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Bomar's Vs. Dawson's


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I am running two Glock G34's - one for Production/SSP and the other for ESP. On the "production" gun I run a Dawson FO front and a FO rear. The sights are very high quality and I shoot this set up well (for me). The other G34 had AmeriGlo Slope night sights. While the night sights are very stabile (read solid and durable) and extremely bright, I don't shoot them as accurately as I do the Dawson's. I believe the AmeriGlo's are wonderful for their intended purpose as a combat style sight, but for the games that I play, I would like something different.

I'm going to replace the AmeriGlo sights. So you would think I would automatically purchase another set of Dawson's. My only concern with the Dawson sights is that the corners of the rear on mine is so sharp that is has actually drawn blood on my forearm area. Not once, but many times. I called Dawson and asked about them beveling this area and they said that is something that they are working on, but they are having such demand for current product that it is difficult to release new product.

I could take a file to them, but don't like that option. The other two options are the Bomars - (not the melted version) and am not keen on them with the overhang. Then the Heinies, but I still like the adjustables. I had to order a higher rear sight on the AmeriGlo's to get them to hit POA for me.

So how about a push in the right direction. Bomar, Heinie with Dawson front or a file with the Dawson's or just wait until they MIGHT release a beveled rear?

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My only concern with the Dawson sights is that the corners of the rear on mine is so sharp that is has actually drawn blood on my forearm area...

So how about a push in the right direction.  Bomar, Heinie...

if you think the dawson sight is sharp, slap a set of overhanging bomars on your gun. you will definitely draw more blood with the bomar. the overhang seemed to grab my hand or arm everytime i moved. the dawsons are a bit sharp, but at least they dont hang over the end of the gun.

i have the dawsons now and its not a major issue for me, but if it was, i would take a file to them.

heinie seems to have the right idea with their rear, its smooth and rounded...(just like phil)...but i prefer the sight picture of the dawsons (plus i dont want to think of phil every time i get a sight picture!).

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I could take a file to them, but don't like that option. 

You are going to get rid of them anyway. File them first. See how they do. What do you have to lose?

I'd "buff" them with a length of sand paper.

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Flex, I know that you shoot a Glock or several. What are you using for sights? I really don't plan on getting rid of the Dawsons - I like them even if I bleed once in a while :huh: More like a scratch most of the time. The AmeriGlos I will replace. I just shoot the thinner front much better.

The extended Bomars sound like a good thing if they are cut at 45 degrees to not take skin off. Maybe it would do my shooting good to keep the same sight picture on both guns. Dawson will probably release the rounded corner sights one day - but when. I guess a file with a little cold blue wouldn't be the worse thing to do.


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I know all to well about the sharp edges of the Dawson Glock rear sight. I have drawn blood on more than one occasion. I have been debating on taking a file to mine. I have real problems when taping or ROing during matches. Need a little cover for them. <_< TXAG

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It's nice to know that I am not the only one donating blood. Again, Dawson said that they would have some rounded corners available one day. Maybe this post would encourage them to make that happen sooner than later.


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CGR has Bomars that he cuts the edges on. I'm surprised that noone has mentioned the MMC's. If you like the adjustability and a narrow front sight I've been shooting a mmc rear with the hiviz front sight and it works really well. It won't cut your either. I think you can get the whole combo for around $60. My g35 has the drop in BMGL's with a dawson front. I am going to be ordering a .090 all black front from CGR when I get a chance.....

Oops sorry I didn't read the whole title nevermind about the mmc's.....

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I got the Dawsons with the fiber front and rears. They are great. If you get the bomars you will want to get them sunken. That means you have to send off your slide to get cut, re-finished, then the rear sight installed. You local gunsmith may be able to do this, or send it to CGR or Tom Novak. The sunken bomars do sit lower on the gun so the index is the same as the stock sights, or heinnes. The dawsons are pretty tall in comparision. If you go with the dawsons you have to be more selective with holsters. You'll need a taller sight channel for the front sight. For example the Uncle Mikes is a little too short and needs to be modified with a rat tail file.

The dawsons are still the best drop in sights for the Glock in my opinion.

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I'm settling in on my decision. It looks like if you want Bomars they should be melted and if you do that you need to get the finish redone. Give me some more time and I won't have any finish left on this Glock anyhow and a hard chrome finish will be in order.

Love the shape of the Heinies and I know that many successful shooters use them. But I don't want to file front sights etc to get the POI to match POA. I'm just betting that I will never get lucky enough to make them match enough to consistantly hit the upper A zone without holding off. I need my POI and POA to match and won't accept anything less.

Another set of Dawson's are in order. The sight picture will be consistant between the two guns since I have Dawson's on the first G34. Will have Momma order me another set for Father's day. Thanks for all of the help with walking me through this decision. Will just have to learn to stay away from sharp edges or file them both down.


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I've had the overhanging Bomars for a few weeks now and I haven't had an problems getting hung up on the rear sight. I thought they were weird at first, but I've come to like them quite a bit.

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Went to Dave's shop today and had a pair of Dawson Adj rear Sites and FO fronts put on my Son's Glock 34. Pretty awesome looking sites; can't wait for him to get it zeroed; we'll try them out in a match on Sunday.

FYI - the new Dawson shop is much larger than their old place and sits right behind the Dawson family home. Felt like I had died and gone to cool gun heaven. Really great folks working there too. Best of all, their new shop is only 30 miles from my home so it makes quick trips for "necessities" an easy option.

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"...options are the Bomars - (not the melted version)"

Every set of hang-over Bo-Mars have installed have had to break the top corners of the leaf and the bottom of the sight's corners. Not difficult to do with the right file and a proper bench vise.

As far as Heinie's goes he is or was making two addl. front heights besides the .216, .235 & .250. The front on both Bo-Mars and Dawson Adj. are .260 or .265 {?} Even if you go with milled-in Lomount Bo-Mars the front is around .240. Have found can use Heinie's .250 with Bo-Mars on a 34 using 124 Berry's, FWIW.

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