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Dennis Wins Targeting Education


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Ole Tom Mainus,and Gary C didn't just let him have it.....

But Congratulations go out to Dennis Smith............

2006 Targeting Education Revolver Champion!!!!! :)

Looking at the results...........Man what a show of wheelgun prowess!!!!! good shooting guys/gals.

Keep up the good work.


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Congratulations to Dennis!!! He shot one helluva match, and definitely deserves the win. I was planning on shooting with him, but came to realize that shooting the revolver is a lot of work when doing a major match, and I just didn't have time to ready my equipment properly (I usually chamber check, moon-up, clean the revo, and do a little dry-fire), so I "chickened" out and shot single stack. MD'ing and shooting are tough enough, but MD'ing and revo shooting are waaaaay too much for me. It was all worth it though, to see the competitors having a good time even in the oppressive heat we had (95+ degrees with heat indexes over 100). I wish Cheetahs hadn't gone minor...it woulda been fun to see where he would of placed. He was a sport about it though. After a DQ at Summer Blast and going minor at TE, I hope he'll still shoot with me!!! :P Michigan Sectional is in two weeks...we'll see. Thanks again for all the revo guys who came out!!!


Edited by Barrettone
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Thanks Guys,

I owe it all to my wife and her fear of chickens. I also tried to shoot like Bob Perdue

Tom or Gary if you are on this forum, how did you shoot stage ten? Did you skip the drop turners?

Better try to shoot like Jerry. ;)

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Congrats to Dennis, He shot on Saturday so I didn't get to see him shoot. I knew it was going to be close. I got out of Dodge on my Harley before they said who had won, that thunderstorm was to close so I left, I got soaked going home. I shot a pretty good match, no major brain farts, just lots of little things that added up over the course of the match. Re-loads were not working real well, fumbled a couple. Had to make up a couple of shots on easy paper, no extra re-loads required but where the hell did that bullet go?

The stages were awesome. Not a lot of gadgets, couple swingers and drop turners. Just all out freestyle shooting, it was a blast. Thanks to all of the staff for putting up with the heat to put on a great match. It was probably the most comfortable I ever was at a match when it was that hot. Literally a fan going on every stage to keep us cool. This is a must attend match in the future. Hotels are 3 miles from the range and the hotels are at the airport. Can't get any easier for out of town people flying in for the match.

Dennis, stage 10, yes and no. Looking back I should have skipped both of them. I took the first one because it turned pretty fast and it was right there and I skipped the second one. This meant an extra re-load(for me) to engage the last array by the second drop turner. Should of skipped them both and got rid of the extra re-load, my time would have been about 3 sec's faster.


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