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Where Are The Cartoons?


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Okay, for the last couple of days I've been trying to find the cartoons that got the Dutch in dutch with no success. Anyone have a link? Is there really a patron saint of humor when you need one?

Huh? Guess I am a little slow tonight cause I am clueless.... :huh:

And, it might be that you have just been to damn bad to warrant any good karma....

Edited by Merlin Orr
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Come on Merlin, get your finger out of the....outlet, and watch the news, read a paper or listen to the radio. Jihad is upon us man, the towel heads are boycotting cheese for Christ's, uh, Mohammad's sake:

Followers of Islam around the world have been making similar calls for the past week in response to 12 cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad as a terrorist, published in Dutch daily Jyllands-Posten last September and reprinted in a Norwegian magazine earlier this month.


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It got the Danish in "trouble", not the Dutch. Apperantly a couple of muslims got very pissed. I guess you could see that one coming from a mile away... ;)

I didn't find the cartoons very funny actually (not because they were provocative, though I must admit that I don't really like jokes with a primary goal other than being funny), but to react as if your world collapses...

I would just shrug and move on, but I guess I would not be a good fanatic in any kind of religion ;)

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Sweden and Switzerland seem to frequently be confused by the geographically challenged as well. Danish - Dutch, it's understandable in this instance Dale, as there have been some high profile murders in the Netherlands related to the criticism of Islam.

Edited by carinab
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Making fun of the beliefs of others..... <_< Like we don't have enough problems between Muslim and Christian believers already. Some people take this s*#t seriously.

People argue over politics - they kill over religion.

Edited by Merlin Orr
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Normal people can discuss Religion, Politics and maybe even sports. Fanatics on the other hand must be pointed out, pointed at, ridiculed and shamed into oblivion or we risk giving their self righteous insanities credence. There were many Christians very upset over some obscene art work displayed in prominent places not long ago. The "art" was in poor taste to say the least but I do not recall masked and armed Jesus freaks kidnapping artists and demanding the whole world surrender.

And just to keep the humor in this thread I have a question: If Muslims have not been able to depict the prophet for the last 1400 years how in the world did they recognize him in a cartoon??? :lol:

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