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Multi Gun Nationals

Bob Hostetter

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Just found out to day after a couple of weeks of trying that the Multi Gun Nationals is expecting 6 vendors in the vendors area. What happened to cause such a poor turn out? I thought the vendors turnout for the SMM3gun was low but they had more then 6 people.

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Just found out to day after a couple of weeks of trying that the Multi Gun Nationals is expecting 6 vendors in the vendors area. What happened to cause such a poor turn out? I thought the vendors turnout for the SMM3gun was low but they had more then 6 people.

The internet happened. We don't have to wait to find that cool part/accessory we've been looking for anymore. I think that the vendor tents did okay for awhile because older shooters weren't as into ordering online but now we've all been doing it for so long we don't think twice about getting what we want online. This leaves vendors in kind of a spot. It costs money and takes time to drag all that stuff out and setup a booth. I personally appreciate the effort and try to find things I want when someone does take the time to setup. Unfortunately I already have a lot of what I want so...

Anyway, that's my take on it.

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The Internet may be part of the problem, however I think the largest part is the complete lack of support services from USPSA. This year has no match hotel, match information is sparse and scattered across the Internet, awards and prize table will be at the range. Last year there was no PA system so nobody past the third row could hear shinenola, and cell service was very spotty for checking Practiscore. This year I heard a vague rumor that they had gotten a PA system from the Greyhound bus terminal, so now it will sound like someone talking with a mouthful of marbles and of course the constant feedback squeal, and cell service will probably still be lousy. While the Internet is great for finding the cheapest price, it won't do you squat when some vital component breaks or gets lost at the match and Speed Shooter doesn't have a vendors table with every imaginable part on hand!

USPSA needs to step up and support whoever they've contracted to put on the match with getting all the support services, like arranging a match hotel, food services at the range, vendor support (how much are they charging?), centralizing match information, etc... rather than just dumping everything on Pete who works his ass off putting on great match stages and DNROI and staff who have their hands full running the match.


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