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I guess i just need to figure out which loctite to use and exactly the best way to apply it.  


I really liked JJ's "level 2" class.  It was almost all shooting on the move and entering/exiting positions, which I find myself needing to work on.  His first class was heavy on accuracy and trigger manipulation.  I thought a lot of the level 1 class didnt really improve my shooting that much but did make me think about the trigger differently.  Though in a match I still grip and rip.  Im trying to work on working the trigger differently for varying shot difficulty.  But gripping the shit out of the gun and working the trigger hard has gotten me this far.  I never knew so much could be discussed and worked on regarding just the trigger.  Where Ben is more of a just grip the piss out of the gun and pull the trigger straight back (which works)...JJ has a love of trigger control that is next level.  I was having trouble on steel and I recall him asking me if I knew what the left side of my trigger feels like (SV flat trigger), I told him I didn't know my trigger had a left side.  He is very big on "prepping" the trigger for any shot over 7 yards.  Before his class I thought trigger prep was just something you did when shooting bullseye and not a 1.5 lb 2011 trigger.  Ben has talked about using more or less finger or whatever on the trigger also, they just explain it differently.  


At this point I have enough to work on that I dont think more group training will do much for me.  Perhaps if I make GM or start getting close but cant get to that next level some private training might be beneficial.  

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I brought him to our range in Midland texas last year and again this year.  I know of one coming up in Dallas texas if you are interested.  He doesnt really advertise them, its up to the person hosting the class to get the word out and fill up the class

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We are booked up until September with matches to attend, but I would love for my son and I to attend one either late this fall or early next year.  If you could keep me in mind it would be much appreciated.   I am trying to host a mini junior camp first of next year. Wonder if he would work with juniors that have level 2 match experience? 

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Been dry firing regularly with a morning and evening session.  I have moved my dry fire into the living room because its just too damn cold in the garage and due to house renovations the garage is full of stuff.  


Currently using 1/3 scale targets at 7ish big steps (Simulated 15-20ish feet) and 20ish big steps (simulated 50ish feet).  This is just how it works out practicing from behind my couch and in my kitchen.  One thing I have noticed with the dot is there is a lot of dot movement with single handed drills, something I did not see with iron sights.  This has raised my par times on single handed drills.  Since moving into the house im just using andersons first 12 drills from refinement and repetition because I dont have a lot of room.  My reloads have been surprisingly on point from my winter break.  Since JJ's class I am also paying more attention to the trigger and making sure I get a good prep and feel the trigger on the sight picture only drills.  Still have the occasional AD prepping the trigger.  I might consider having my smith make my trigger a little heavier.  1.5lbs is a little too sketchy for me I think.  


Some of my current par times:

Long Distance draw to sight picture.  .9-1 sec. 

Closer draw hands at sides to sight picture .6 which is as low as my timer goes. 

closer draw surrender to sight picture .6

Closer turn and draw to sight picture .6

Burket Reload/Just the tip .6

Reload from sights on target .9-1

6 reload 6 - 3.6-3.9

El Prez 3.9ish

6 reload 6 strong - 4.4

6 reload 6 weak 4.9ish


It has taken a while to get my times back to this point from my break and the increased target distance difference between being inside my house and in the garage.  The dot has really shown me how unsteady my hands are, especially sho/who.  Not sure if that is a physical weakness or if the gun just moves around that much normally single handed.  I keep the wobble inside the A at my closer distance one handed but it is all over the A.  





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15 minutes ago, Brophy-J said:

Those par times are blazing fast. Keep it up!.


My draw to first shot at close range is about .8-.9.  I asked JJ about that and he said that would be normal if my draw to sight picture, with no trigger pull in dry fire was .6.  I dont have a range where I can practice live fire to 50 yards so I am not sure about that.  With a proper trigger press its probably 1.5.  I was doing El prez live in the mid to low 4's last year.  I was doing 4 aces around 1.9-2 seconds.  Other than the JJ class I have not practiced live fire since early November.  My splits and transitions on something like el prez are in the .15-.2 range, I fubar the reload a lot of times trying to push the times down.  I rarely ever practice sho/who live so I have no data for that. 

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Cool. The only reason I ask is to make sure that verification of these skills is being done in live fire. That is where the rubber really meets the road and all of this effort actually counts. Good luck with the adventure and have fun!!!

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Had our local USPSA match this Sunday, which I am also the MD.  Everyone comments on the quality of our stages so I continue to try to produce good matches but the amount of work is draining.  You are always the first there and the last to leave.  Never expected it to be this much work.


I ended up 2nd overall out of 50 shooters shooting my limdot gun.  I used medium strength thread locker saturday and the bomar mount held thorough the match.  There was an incident were I was ROing a stage with a tight shooting area.  All my shooters up to this point had gone one direction, but this shooter went another direction.  We turned a corner around a wall and I knew I had made a mistake and ended up diving under a wall to keep from having a gun pointed at me.  I landed pretty hard on my left hand and I think I may have fractured my wrist.  I fractured this same wrist 4 years ago on a dirtbike, did the same thing to the other wrist 2 years ago on a dirtbike and had to have a screw put in to hold the scaphoid bone together.  Its a small bone behind the thumb that doesnt get much blood flow and is really slow to heal.  When I broke the one in my left wrist 4 years ago i didn't have insurance and they just kept it in a cast for over 3 months.  The pain feels the same as before.  I went to a local family dr this morning, who did x-rays but said all they could see was what they called the previous fracture.  With that being 4 years ago that doesn't sound right so I have an appointment with an ortho dr next week.  


With the major season just about to get started this really sucks.  Hopefully its nothing serious but Im afraid it is.  I guess i will get a lot of strong hand only dryfire in lol. 

Edited by CrashDodson
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Learned a few things the last few days.  Dry firing with only one hand is pretty dull.  

Anyone have any good single hand drills?


last night I worked draws, draw/shoot 3 targets and table starts.


Ill be honest that I rarely dry fire table starts but I was getting bored and needed to add some variety.  I found that after drilling for a while I can draw strong hand only from a table start pretty fast.  I would focus on the beaver tail and visualize slamming the web of my thumb/index finger into that spot.  My consistency and speed increased drastically in a short amount of time. 

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2 hours ago, CrashDodson said:

Learned a few things the last few days.  Dry firing with only one hand is pretty dull.  

Anyone have any good single hand drills?



Dull is not a bad thing. Some of your most valuable practice sessions will happen while doing stuff you think is boring. Don't worry about single hand specific drills, just pick something challenging and do it.


I'm trying to figure out how diving under a wall caused you to fracture your wrist. Sounds like that type of movement is something you need to train up when you're healed as you should be able to maneuver under a wall in a hurry reliably without breaking something. I understand there were extenuating circumstances like not wanting to be staring down the barrel of a gun, but those types of extenuating circumstances are exactly the reason to train things like this. Lessons have a cost that goes along with them, and good lessons cost a lot. A multi month injury carries with it a lesson that you should not ignore.


I'll leave you with Jocko to put this in perspective to keep your focus in the right direction. 



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I agree on the injury.  The xrays did not show any new fracture, just the old fracture.  There is a bone below/next to the scaphoid and the xray showed not as much space between those two bones as you would expect.  A little arthritis also I assume because of the previous fracture and years of abuse. 


Its really frustrating, two dr's didnt really see a problem, but the pain is exactly the same as when I fractured it.  Holding the hand out straight and rotating the wrist side to side is very painful, and the pain is coming from the scaphoid area.  I really dont want to pony up 3k for a MRI and I am unsure what decisions could be made from the MRI data.  

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11 minutes ago, CrashDodson said:

Its really frustrating, two dr's didnt really see a problem, but the pain is exactly the same as when I fractured it.  Holding the hand out straight and rotating the wrist side to side is very painful, and the pain is coming from the scaphoid area.  I really dont want to pony up 3k for a MRI and I am unsure what decisions could be made from the MRI data.  


Seriously consider a third, fourth, or even fifth opinion if you have any concern whatsoever about the diagnosis you've been given. There's obviously a problem when you know there is something wrong and doctors are not able to find it. If I were in your position I would continue seeking other opinions until I found a doctor that gave me a diagnosis that I felt was reliable and explained what I was feeling. If it is a soft tissue injury a MRI could be helpful in determining what's going on. This doesn't sound like a soft tissue injury, but it's certainly possible. You may also want to look into getting a consultation for stem cell injection to the effected area.


19 minutes ago, CrashDodson said:

Thanks for the video too.  Though I've never talked to you outside of the forum,  I can imagine thats exactly what you would say if I was complaining to you about my wrist haha.  


No problem. It is too easy to allow problems to road block us. Sometimes we need reminders to keep our mind focused on moving forward in spite of life trying hard to stop you. You now have an opportunity to develop truly formidable strong hand only abilities. Take advantage of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On this episode of "One Handed Billy"...


On the 3rd PA I found someone that agreed there is something wrong with my wrist.  She thinks there is ligament damage between the scaphoid and lunate bone.  She also told me that my scaphoid bone is slowly dying as a result of my old dirtbike injury and will be a problem in my later years.  Ordered an MRI.  Had to get up at 4:30 this morning and drive 2 hours to another town to get it done, but at least its done.  Now the DR i was going to see is out and not available for 3 weeks....I refuse to wait 3 more weeks so 15 phone calls later I have a new DR, but again they are 2 hours away.  Appointment on Monday, at least maybe after Monday I will have a plan for repair and healing.  Really frustrating just wearing a cast and not having any direction for getting healed up and really just wanting to get back to training.  Been trying to figure out how to load mags with this cast on but its not easy.   Going to drag my step son to the range to help load mags so I can at least do some shooting.   


My gunsmith, Greg Peine,  is hand delivering my new limited gun this weekend which is only going to make this wait that much more agonizing.


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38 minutes ago, CrashDodson said:

On the 3rd PA I found someone that agreed there is something wrong with my wrist.  She thinks there is ligament damage between the scaphoid and lunate bone.  She also told me that my scaphoid bone is slowly dying as a result of my old dirtbike injury and will be a problem in my later years.  Ordered an MRI.  Had to get up at 4:30 this morning and drive 2 hours to another town to get it done, but at least its done.  Now the DR i was going to see is out and not available for 3 weeks....I refuse to wait 3 more weeks so 15 phone calls later I have a new DR, but again they are 2 hours away.  Appointment on Monday, at least maybe after Monday I will have a plan for repair and healing.  Really frustrating just wearing a cast and not having any direction for getting healed up and really just wanting to get back to training.  Been trying to figure out how to load mags with this cast on but its not easy.   Going to drag my step son to the range to help load mags so I can at least do some shooting. 


This is great stuff. Being proactive like this is is exactly what needs to happen and you'll be better at the end because of it. By the end of this you should be in a position where you shoot a strong hand only stage at a match and feast upon the available match points. I also think by the time you've healed and had a chance to train up your freestyle shooting you'll notice that the lessons and training from SHO all this time has translated very well to freestyle shooting. It's also a fantastic opportunity to practice your shot calling.

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  • 1 month later...

On my 4th DR and she is one of the best Dr's I have ever been to.  The MRI showed some ligament tearing but not something that would require surgery.  She was also unable to see any new fractures from x-rays but really listened to how I explained the injury and that it felt just like my previous scaphoid break.  She said the best thing to do is trust what Im feeling and treat it as a scaphoid injury again.  She said a CT scan could show something, but would not change the treatment.  So I have been in a hard cast for almost a month.  A pretty pink one.  I get the cast removed on the 1st and we will asses at that time if I have to wear it for another 30 days or if I can start doing burpees.  


Cowtown is on the 12th and I plan to be there!

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