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Winning Poorly


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I posted part of this already, but last week I won top-A at the Paper & Iron match... but I wasn't my usual happy self about it.  I'd screwed up some reloads and generally didn't feel like I'd shot to the level of my ability, and winning was a 'I guess everybody else screwed up worse" deal.  Same for today's club match.. I won it, against several other A's and M's, but didn't feel good about it-- I'd thrown two uncalled mikes and wasn't watching my reload, among other things.  

What's up with that?  Am I being too hard on myself?  I realize everybody makes mistakes during a match, and fewest-mistakes wins, but not usually to the level everybody else did today.  Maybe I'm just getting off a results-oriented kick or being more aware of what's happening, but it's annoying.

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Best I can tell, it's like getting graded on The Curve when everyone tanks a bit across the board.

This is what's happening at the range here these days, too: We're in the midst of a seven-week indoor league thing and last week we all tanked on a couple of particular target stages and, boy, am I hearing the heavy self-criticism and analysis (over and over again) about it! It just seems to be what we do when we're tryin' like heck to be better than something that came before or looking like mad for the reasons for our tanking. Don't feel all alone. And awareness is cool no matter what.

In another matter, I was warming up today with the .22LR as I normally do and applying the live-it-in-the-present-moment stuff between (and during) individual shots... you know, that attitude that allows you to be flexible during shooting and allows freedom for changes in approach or whatever right there at the moment. Jeez, I swear, it worked! I became incredibly relaxed, the groups tightened immediately, and I felt like I'd just opened a window in a stuffy room. Each single shot suddenly had meaning but only for a fleeting moment and I saw both the shots and their continuity. There simply are no words to fully define leaps of awareness like this sometimes, but I had to try. All I know is it worked and the stress level all but vanished.


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  • 2 months later...

Why do you shoot? Is it because you wan to get 1st prize? If it is, then be happy everbody else is tanking too, if not you might want to re-think your motivation. In this game most everybody at the top level messes up a bit on a stage or two (but the better you get the less damage they do to your overall score) As I recall TGO fell on his butt at Nationals.

Being hard on yourself may be good for motivation to get better, but I think having fun is more important. In shooting there are so many people that are as good or better than you are on any given day, what does your finish place matter anyway, as long as you try your best? "To compete is to win."

This is a for fun sport, and it sound like maybe you need to figure out to make it a bit more fun. It is cool to finish better than my buddies, but I also know that there are a ton of people out there that can kick my butt, and that doesn't matter to me, as long as I do the best I can each time out.

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It's been so long since I posted that I'm not sure y'all are answering my question, but in the mean time I've been thinking about it and decided that I was, as Steve said, in a results-oriented mode.

As in, I was thinking (subconsciously) "When I win my class, then I'll be good/happy/successful.. ". Since I got where I was going (winning my class) and wasn't happy with how I did, I had a conflict going on. This happens in a lot of places for lots of people ("When I get a new house.. then I'll be happy", "When I get a million dollars..", "When I get my M-card", ... )

Since then I've dropped a lot of that "When.. then.." thinking and have improved considerably for it.

The most fun I've had at a match recently I came in second and was happy about it (It didn't hurt that TJ was first, but it was really how well I shot)

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2nd to TJ...You REALLY SUCK!

You're getting the right attitude now, and you will only improve from here.

The only regular match I have right now is weekly bowling pins. I am perpetually second to a local SWAT/NARC cop who shoots SS .45s exclusively. The only time I beat him in limited is when I forget he's there, put the front sight on the pin and gently press the trigger, taking as much time as I need to to make that happen. I do this with the goal of missing less, but invariably win when I employ this strategy.

Winning is a byproduct of reaching your potential.


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Ok, so it was an 80% second place...  :), and it amused me immensely that I beat the M's and GM's that had come down for a shot at TJ, but really it was that I didn't have any thoughts beyond shooting well and learning from it.

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Quote: from shred on 12:27 pm on Dec. 29, 2002

... but really it was that I didn't have any thoughts beyond shooting well and learning from it.

I love simple thoughts like that, they seem inconsequential and I often over look them.  When I’m ready to accept I notice sometimes they just float on the surface to be absorbed, and other times they penetrate.  

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