaders is now...bad?


They must do things differently there in the PI...oh, wait, they do :P

I'll try to shout loud enough to reach you down there in the gutter all by yourself...just because you missed it during the 12 times you posted here (and they were ALL worthwhile posts that added much to the issues at hand <_< ), here are the Forum rules AGAIN...

No antagonistic tones will be tolerated.

Please post respectfully or don't post at all.

Do try to play nice. You are on the BIG BOY BOARD now and your friends do not run things here, so take off your helmet, leave that window alone (yes, yes, I know windows just don't lick themselves, but give it a rest), and try to at least act like an adult.

Mods, please feel free to delete this post when you delete those posts. Thanks ;)


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Are too...Are not...Are too...Are not...Stop touching me...I'm not touching you...Are we there yet???!!! Apparently, cabin fever has set-in and the kids aren't playin' nice anymore... <_<

Fer gawds sake ladies...cinche up yer corsettes and unbunch yer panties. Somebody needs some trigger-time stat!!! It's gonna be that, or a FLEXMONEY issued spanking and timeout!!! :unsure:

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