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Tac Class Idea


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OK, I was thinking about an idea for a better(?) tactical class setup. Currently, I am running the JP short range rifle sight on the hand guard with a Simmons Pro Diamond on the flat top. The thing I don't like is that since I use the JP on all but ~ 75yard+ shots, the shorter sight radius isn't ideal.

So, here's my idea... Use a set of the Yankee Hill angle mounts to mount the Simmons on cant then get a DPMS rear iron sight to mount on the flattop (between the YH mounts) and go back to a regular front site post. That would give me a full sight radius for the vast majority of shots (and prevent having to cant the gun). Then I would just cant for the longer shots.

Thoughts? Benny... Kurt...

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How about getting rid of the JP irons and just use the scope for all of it. Open both eyes and use the diamond to bracket close targets. Pretty quick.------Larry

Thought about that, but the Simmons isn't a 1x. Min mag is 1.5x.

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I think I would do away with the "offset" mount for the turkey scope. Get the DPMS rear sight, and put a front sight all the way out on the barrel. Then I would take the scope....and........ sell it to someone and shoot iron. :D If you have full length iron might as well use them, besides we need more iron shooters! KURT

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you can shoot irons well, I'd say switch. However, using a single scope and shooting like Larry suggests is the best way...personally.

I've resolved that I'm going to have to build an iron sighted rifle and play tac irons once in a while. Damn I hate loading shotguns.


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How about getting rid of the JP irons and just use the scope for all of it. Open both eyes and use the diamond to bracket close targets. Pretty quick.------Larry

Thought about that, but the Simmons isn't a 1x. Min mag is 1.5x.

Scott is always looking for the better mousetrap! Buy the Meopta with the red dot and take the irons off. Start shooting and quit thinking about it, you're fast/good enough to do well without "over thinking the stage".

OBTW, I almost gave it to you on stage 2 Saturday! Those stinking Skunk targets in the cold wind teared me up so bad it was like looking through a SCUBA mask. I got more tears when I saw those two MIKES!!!!

+1 to kurt and lefty, irons rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until you need glasses to read and write your name!!!

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Okee-dokee! Let,s see I am 20-85 with 6 steps of nystigma in my shooting eye and 20-65 in my othere eye with 4 steps. Those shooting glasses I wear aren't that thick for safety....but wait theres more! Guy Hawkins, who is one hell of an iron sight shooter, is blind in his off eye and color blind in his shooting eye. Bruce Piatt needs corrective lenses to shoot with and even had lasik to get him to 20-150 with no glasses at all ( sorry If I miss-quote Bruce it has been a while since we talked about vision). To say you need perfect eyes to shoot iron is just plain false. All you need to do is find the right length for your sight radius and sqeeze the trigger a few thousand times and there you are. Kurt

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Okee-dokee! Let,s see I am 20-85 with 6 steps of nystigma in my shooting eye and 20-65 in my othere eye with 4 steps. Those shooting glasses I wear aren't that thick for safety....but wait theres more! Guy Hawkins, who is one hell of an iron sight shooter, is blind in his off eye and color blind in his shooting eye. Bruce Piatt needs corrective lenses to shoot with and even had lasik to get him to 20-150 with no glasses at all ( sorry If I miss-quote Bruce it has been a while since we talked about vision). To say you need perfect eyes to shoot iron is just plain false. All you need to do is find the right length for your sight radius and sqeeze the trigger a few thousand times and there you are. Kurt

When you're 51 and the world is a blur inside 10 feet I'll have sympathy for you....

Wait! There IS a front sight on that rife???!!

Here is the kicker as told by my Opthamalogist: "You had perfect eyes all you life and never needed any correction and so came to expect it. Then your world goes to a blur and there is really nothing I can do but give you reading glasses or let you spend $20M on Crystal lenses and HOPE they work. He gets more complaints from folks like me than the people he can actually help. There just isn't any more focus left! You can still focus!?

Keep shooting! Point me toward the targets...

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When you're 51 and the world is a blur inside 10 feet I'll have sympathy for you....

Wait! There IS a front sight on that rife???!!

Here is the kicker as told by my Opthamalogist: "You had perfect eyes all you life and never needed any correction and so came to expect it. Then your world goes to a blur and there is really nothing I can do but give you reading glasses or let you spend $20M on Crystal lenses and HOPE they work. He gets more complaints from folks like me than the people he can actually help. There just isn't any more focus left! You can still focus!?

Keep shooting! Point me toward the targets...


I just turned 53, and have had good vision all my life.....till 40 something.... :D Yup, now I need those silly glasses to read a book, menu, the bill at the restaurant, etc. I told my eye doctor a few years ago, that I wanted my old eyes back! He just laughed. Although, I've not shot highpower the last couple years, I would have no qualms about using iron sights. Now, you should invest in some Decot shooting glasses. Have your eye doctor write a prescription for the distance needed for a sharp front sight. It works for me for shooting limited pistol. The same prescription works fine for shooting iron with my rifles too.

I believe Kurt wears Decot's too. I know, they don't look as cool as Oakley's or whatever the latest glasses are, but they work. They put the optical center where you need it, not where you're eye is located when looking straight ahead. And, do not put a progressive prescription in them. Just a single. You'll be glad you did, whether you shoot iron or not.

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While I don't have Decots I did order a special pair of glasses that are 1.00x for the right eye and 1.25 for the left. They are "photo-gray" Cryzal triple throw down neat glasses and are just enough for rifle and pistol but not rapid fire.

Some folks don't understand Presbyopia. There is no Lasic for this. A good example between that and poor vison is two folks I know:

One is a well know GM and excellent gunsmith from central Texas who showed up at match in Waco with some new glasses that were about 2.00x. The front sight was CRYSTAL CLEAR but an 8" plate at 12-15 yards was totally out of focus so much that it was very hard to shoot. I told him I went with 1.00x to give me some distance and the FO front sight was fuzzy but usable. The ocular muscles won't focus and he left the match early and I haven't seen him shoot since.

The other is one of my PD guys in his 30s who has corrected vision from roughly 20-200 with prescription lenses. Here is the big difference. He can look at a target at 50 yards, put the gun in front of his eye and focus on the FRONT SIGHT and then back to the target. The Ocular muscle/lense still move....

With Bresbyopia, when you start shooting with lenses that give the front sight clearly they actually inhibit your distance focus. Try this, put on some 2.50X reading glasses and look at your front sight then to a 15 yard target. You'll see (or not!) The front sight is clear but the target isnt at all. Then try to run through a stage at GM speed like the previously mentioned guy does. With the 2.50X you might find it hard to walk let alone run!

The Crystal lense has bunches of lenses on the lense that let your eye find the ones you want for the distance you are looking. It appears to be a good idea but I know of no faster/upper level shooters who have tried them. They are BIG $$$$.

That is why Tactical rifle is so good for us old guys!!!

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I feel like the odd man out. I am only 37, well 38 next week, and have had lasik and see 20/20. I have great night vision and can really pick out targets, animals, etc. (Grew up hunting in Montana) My only problem is the lack of enough rounds down range on a regular basis, Damn job.

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I mean this in a good way only!!

I hope you live long.............enough to enjoy.....Presbyopia!!!

Medical science is advancing well and one of these days we may not worry about stuff like this.

Geez, the only thing that really bothers me about getting old is my loss of vision.

The rest is Ok. I spend more time now sitting around reading or watching TV and now I don't have the eyes for it!!!

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Wish my old eyes were the only problem, my Decots (R=1 x L=1.75x) allow me to shoot iron rifle and for as long as this last, I will. The Decots have pretty flat lenses, that means less distortion in the upper corner this makes the front post clearer. To shoot a handgun I have to change eye ware, Rudy’s with an insert (R=1 x L=1.25). For me, shooting with both eyes open, I see the target and the front sight.

Or maybe I just think I can?


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...OBTW, I almost gave it to you on stage 2 Saturday! Those stinking Skunk targets in the cold wind teared me up so bad it was like looking through a SCUBA mask. I got more tears when I saw those two MIKES!!!!. . .

I know... less than 3 points! My Mike on the same stage cost me 2nd. Looks like Dick was on fire!

As far as the mousetrap goes, I am leaning towards the Meopta. Now, if I can just find one for ~ $600...

Edited by stockton
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I forgot to mention (middle age moments, strike again!) that my prescription was written as a "compromise". Front sight is sharp enough to use, targets at almost any distance slightly blurry. But, nothing is blurry enought to be unsafe while moving during shooting. If I'm using a timer or writing scores, well, then I have to stretch my arms a bit. :)

Kurt, will 2 years bring you to 40 or 50? Somehow I don't think 2 years will slow you down. I do believe you have mentioned rounds downrange on a regular basis. Nahhh...that can't have anything to do with success. :D

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...OBTW, I almost gave it to you on stage 2 Saturday! Those stinking Skunk targets in the cold wind teared me up so bad it was like looking through a SCUBA mask. I got more tears when I saw those two MIKES!!!!. . .

I know... less than 3 points! My Mike on the same stage cost me 2nd. Looks like Dick was on fire!

As far as the mousetrap goes, I am leaning towards the Meopta. Now, if I can just find one for ~ $600...

Your mike on stage 2 didn't cost you second! My 2 mikes cost me....hmmm nope, I still wouldn't have caught Dick..

Go back and figure OUR score without any mikes big boy, You're almost there but....

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I feel like the odd man out. I am only 37, well 38 next week, and have had lasik and see 20/20. I have great night vision and can really pick out targets, animals, etc. (Grew up hunting in Montana) My only problem is the lack of enough rounds down range on a regular basis, Damn job.

Enjoy it while you can! If I could pick one age to live forever it would be 39 (maybe 40).

You're old enough to be wise/smart enough to do things right. Probably have a good enough job to afford to do what you'd like (along with a savings/retirement) but still young enough to have the good physical condition to do those things you like to do. After 40 the physical starts (slowly) to go away but you get to look forward to retirement. Then go figure the Psychological side. I've spent all of my adult life doing my current job and will quit doing it to retire. It is what defines me. Will I just become another bum during the week carrying a sign that says "will work for ammo"????

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