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Car Accident


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on my way to work this morning-driving along and some bimbo Bea Arthur cuts in front of me to get into a turning lane...yep, she's on her cell. she's talking away as we sit at the light, hands flying and everything. the light turns green (did i mention it wasn't the turning lane light), and as the lane next to me takes off, she guns her new lexus and plows right into the back of a new CLK. :lol::lol::lol::lol: as i'm wiping the tears from my eyes from so much laughter, the lady she hit gets out of her CLK, and you guessed it, she's on a cell as well!

as i drive around them i had to roll the window down and yell "you need a cell phone to call AAA"?


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That is pretty funny.

One of my relatives had a lady who was obviously having a heated argument on her cell phone in front of her on the highway about 2 weeks ago. The lady on her cell phone wandered over towards the shoulder enough that her tires caught the lip of the pavement, and she over corrected for it. Her car fish tailed, and my relative T-Boned her. Lady on the phone was DOA, but everyone else was OK.

The other, not so funny side of being on the phone too much.

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One of the best Mythbusters they made proved that talking on a cell phone was MORE DANGEROUS than a .1 alcohol blood level!!!!

so kathy-you didn't like my reference, eh? bea arthur? wait till you get back to the sacramento area... :)

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