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Uspsa Section Coordinators


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Any Section Coordinators out there.

I am new to being a section coordinator and I have a question about national slots. Please PM me, I do not want to post the exact question here.



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I think I got your question answered in email. But, might as well throw it out here for everybody...

Doug was asking me about the number of Nationals slots that his section recieved. I thik he was wondering why they got the number of slots that they did.

Slots are earned by the Section based on the amount of activity that the section had the year before. USPSA calls this "mission count". You get something like 3 mission count points per shooter, plus a 0.25 bonus if the shooter is a member of USPSA.

So, all the clubs in the section combine to get a mission count total that represents the activity within that section for the year. (Note, major matches are a HUGE driver of activity.)

Then, USPSA takes all the misson count points earned throughout all of USPSA and compares that to the number of slots they have available to give out. They do a little math and come up with a number that correlates to a slot being worth X amount of mission count.

So, a section gets a fair amount of slots, based on how much activity they produced.

The Section, then, should divide the slots up according to the Section by-laws.

(The question my Match Directors and Section Members often ask is...'how come we don't get a number of slots equal to the number of clubs that we have in the section' ?)

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Maybe this should be a new thread but I'm gonna try to hijack this one. :D How does your section determine who gets the slots? What method do you prefer?

I am close to two sections. One gives out slots to whom they want, and the other has qualifier matches to determine who gets the slots. I much prefer the matches. Anybody else?

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That ought to be covered in the Sections By-laws...

There is a bit about them in the USPSA By-laws as well, but it doesn't seem realistic (for all circumstances)

In Ohio, we distribute the slots to the Match Directors (in order of mission count). Then the MD's decide who in their club has earned a slot.

Edited by Flexmoney
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Way back when, South Texas section used to have a series of Natl qualification matches...5 to be exact and you got to throw out the worst one...then the slots were handed out dependent on your finish on those 4 other matches...a pretty good system...

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