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Seeing The Sight Lift?

boo radley

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Did I finally manage to ask a question that was too dumb even by my standards.


No, but the question you asked has so many variables it is very diffocult to answer. The amount of muzzle rize is greatly affected by technique and the load (powder, bullet weight, etc). If you feel like it is rising too much, ask your local GM to critique your grip, stance, load, etc. I guess the bottom line is it really does not matter how much it lifts as long as it returns to the same place.

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I am wondering how much should the sight lift.

I know in Brian's book he says the amount dosen't matter as long as the sight settles back to where it was.

I shoot a Para P14 45 with major loads.

I would like some indication. Should the muzzle rise 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch ?? what if your whole hand rises 3 inches.


For me it depends a lot on the distance to the target and the size of the target. If I’m shooting at targets at 25 yards, my whole hand will lift 1-2 inches. But on close targets it seems as if the gun barely moves.

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The coolest thing I have ever found was to use a safe backstop and align the gun, either on nothing or on a large steel gong at about 8- 10 yards. Close your eyes and smoothly break the sear until the mag is empty, feel the sensations and open up. Do that a few times, the fear and blinking subsides, and see what you see with your eyes open. It is really "an eye opener." Speed up as possible.


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