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After ten years in WA State and as many in western OR, I can tell you it rains (usually) way more than a lot of other places. And the grey skies will put you into a padded cell. But will totally agree about the springs and summers here. Breathtaking and green and, well, breathtaking. I personally think the folks in WA are a bit quicker on the draw (sorry 'bout that) than the ones in Oregon. (Just a wild generalization I came to about five minutes after I arrived here from WA.)

Ha...!.... and the only time I ever heard the term "frog strangler" was from my mom... who was born in the South.

And yes, the gun laws "up here" are friendly. :-)

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Quote: from SiG Lady on 9:57 pm on Nov. 1, 2002

But will totally agree about the springs and summers here. Breathtaking and green and, well, breathtaking.

I wonder if the person who coined the term "breathtaking scenery" to describe the beauty of the Rockies realized that there is very little O2 above 10.000 ft?    

"Look Meriweather, ....(huf, huf )........the scenery is..(huf, huf).....simply breathtaking.............THUD!      

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I suppose I too am a refugee and can tell you how much state laws can vary:

After growing up in Maryland and buying a Glock when I was in my early 20s, I got a job in New York state. Result: Handgun ownership banned w/o a state permit after a lengthy safety class and carry permits issued on a "if we feel like it" basis. Transfered Glock to a relative.

Then I got a job offer inside the DC beltway meaning I could choose to live back in MD, DC, or Virginia:

Washington D.C.  New Private ownership of all firearms banned; import banned, no exception for new residents - only those long guns owned by DC residents prior to 1987 excepted. What did I expect from a city that elected a crack smoking mayor 3 times ? (once AFTER he had served his prison term!). That was out.

MD: long standing 2 week waiting period (that could take up to 4 weeks) for handguns and some "assault rifles"  bans by comittee on useless "saternight specials" - useless like my excellent Kel-Tec P-32; Carry permits restricted to the politically conected and generally so difficult to get that no one bothers; a ban on handguns from companies that don't comply w/ MD requirement to supply a "fingerprint" spent caseing w/ new guns; and get this - a total ban on all handguns without INTERNAL locks after the first of the year - gee that means you will only be able to buy a few models of S&W or Taurus revolvers and some day be able to get the new Glocks w/ internal lock. Don't believe that the Brady campaign is really all about banning guns? Think again - Maryland is proof.

That left one state as an option: my beloved Viginia; home of NRA HQ; a "shall issue" carry permit state that generally honors my constitutional rights.

To those who think that we will continue to enjoy our rights without a major, ongoing fight, think again.  Support the gun ownership group of your choice and do not hesitate to express your opinion at the ballot box, through your representatives, and through the media. If we ignore our rights, I feel confident that they will eventauly go away.

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Boy What a fun thread.

I am Southwestern High Desert boy.  

I have worked/live in AZ five times since 1985.  This last time I got to enjoy Tues Nite Steel for a couple of months.  I had just been introduced to USPSA by a long time friend in my home state.  Weather - hot in the summer but you need to pay attention to it, great in the winter.

I worked in NE- you need a permit to purchase a handgun there.  Lots of shotguns for birds and rifles for deer and obviously it is the  home of Cylinder and Slide. Weather-windy hot and humid. did i say windy!!!

I worked in CA last year.  S@#^$@t, the guy at the indoor range would not let me shoot without a partner-too many indoor range suicides.  My USPSA card convinced him I was not a wacko looking to off myself. Weather- I worked downtown so the weather was ok, but lived in Redondo Beach- awesome! warm days and cool nights.

I worked in Louisiana.  Cool place for shooters.  Weeknite matches.  Weather-humid and wet.  The humidity is not too bad but when it rains --like the guy from GA says 'it is a soaker!"

Worked in NM for a while.  Great place to shoot.  Weather is best. Four real seasons.  At match everyweekend.  Skiing and shooting

Did a lot of windsurfing in OR.  Now about that sunshine.  Great winds along the Columbia River, nice people, but where is  the sun?  

So in my opinion:

Best place for shooting: AZ

Best weather: NM

Best Bikinis: CA

Best Windsurfing: OR

Best Skiing: NM with OR very close

Worst Pay: NM

Best Place for skin cancer : AZ followed by NM

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  • 11 months later...

Well it took me 3 years to finally get a green card and mine was based on shooting.

I have a Visa related to persons of outstanding ability in a sports field.

I had to prove 6 of the 8 or 9 things required.

Posted in magazine high level national and international level etc etc.

It took a long time and was pre 9/11, so I am not sure what the score on that would be now.

I used a lawyer in Phoenix if any one need a referal contact me by email.

BTW be VERY carefull of Immigration Lawyers. The first one I ahd cost me a lot of money and was a complete waste of time.

Anyone know of a good one in the shooting world?

I like to keep it in the "family"


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Well said Duane!

I've noticed that there have'nt been (m)any comments about the Eastern states. Why do you suppose this may be??

Well it just took me a while to stumble upon this thread.

Kentucky is a good place to shoot. Four real seasons. And we are famous for

good booze, beautiful horses and fast women..........or something like that. :D

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Like Carlos said, VA is a great state. Fairfax Co is fairly liberal and urbanized but you don't have to go far to get to some beautiful country. We also enjoy the opportunity to shoot with some of the best shooters in the world on a regular basis at local matches.

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Indiana has great gun laws and generally a good attitude about guns from the general public. Our state honors carry licenses and permits from any other state or foreign country. You can own full auto and suppressors with the proper paperwork and tax stamps.

The weather absolutely sucks, except for fall. Too cold in the winter and too hot and humid in the summer.

We have a new USPSA/IPSC club in the middle of the state too! The Central Indiana Pistol Shooters (ChIPS) shoot at the Atlanta CC, about half an hour north of Indianapolis. It filled the void between clubs in the norther and southern partys of the state.

If I had to leave Indiana, I'd go to Kentucky first (maybe AikiDale's couch!). If I had to go again, I'd head for Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho.

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I thought you had already lost the right to own anything larger in caliber than .30 in AU? Am I misinformed?

Illinois is not an anti-gun state by any stretch of imagination. Yes, no carry, and FOID, but not anti-gun by world-wide standards...


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'Took me a while to stumble on this thread as well...

Oregon is a shall-issue state, allegedly open-carry, and definitely CCW. People seem to shoot without stress here, just so long as they can find a PLACE to shoot. With lots of open space (even in metro fringe areas) people tell of shooting in their own back yards, etc. Economic climate here a bit on the "down" side, but we have temperate weather, low population clusters (there is no Los Angeles, Seattle or Denver-sized cities here), and politically, we're split down the middle. We're on the Interstate-5 corridor so subject to a bit of transient Western Culture (as opposed to, say, Wyoming, Montana and the more remote mountain or high desert states/regions). Oregon used to be the quietest and cheapest and prettiest place to hide out in. The "cheapest" part is no longer part of the picture, but the rest still is. ;)

My district NRA Rep' also recently gave me the name of a local very-gun-friendly law office. :ph34r::)

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