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My Last Trip


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Just got back from Wash. D.C. tonight.

Went with my family, a great trip. Few of you know my greatest regret in life is having never served my country so this trip was particularly . . . well, it was tough and rewarding all in the same sentence.

I saw all the great things this country stands for.

I saw the Vietnam Memorial and took pictures of names on the wall - folks that I had knowledge of - folks that died for me.

I saw the Korean memorial, underated because it is incredibly moving.

I saw the World War II memorial and simply shook as I thought of my grandfather who is nearing his life's end - he was there. He lived it. I am so grateful for him and all those soldiers that sacrificed.

I saw the foundation of this country, the Constitution, the Declaration, the Bill of Rights - I saw the real documents. I read them. I get to live them everyday.

I saw Arlington. What else can I say, I saw Arlington. Those folks died for us. They gave everything for us. They exemplify what I never could. I never served. They did. They gave THEIR LIVES for me.

I saw the tomb of the unknown soldier. (S)he is the ultimate of soldiers. They died for a greater cause. They died for us. They died and we can't even recognize them by name. I don't worry though because God (whichever God you believe in) knows these soldiers, and I know He will take care of them.

I saw the Lincoln memorial and I never have to wonder what leadership is as a result of that.

I saw my daugher realize why this country is great.

I saw that we don't know what "they" went through because "they" set it up so I would NEVER have to see what they went through.

I saw courage and realized that I have so much more to contribute. I saw Love and realized I have so much more to Love. I saw that I am concerned about where this country is going and I saw that it matters.

I learned about courage, I learned about me, I learned that I don't appreciate all that I should.

We have so much . . . the folks that have given up everything have shown me that I have a lot more work to do in order to pay for what they were willing to sacrifice. For the first time, I honestly believe that I would willingly give my life for the greater good. I don't want to die, but I would be proud to be remembered in a way that exemplified the way I felt seeing all of the things I saw this weekend. I would hate for my wife to be so sad if I died and I would hate for my daughter to miss me, but I would be proud to leave knowing I gave everything for what was right. I would be proud protecting their and Your (yes you, the reader of this very post) freedom.

My life will change as a result of this trip, and hopefully I will be able to repay the debt of the soldiers that gave their lives for this country by living a more exemplary life myself.

God Bless America.


Edited by j1b
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i'm with you jack.

the vietnam memorial copy came through memphis a few years ago. i thought wha the the heck let's go see it. well, i was overwhelmed. i cried like a baby.

i would have jumped at the chance to serve, but i was way too young.

great post jack!


Edited by lynn jones
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well said...

There is a great debt to the men and women that serve our country...past, present and future..

They all made the ultimate sacrifice...and I feel the debt I owe them everyday.


Edited by eerw
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Thank you for thinking of us.

War is a terrible thing and if you want to protest it that is the right that we provided.

Please don't spit on those that are coming home like was done during Viet Nam.

So true.

As is the saying (paraphrased): I may not agree with what you say, how you think, or what you protest, but I will defend to death your right to do so.

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