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What Can I Do To My Glock And Still Be In The Production Class?


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I've got a glock 17 and am interested shooting production class and want to know what I can do to it.

I got new sights with fiber optic front.

3.5 trigger--but would like to get it better

brass mag well

grip tape

and was thinkin of a tungsten guide rod

Also what about these new aluminum frames??


Edited by Grinch
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I've got a glock 17 and am interested shooting production class and want to know what I can do to it.

I got new sights with fiber optic front.

3.5 trigger--but would like to get it better

brass mag well

grip tape

and was thinkin of a tungsten guide rod

Also what about these new aluminum frames??


Guide rod - NO

Brass Magwell - NO

Sights - Yes

Grip Tape - Yes

Aluminum Frame - NO

You can change the barrel and you can change the mag release to the longer one(NO add on button) all parts externally must be on Stock Glock pistols.The tungsten guide rod look different from the outside therefore external modification.

External modifications are not allowed.

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Guide rod - NOThe tungsten guide rod look different from the outside therefore external modification.

External modifications are not allowed.

well, apparently john amidon told someone on this forum that replacement guiderods are ok, even though they may appear to be an external modification.

see this thread:


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Certainly use Tru-Grip and better sights.

The RS trigger kit is a step in the right direction.

If you want a better magazine release, pick up Glocks factory extended one. It is legal in Production. The extended slide release lever is legal also, if thats your thing.

Magwells are a no-no in Prod, but that's what makes our division so much fun!

Link to RS trigger kit

Link to Charlie Vanek Trigger kit

Both kits are excellent...I tend to lean more towards the Vanek, but for the money, the RS kit is a tremendous value.

Link to the best grip tape on the freakin' planet!

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I'm goin' for:

- New sights (Dawson adjustables)

- Grip recontour (APS when he gets back) or my own

- RS or CGR trigger job

- Maybe some slide contouring/front serrations

- Tungsten non-captured guide rod and 13# ISMI spring

After that, no clue. I'm probably illegal for production. Oh well, gives me a new L-10 and Limited gun to plink with.


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I'm pretty sure the grip and slide contouring are not legal in production.

Guide rods are OK , and replacement barrels of the same general dimensions as stock..

Magwell is not allowed in Production.

Travis F.

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The gun must be no heavier than 2 oz above the factory configuration.

Guiderods are legal. (don't go over the total weight limit)

Sights are legal as long as the new sights are still notch and post type. It is legal to recut the slide to accept different sights.

Refinishing the slide is legal.

New barrels are legal as long as they are the same length/contour as the factory barrel (you can't use a 7" custom barrel in a G17). (don't go over the total weight limit)

Internal work is legal, examples of this are trigger work and spring swapping.

You may use the extended magazine release that Glock manufactures for the G34/G35.

Griptape is legal on the frame only, no griptape on the slide.

No magwells, no Seattle slugs, no plugs in frame gap allowed.

Recontouring the frame or modifying the slide is not Production legal.

Factory baseplates must be used on the magazines, weight may not be added to the magazines.

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Didn't mean to drift the thread...

It's a spoofy comment from Kung Pow-Enter The Fist.

From IMDB:

Chosen One: Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.

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Griptape is legal on the frame only, no griptape on the slide.

This true?

I hope not.

It is true, I'm sorry to say. What if I had lightening cuts machined into my slide and then covered the illegal holes with grip tape? See the problem?

Same with the Glock grip plug, sure it's not a Glock-made accessory (that right there should be enough to make it illegal) but what if I put lead weight in hole and covered it with the plug?

Bloody gamers... :D

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I've got a glock 17 and am interested shooting production class and want to know what I can do to it.

What makes you think you have to do anything to your gun?

'cause Glock triggers and sights are HORRIBLE!


Sights maybe, but I have no issue with the trigger

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It is true, I'm sorry to say. What if I had lightening cuts machined into my slide and then covered the illegal holes with grip tape? See the problem?

Was there a Sedro Wooley ruling on that somewhere? Or in the rule book.

The same could be said for modifications to the grip, then putting grip tape all over those.

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It is true, I'm sorry to say. What if I had lightening cuts machined into my slide and then covered the illegal holes with grip tape? See the problem?

Was there a Sedro Wooley ruling on that somewhere? Or in the rule book.

The same could be said for modifications to the grip, then putting grip tape all over those.


one of my friends got moved to Open from Production on the second to last day of the Open/Production Nats this year for one piece of grip tape on the slide forward of the ejection port. It was ruled an external modification not on the list of specifically approved ones......

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