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Let's Wheel Through The Northeast This Summer!


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If you saw my post on flying into NYC with guns, you already know about my "great idea" to shoot two great USPSA matches on consecutive weekends this coming July. I want to invite all you wheelgunners to join Sam and me at these two matches:

Summer Blast, York PA, July 14-15

Area 7/AWARE, Morrisville VT, July 21-22

Summer Blast in '06 was a great experience, and extremely well-attended by Revolver division faithfuls, I think we had 24 roundguns there. The "Three Amigos" took first, second, and third places last year. Will you guys let that happen again?? ;)

This year Area 7 and AWARE are one and the same match, in north-central Vermont, beautiful country for a shooting match. Reigning champions John Sardina and GM Dave Parker will be defending their respective titles, but they're going to have to shoot hard to do it--there can only be one first-place winner! :)

There's a ton of serious wheelgun talent in the Northeast already, and plane flights are quite reasonable right now for those who would be traveling in from other areas. So let's go, guys--let's put together a bunch of revolver squads and make these matches rock and roll!

Who's in??

Edited by Carmoney
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It's not as easy finding a site to host the Area 7 Championship as some seem to think. The Metro East Section chose not to exercise their option in the rotation, and there was no big push from any other clubs wanting to run it.

Also, there has been Area growth in parts northeast. We have two clubs in Vermont and two in Maine, so it seemed reasonable when the GMPS folks ask that I consider adding their quadrant to the rotation. I also did not get any objections from any of the SCs when I called and asked them.

Although I would have had some thinking to do if one of the SC's said "give it to my club so it doesn't become merged with the AWARE", there is also a question of general fairness. It might not be reasonable to tell a club "Sorry, you're doing too good a job of running a match that is not an Area Championship so I'll disqualify you because you did too much hard work for the sport and the members."

The upside is that the GMPS crew knows how run an absolutely first rate match.

The squadding model is going to be 9 rotations, and you'll do chrono right after shooting one stage, so you will not "consume" one of those 9 rotations without getting in a stage. There will be one shot time per day, but the squad size will be small (Scott Chapman asked me to set up on-line squadding with 8 per squad), to the RO's should be finished with their work by mid afternoon. You won't have megasquads running a really long day.


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For those of you folks that would bring the family there is plenty to do in either location

during that time of year. The Aware match is a great match, props/stages are first rate,

you won't believe the effort that goes into the stages.

Both match's are benefit match's I believe also, part of your match fee is tax deductable :)

For the more adventurous types you could always fly into PA and then fly out of

New Hampshire or Boston :blink:

Sign up to shoot the SB on Sunday and then shoot the A7/AWARE on Friday ??

Means you could travel on Sat or Sunday maybe and use a full week of vaca instead of

a Friday here and a Monday there.

Hey ya know what ??? somebody here was refered to as a "hippie" IIRC, they should come

out for at least the Vermont match, they still have some of them up there :lol:

Whoever comes I don't think you'll be sorry, both clubs put on a great match and the SB is

only $75 :o

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Just wondering, what wold be the round count for Summer Blast, York PA, July 14-15, and for Area 7/AWARE, Morrisville VT, July 21-22. What's the match fee for Area7/AWARE? What does AWARE stand for?

How many competitor slots are there for each? Do they fill up fast?

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Just wondering, what wold be the round count for Summer Blast, York PA, July 14-15, and for Area 7/AWARE, Morrisville VT, July 21-22. What's the match fee for Area7/AWARE? What does AWARE stand for?

How many competitor slots are there for each? Do they fill up fast?

The AWARE in VT has generally had plenty of slots, however, this is the first year when it's also been the Area 7 so a fill-up is quite possible. There will be 9 squads of 8 shooters on Thrus, Fri and Sat (one shoot time per day).

The AWARE match has moved more than many floating card games. It was originally held at the Harvard club in MA; moved to the Long Island Practical Shooters; then on to Watervliet, NY (near Albany); and has now arrived at its current home in Morrisville, VT. This match was originally started as a local match to benefit www.aware.org, about 12 years ago, and grew into a first rate major match.

If you are going to do a great circle route and shoot both matches, I expect you'll get reasonable cooperation form the match staff at each end. I believe AWARE will have Fri, Sat and Sun shooting and *possibly* some on Thursday.

The registration fee and match info will be on www.area7aware.com in the not too distant future.

You can expect great stages, mostly grass turf shooting ranges (I think one range has dirt instead of grass), and artwork that is absolutely second to none.

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