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2006 Summer Blast July 7-9

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Raining most of the week in the area (major flooding) but it appears the worst of it has missed York.

Just came from the range and, while it's a bit muddy in some places, it's in pretty good shape. Very hopeful that things stay that way. Weather forecast looks promising through next week.

All of us here are crossing fingers, toes, etc.

A bit muddy? A bit muddy sounds GREAT to me! After Friday last year, muddy is a relief. For those of you who missed it, see http://lchico.5u.com/blast/05photo.html

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Summer Blast Statistician

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There is a link on the Summer Blast website to the "revolver gathering." To get there directly, try http://lchico.5u.com/blast/revo.html

You will find directions to Wheelies from each of the Summer Blast hotels. I plan to email this link to all revolver shooters in the match (in a day or two, when I have time to catch up my other chores :P )

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Summer Blast Statistician

(and honorary member of the Revive the Revolver Association :) )

A copy of this post was added to the Summer Blast thread on the Revolver Forum

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This will be my first time out to Summer Blast can someone tell me what the parking situation is like at the range?? Basically I'm just trying to decide if I need to drive my truck out or if I can drive the car to save on gas?? Can I get in and out of the range easily in a small car?

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This will be my first time out to Summer Blast can someone tell me what the parking situation is like at the range?? Basically I'm just trying to decide if I need to drive my truck out or if I can drive the car to save on gas?? Can I get in and out of the range easily in a small car?

Gravel roadways --- parking on grass, level ground for all of it.....

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I can't wait either, the wife and I are leaving in just a couple hours. I'm not shooting until Sunday but we're going to head down to Gettysburg tomorrow for some sight seeing after checking checking out the range Sat morning.

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We got back from Summer Blast several hours ago. As always, Larry and his staff ran a great match as well as very challenging. If you have not attended yet, put this match on your calender for next year. It promises to be great!!

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I would like to congratulate Larry for an extremely enjoyable, and well run match! We shot yesterday.

As far as administration, Linda Chico makes this match run very efficiently. I believe she is one of the best in USPSA - if not all of IPSC. Great job by Linda, her crew & especially Henry Swartout on stats.

The York IWLA & Howard Thompson provided a terrific venue yesterday w/ no rain and perfect temperature.

Our squad moved through the stages easily and we were joined by a gentleman who had traveled from Canada (Open division IPSC shooter) just to shoot this match; I believe it was worth the trip! Everyone on our squad showed exceptional sportsmanship (and good humor) and I guess that really contributed to what a good time I had. However, everyone else I saw was pleased with this match and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I take this to be, in part, a testament to the fine stage design. Overall, this was one of the best competitions I have shot this years.



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Got home about an hour ago. Hats off to all the staff, it was a GREAT match. Good long stages. Shooting a revo you really had to do some thinking. Thanks to all involved.

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Yep thouroughly enjoyed the day ! Great job by the staff to keep things running smoothly and it was a beautiful shooting day weather wise..

Thanks to all the staff who volunteered their time to a great match once again..

Jeff B..

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This match was nothing less than spactacular. Larry Houck with his in your face wide open targets that encourage you to go fast and Linda with her posting of the final results before dinner. Now that is dedication. Hats off to everybody that worked the match, from the Range Officers to the kids picking up the brass, without all of the help there is no match.

Job well done.

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Please check your hit factors and contact me at the email address below if you see any problems. During the match Sunday at around 10:00 AM, I had an error message on the computer, that kicked me out of the scoring program. When I restarted it, nothing appeared to be different, but at the end of the match, 60 stage scores (10 each on 6 different stages) were no longer in the system. We had paperwork to verify we had entered them all earlier. We scrambled to re-enter the missing scores. We had basically lost an hour of work.

Since then, several shooters have contacted me to inform me of errors (people marked minor who should be major, misspelled names I corrected once already). I will leave the "preliminary" results up so that everyone has a chance to check their numbers. I have all the original scoresheets and chrono sheets to verify any emailed information. I do not plan to post on USPSA's site or send results to the folks doing the awards until I can be sure of the results. I apologize for the delay.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Summer Blast Statistician


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Looked at the prelim results and what a close race in Open. Wish I could of made it too the match. Learned my lesson on that one, have to sign up early next yr.


How about the top two in Limited? 0.258 difference in match points.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2006 Summer Blast Statistician

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NOT only OPEN and LTD......

But Production was won by 16 match points, and Revo by 22..........If preliminary results stand.!!!!

Pretty Impressive..........Looking forward to the Nationals??????

That will be fun to watch.......In most all divisions.

What about the 24 revolver shooters??? That is quite a bunch, maybe even a record or something??? (Note: And it wasn't even the smallest division either! )

man I hate I missed it, sure would have liked Travis and Todd to trounce me as long as I got to see some of that!!!! ;)


Edited by BIGDEER
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As perfect a match as can ever be found ! Big, challenging, and fast with stages that had dozens of options. Could not have been better, by any measure. If they can run a premier event with 10 stages cycling hundreds of shooters through in a half day format, why are we killing ourselves with all-day format major matches everywhere else that become more of a physcial endurance challenge than a skills test?? Seriously, this should be the prototype match for the future of our sport. Hats off to Larry, Linda, Howard, and everyone else who makes this match as good as it is. ;)

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Just got home, exhausted but happy. I had a terrific time and did OK (for me).

It was great working with Larry, Gary, Paul, and everyone else. You guys are amazing.

Special thanks to Ron Jenks, Terry Stevens, and Steve Rubacalba. It was a pleasure working with you.

I'd also like to thank the shooters. I learned a lot watching you guys and your help with resetting the stage helped us stay on schedule. We even finished up a little early.

Thanks again to everyone for a fantastic match.

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Great match, and thanks to Larry, Linda, Henry, and the rest of the staff.

I shot it Friday afternoon, and couldn't have been in a more terrific squad of folks who were great sportsmen. My father drove up from DC, and he had never seen a USPSA match (or any shooting match, for that matter) before, so I put him to work collecting/organizing the score sheets....<grin>

I thought the stages were a great mix, though I hit rock-bottom on that Standards stage (4?) with *six* mikes. Ouch. But I haven't shot in a while, and otherwise felt pretty good. Terrific weather, terrific company and terrific match!

I also liked how easy it was to get to -- flew into BWI via SouthWestAir for under $100 round-trip from RDU, and rented a car. Since I had a car rental voucher, I don't think I could have driven to the match from NC as cheaply! And I like how there were IPSC target signs and arrows right off Exit 10 -- I wonder how many folks not going to match saw those and wondered, WTF? "Propane bottle sale?" :)

Out of curiosity, it was a bit hard to get a cold beer with dinnner, in that area. Went to a Chinese restaurant, who steered me to some "beer store" way out of town, who (because I didn't want to buy a *case*, which is all they sold) steered me to another restaurant, that sold by the 6, then back to the Chinese restaurant. Apparently, brown-baggins is fine. Felt like a degenerate alcoholic, but just wanted a cold beer with dinner after the match. Is that area around York a dry county?

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"Just need to ask the match staff, we know were you can find the goods!"

Great match, and thanks to Larry, Linda, Henry, and the rest of the staff.

I shot it Friday afternoon, and couldn't have been in a more terrific squad of folks who were great sportsmen. My father drove up from DC, and he had never seen a USPSA match (or any shooting match, for that matter) before, so I put him to work collecting/organizing the score sheets....<grin>

I thought the stages were a great mix, though I hit rock-bottom on that Standards stage (4?) with *six* mikes. Ouch. But I haven't shot in a while, and otherwise felt pretty good. Terrific weather, terrific company and terrific match!

I also liked how easy it was to get to -- flew into BWI via SouthWestAir for under $100 round-trip from RDU, and rented a car. Since I had a car rental voucher, I don't think I could have driven to the match from NC as cheaply! And I like how there were IPSC target signs and arrows right off Exit 10 -- I wonder how many folks not going to match saw those and wondered, WTF? "Propane bottle sale?" :)

Out of curiosity, it was a bit hard to get a cold beer with dinnner, in that area. Went to a Chinese restaurant, who steered me to some "beer store" way out of town, who (because I didn't want to buy a *case*, which is all they sold) steered me to another restaurant, that sold by the 6, then back to the Chinese restaurant. Apparently, brown-baggins is fine. Felt like a degenerate alcoholic, but just wanted a cold beer with dinner after the match. Is that area around York a dry county?

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