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Vv N320 Vs. Tg For .40 Minor


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I have been reloading 9mm for a while now and have been using N320. I really like it alot, except for the cost. I find that it is clean, soft, and meters well. That said, I am almost out of it and need to buy some more powder. I also am going to be reloading .40 in the next few weeks and would like to keep my powders the same if I can.

I see a lot of people use TiteGroup for .40, and they reccomend it to me. Is it any better/worse than N320, other than price? Also, if you prefer one over the other, please let me know why, and give the specs on your load for either .40, 9mm, or both.

FYI, I use 147gr Raniers in 9mm, and I am gonna try some 185gr LaserCasts in .40. Only looking for minor right now.

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This probably won't be helpful but I will chime in anyway. I haven't used both powders, only TiteGroup since I began reloading in May.

Are you looking for a major or minor load?

I have been really pleased with the performance of my loads both for reliabiity and accuracy. I am using 165gr FP Rainier bullets.

For minor loads I have used

4.0 gr 1.15 OAL Avg PF = 133

3.5 gr 1.12 OAL Avg PF = 127 (one round out of 10 rd string was below minor PF)

4.3 gr 1.12 OAL Avg PF = 145

4.8 pr 1.12 OAL Avg PF = 158

4.8 gr 1.165 OAL Avg PF = 156

I have settled on 3.7-4.0 gr 1.15 OAL. This load has a nice soft recoil and my gun cycles 100% of the time with it.

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Here's another poor data point. For just over a year I used n320 exclusively for .45acp, .40 and 9mm, though I mostly shoot .40. Then I couldn't find it in 4lb containers, and some people selling 1lb containers were selling them for $29.95, or something (IMO) outrageous.

So I bought a big jug of Titegroup. I've loaded 180's JHP's at major pf -- about 4.5-4.6gr, same as with n320 -- and can't say I can feel a difference out of my G35. For practice, I have a bunch loaded with 4.0-4.2gr, which is a minor load (though well over the floor), and that feels fairly soft. I have not yet experimented with anything under 4.0gr, but in any event I don't see the point in spending what VV 320 costs anymore, now that I've started using Titegroup.

I have no doubt there are differences, and maybe 320 might burn more cleanly < 4.0gr, but for what I need TG sure seems great.

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Do you have to use roughly the same amounts of powder to make the same PF? Like 4.5-4.6 for both powders to make about the same PF?

Guess I gotta help out someone from CCIDPA!

In my SV:

4.1 gr. Titegroup @ 1.185, .423 crimp, WSP, 185 gr. Precision RNFPs on 90° day = 168 PF

4.3 gr. Titegroup @ 1.185, .423 crimp, WSP, 185 gr. Precision RNFPs on 50° day = 167 PF

4.4 gr. N320 @ 1.185, .423 crimp, WSP, 185 gr. Precision RNFPs on 90° day = 170 PF

Haven't done a lot of Bill drills yet to check splits, but recoil is the same. MIGHT seem to get better sight tracking with N320, but I don't have objective data yet. N320 definitely burns cleaner and makes less smoke. N320 is definitely 20%+ more expensive!

Hope that helps.


Edited by stockton
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Un-researched? Have you used either of them before for .40 or 9mm minor?

I made minor in 40 on with both powders , just barely minor , in my quest for a 172 ish PF major load.

I have not ever tried to load 40's at 125-130 PF.

I assume from your post you are looking to load 40 minor ?

TG burns alot cleaner in major 40 than in major 45 .

Maybe it burns fine in minor 40 too , I dunno.

I'm thinking N320 would still burn fairly well , even at sub minor PF loads.

I could also be wrong.

Travis F.

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Well, I have another question... I looked at a couple of different gun shops today, and could not find any Tite Group or VV N320 and I am out of N320. I do have some Win. 231 left and I want to know if I can use that until I get some TG? If so, what is a good .40 minor load for that?

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Sportsmans Warehouse........ Lewisville. They've got plenty. :)

If you want to try some out, and they ARE sold out (doubtful), I've got about a little less than half of a 1lb. jug that you are welcome to have and play with.


Edited by cnemikeman
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Well after shooting some of my .40 loads this past weekend at IDPA, here are a few observations.

1st, Tite Group is soft, flat, and clean. I do like it so far, and it really does not need much at all, much like N320.

2nd, I had never shot lead bullets before this past weekend, and the smoke was a big problem for me. I was shooting my roommate's G22 with the stock white dot front sight, and in the smoke, I could not see it clearly. On my G17 I have the HiViz fiber front which is so bright I would still be able to see it. I bought him a HiViz sight sunday at the gun show. Either way, after I shoot the 1k lead bullets I have, it is back to plated or jacketed bullets for me. Too much smoke.

3rd, I think I will need a lighter recoil spring in my STI as I was literally waiting in the slide while emptying the mag on a Popper. I think it has a 13# now, I will try an 11#.

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  • 3 months later...
3rd, I think I will need a lighter recoil spring in my STI as I was literally waiting in the slide while emptying the mag on a Popper. I think it has a 13# now, I will try an 11#.

even shooting minor your not able to out run the slide with a 13 pound spring...its not possible

by the numbers, a heavier spring will open slower, close faster.. a lighter spring will open faster and close slower.

just another observation, you shouldnt need to shoot a popper more than once. ;)

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I bought a pound of N320 at the last show with intentions of trying it for my major loads. We've had a spell of warmer weather here this week so I thought I would load up a few different loads and chrono them. I was gonna load 4.6, 4.8 and 5.0 under a 180 just to get a feel for them but could not get it to meter very well at all. Starting at 4.6 and dumping the first 4 pulls I would get readings from 4.5 to 4.9. Adjusted powder measure and rechecked scales till I was blue in the face. Never could get a consistent measure.

I'm gonna use the N320 as my practice loads until I run out and will be going back to the TG for my match loads.


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I shoot n320 and Tg for minor loads. Also Im shooting them out of Glock for my point of refrence. If the $$$$ isnt issue use N320 I cant see any diff in accuracy what so ever but in minor 320 burns so much cleaner and it just feels better through the gun when it goes bang IMO. Also if you double charge a case with N320 you can see, TG :blink: !??! I feel N320 makes a great minor/range load. Oh Im running 180gr Zeros for my minor loads.

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