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Blowing Up My Friggin' Gun...

Chris Rhines

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Replace for $250.00? I have replaced our pistols, When I new damn well it was a double charge for nothing!!!! ;)


Damn! Now that's customer service. I didn't think anyone would do that.

But at the same time, if I know I screwed up, I would have a hard time asking someone else to pay for it.

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Damn! Now that's customer service. I didn't think anyone would do that.

But at the same time, if I know I screwed up, I would have a hard time asking someone else to pay for it.

Here I was thinking whether I was the only one that would find it hard to ask for a discount/another gun. Even though I probably wouldn't ask, I'm more inclined to purchase a glock now that I know they're willing to do this.

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My wife still does not understand why I get mad at her when she tries to hold a conversation with me while I load. I have repeatedly told her that I have a hard enough time concentrating while I load without her interupting me.

"Your going to blow me up!" I remind her. "Kaboom now or later? Take your pick!" It is usually over some stupid crap like who got killed on Mrs. Marple. So I ignore her.

Then she'll storm off and I'm the bad guy because I'd like to keep all my fingers or not have my eyeballs penetrated by shrapnell when I blow another stack of primers.

I stand up, no TV, no Federal primers, take my time and wear my SAFETY GLASSES!

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I'm glad to hear that all are okay.

I load on a 550 and when I'm adjusting the powder throw weight the only brass in the press is the one that is being used under the powder measure. When I'm done adjusting, only then will I add a case to be resized and start loading ammo.

I also have a C-H Mark IVa that is used only for .45. I didn't use the 550 for a long time to load any .45s until I ran into some hard to resize TZZ cases. By then I had learned that it was easy to double charge cases with the 550, but luckily for me all my double charges were with rifle loads that overflowed. It didn't take very long to change my habits when I started thinking what would happen if I loaded 9 grains of bullseye in a .45 case. With the C-H there is not much chance of a double charge as it has auto indexing, but if I've stopped loading for some reason I still check the case for powder no matter which loading press that I'm using.

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Maybe I WILL stick with my Hornady Lock N load...lots of room to see into the charged case. Slow 'cause I gotta remove each finished cartridge by hand since their loaded round ejector only works with their dies...but I've never had a stack of primers go boom (and I don't use anything but Federals!) or double charged a case....

Justa thought...why would you throw away a suspect round? I just throw 'em in a separate box and pull the bullets and reuse the powder. If I have enough of 'em, I remove the decapping pin from the sizer and reuse the case too.

Am glad you two are OK though, we can't afford to lose any shooters to injury or anything else.

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Thanks to everyone who replied.

Yes, I use a Dillon 550B. I'm still not sure where my reloading procedure broke down - I'm normally very, very careful. I clear the machine completely after checking the powder throw or when I have a reloader malfunction. Every 50th round or so gets spot checked for overall length, crimp, and the like. I always wear safety glasses, and the most distraction I have while reloading is the stereo turned on.

One change I will make - I'm hanging a small light and a mirror above station #2, so's I can see down into the case.

The remains of the Glock are on their way back to Georgia, along with a note begging forgiveness. ;) We'll see what the Glock warranty department has to say about my stupidity.

Some pictures are attached.

- Chris




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