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My 550 Is Spitting My Primers- Help

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Recently i started to notice that when i do the return stroke. mayby 1 out of 5 times. the new primer falls off before i can prime the resized bullet.

Can anybody suggest something. Its becoming annoying.



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More information required please.

1. What do you mean by falls off. Does the primer trip out of the seating cup before the primer seating bar is under the shell plate platform?

2. What Calibre?

3. What Brand of Cases?

4. New, Once Fired or Many Fired? Does the primer fail to enter the primer pocket (crimped pocket?)

5. What Primer? Does the primer sit high in the cup seating cup?

And anything else you can think of that may help us.

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If the slide that the primer carrier moves on is not clean, or if the primer bar is in a physical bind, it will "jerk" when moving from front to back causing the primer to jump out of the cup holding it. Sometimes a good cleaning and lubricating with a dry lubricant will take care of the problem.



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Had that problem recently. I had simply worn out a few widgets in the primer feed. That and the previous owner of the press had shortened the return spring causing a jerking motion on the return stroke.

Pick up a couple of Dillons spare parts kits. Replace the following parts:

Flexible orifice - P/N 14003 or 14024

Primer seating punch - P/N 13967 or 13757

Primer seating cup - P/N 13824 or 13825

Primer seating cup spring - P/N 14033

Primer slide return spring - P/N 13928

I changed the return spring first. Helped but didn't cure the problem. Changed out the rest of the parts and got it working as advertised. While you've got the system apart, clean and dry lube the slide and ensure the silde moves freely along the primer housing.

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Sorry for the late reply.

I removed the primer magazine or whatever that black thing is that holds the primer feed thing.

and its dirty as hell. muck all over. I cleaned it up and will try it this weekend. thanks for the replies guys


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