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Running Into Taran Butler In Mia


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So I'm wandering through a chaotic 3rd world airport (actually it's Miami, FL but the chaotic 3rd world part is still accurate). I'm trying to find a connection and I see this guy who looks a lot like the "California 3-gun Ninja of doom". :ph34r:

We're both staring at the status board and I ask "Hey, ju jus come in from Quayacil?". He said yup, but looked kinda puzzled.

I don't speak much California, but I tried; "Duuuuude... You're like....Taran Butler. How'd you do down there, Dude?" Turns out he speaks 'Mercan pretty good.

Then I was pleasantly surprised by a friendly conversation with another of our sport's big names, that just happens to be a really nice guy. Just like the first time I met Travis, Max, Chris, Manny. Yeah, I know even Paul Whitacre's sociable enough if you buy the beer & pizza. Not the point of the story....

So, anyway....Taran didn't know me from Adam, but we chatted like old buds for about five minutes. I said I was coming home to the States and getting back into shooting, including Tac 3-gun, and before I could ask any of my rookie questions, he'd scribbled out his phone # and told me to call him. "I can keep you from wasting time and money buying a lot of the wrong stuff".

Thanks Taran.

This is a cool sport. B)

(Sorry Darth Whitacre, I had to get a jab in, 'cause I know you're going to slap me for selling that sweet Bedell. But Dude.....I had to buy a sparkly. Yeah, I know.... :wacko: )

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(Sorry Darth Whitacre, I had to get a jab in, 'cause I know you're going to slap me for selling that sweet Bedell.  But Dude.....I had to buy a sparkly.  Yeah, I know....  :wacko:  )


Holy Cow ES!! :o Did you leave a Bolivian national banded like a migratory bird? :wub:

We demand the details!

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if that's going to be the end of your humorous and illustrated dating adventures in a third world country, some members of this forum will be going through withdrawal...... :lol::lol:

So didya pop the question yet ---- or are you still working on gathering the courage?

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Yeah, cat's outta the bag.

I guess I need to add to my "only date Latinas IF..."

...You are willing to meet the girl of your dreams.

Anyhoo, She's the Andrea I posted about coming home early from La Paz for. Mo' and better pics to share soon.

Assuming she gets a visa (no, not a master card) she'll be coming to visit me in October, and assuming I am gainfully employed, and have a rock, I'll pop the question. So, at this point, you guys know more than she does. I like romantic surprises, so, I already cleared it with her parents, on the sly.

Hell, I haven't even told my mom yet. I love creating surprises!!! Except my mom, will shriek, slap me, call me a shit eater, and then give me a hug. Roughly in that order. Yes, my mom is where I get my sense of humor. I'm gonna call her up once Andy is here and ask her if she'd like to come out to dinner and meet my fiance'.

OK, so maybe I am a shit eater. :D

And before someone asks, no I did not just want to get her a fiance visa, it's a six month clock to get married, and woulda ruined the surprise.

Damn, you guys don't miss a trick. Ok, back to the Taran thread.

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Congrats Bud!! Can't wait to meet her and tell her the truth, errr, all good things of course.

Not even close to a jab as my name belongs no-where's close to the others you mentioned. People see me at the airport and they want me to fetch their luggage.

Congrats again amigo!!!

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¡Felicidades Mi Amigo!

Told you Latinas would be your final frontier... ;) To boldly go, Bud!

Anyway, welcome back home and we all look forward to meet the future Mrs. DP40... We got stories to tell her! :lol:

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no, he seemed kinda surprised that a complete stranger recognized him, and when I asked about the match, he was still a little miffed over what a goat rope the ammo situation was. Looked like he tore up his knee a little too.

Nice guy though.

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