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CZ Shadow 2 Black with Blue Grips


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Hi Everyone,

I am lucky to get a CZ Shadow 2 in Black with Blue Grips. I bought it from my local gun store after waiting for 8 months. Now that i have it, I put 120 rounds of win 115g factory load for break-in and sighting in (10 yards to 25 yards = zero). I would like to ask the following:

1. further tuning, can I still use my new parts from my shadow 1: like, 13 lbs main spring, extended firing pin & firing pin spring, 11 lbs of recoil spring (because the factory trigger pull of shadow 2 for double action is 8 lbs and for single action is 4 lbs)

2. Does it worth replacing the shadow 1 with this shadow 2? I compare both and it seems almost the same (maybe I am still not use to the new one)

3. Any issues that I need to know from this shadow 2 pistol? (finish, reliability, parts issue like shadow 1 trigger spring)

4. Can I replace the front FO sight to Dawson Precision with 0.100" width but with same height?

Because right now, I am not yet that excited anymore after my 120 rounds on it.

Please enlighten me.

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1. i don't know. i can remember someone saying or having read somewhere that the main and recoil springs can be used. not sure of the other. should be an easy eyeball test though to see if they'll work.

2. you don't notice the gun weighs 1/3 of a pound more than the S1?

3. too new for any of us in the larger markets to know. seems like for english language canada and australia seem to be the only sources of information right now.

4. digital calipers. are you looking then for a wider or narrower front sight, since i don't know the dimensions of the stock S2 sight?

so, you say you're not excited. is this because your expectations haven't been met? or because the feelings and inputs you get from the gun aren't substantially different than your S1?

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1. I will disasemble the pistol and compare parts for possible up[grade to lighten the trigger pull

2. I did noticed it, the 2 is heavier than 1, which is good for successive shoot

3. I know, I cannot find more information about thorough reviews

4. Yeah, my expectation haven't meet yet from this pistol. Feels good in my hand but, i can't shoot it fast as of now with accuracy...have to work with the trigger first

Thanks for the info and reply

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Springs are interchangeable, that was the first change to mine.  I haven't tried the extended firing pin as I'm not having any issues with the 13lb main spring so I left mine in the original Shadow.  I know the slide stop won't work as I checked that since I have spares.  The grip is a completely different feel in the hand to me and the trigger is significantly better than my original Shadow.

As far as issues, none have cropped up for me so far but I only have about 2-3,000 rounds through mine.  The Trigger return Spring is allegedly a completely new design but I haven't pulled mine out to verify.  I actually broke my first TRS on my original Shadow the other night during a USPSA match as that's the only time my original Shadow still get's touched since the 2 isn't on the Production gun list yet, that spring had at least 20k rounds on it.

Only you can judge if it's a worthwhile change for you.  For me I find I prefer the grip feel, the bigger undercut on the beavertail and the trigger much better on the 2 and would not switch back by choice at this point in time.

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Not certain on parts, would guess springs yes.  Other parts not so sure.  Would think many/most will work. Research will tell you.  

First question for you, is what will you use the pistol for?  Without knowing that, hard to give advice.

If shooting USPSA, then get a good trigger job.  Tweak springs and sight, as needed. I wouldn't spend money on a Shadow II unless you can make a killing on your I. Then I would get an 85 Combat or SP01, minor tweaks, trigger job, and practice like heck.  

It is not the pistol that makes the shooter perform, it is the shooter that makes the pistol perform.

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springs are 100% interchangeable. So is trigger and hammer (did on all 3 of mine). I also ordered a 7.5mm front sight from CZ Custom that is narrower than the factory sight, needed a bit more light around my blade so I could see it properly. 7.5mm is the stock height on the 2s. it was supposed to be 7mm but something changed from first generation of test guns to production guns. 

I've got about 10,000 rounds through mine, zero issues. Also put about 4500 through Maria's gun this past summer and a few thousand through a couple others over in Europe, not issues there either, including one with a 6lb recoil spring.

Slidestops should be good to 14,000-15,000 rounds. But get a couple spares regardless, make one your match one (if you compete) and keep a logbook on it. I'll be swapping at 10,000 rounds regularly. 

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Just an updates from my CZ Shadow 2. I did the following:

1. changed the FO front sight to make it a bit clearer especially in the dim area

2. changed the main spring to 13 lbs and cut at least 3 rotations --- the trigger pull now is 3.5 hammer cock and 6 lbs DA

3. changed the recoil spring to 11lbs

My feel in the gun is improved and a bit easy to stay on target during dry firing. I will test it this coming Monday.

Let me know your thought.

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