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Commercial Reloading Companies


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I know this is heresy to some but I'm really looking for a way to get out of having to spend time reloading!

I'm tired of having to fiddle with the press just because it feels neglected if it doesn't get attention from time to time. I tired of having something slip slightly during the middle of a session and have hundreds or rounds that are not quite right for some reason that only becomes visible when case gauging.

I want my time back so that I can shoot. Some people enjoy the reloading; I just want to shoot!

Having got that off my chest :P, I've been searching through the forums to find the previous suggestions for places that will load custom rounds in reasonable quantities at reasonable prices. For some reason, even though I know I've read such posts, I can't find them. And they were old anyway so it's time for a refresh ...

Can any one point me in the direction of people I could talk to about custom ammo (38 SC) and free myself from the tyrany of a Dillon press and get some small fragment of my life back?



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Does Sandro Diaz still reload? I've bought from him twice. Zero bullets, Vhit powder. Good price.

Also, didn't I see that Armscor in AZ had loaded some 40 USPSA ammo to 1.187 OAL that they had for sale?

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Sorry about the ambiguity. The load I'm looking for would be something closely akin to my current load, which is:

38 Supercomp, 121g Zero JHP, 10.2 of VV 3N38

It's for a Commander length Open gun.

I doubt anyone is likely to have anything off the shelf (although I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprized :P) so I'm assuming I'll need someone who will load to spec.

Thanks for the pointers so far and I'll follow up. Some one also suggested the possibility of a local guy who likes reloading ( :wacko: ) doing this. Hmm ...



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Atlanta Arms & Ammo, I have heard good things about their ammo, but their website is as close to impossible to find real info on as any I have seen. Under the category of USPSA and IDPA ammo, it has been "updating" for at least a year.

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Consider this option. Hire a local shooter that you trust to do your reloading. I did this when I was starting out and the $20/1000 charge was well worth it till I got a press and got it running.

Due to US Federal Firearms regulations you will have to supply the brass but the reloader can supply everything else. Better yet, if you bring all the components, your reloader buddy will just be supplying labor building your loads to your specs.

Federal rules are here. Scroll down to the 'Shells and Cartridges' definition. The quote that matters is "However, the reloader is not a manufacturer of shells or cartridges if, in return for a fee and expenses, he reloads casings of shells or cartridges submitted by a customer and returns the reloaded shells or cartridges with the identical casings provided by the customer to that customer." So yeah, it's legal. Just don't sell it, then excise taxes are applicable.

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Sorry to be the devil's advocate here, but, without a lot of liability insurance, who would load somebody else's recipe to shoot in that person's guns? If there is a kaboom and somebody gets hurt, it should be the case that the responsibility is the shooter's, because it's his gun and his ammo, but that responsibility is open to question if he is using your ammo, even if you loaded it exactly as ordered. Whether or not the recipe is demonstrably too hot, and even if the shooter's gun has an overramped chamber, a double charge is too easy to claim.

I have a friend who got really messed up in a solo motorcycle accident. He was most likely at fault, but for a while, he seriously considered suing the family whose kids were playing where he got hurt, the premise being they distracted him and caused the accident. BS, of course, but he was desperate because he was broke, out of work because of the injury, and had uninsured medical bills in the six figures.

I don't generally let anybody shoot my major pf ammo in their guns. When I take friends shooting, I buy them factory ammo to shoot in my own guns. When you have any assets at all and a family to protect, if an accident does happen you don't want to rely on somebody else's forgiving nature, let alone that of their next of kin.

I'd think this is even tougher if you have a commercial relationship with the shooter - you're selling a product and there are assumptions on how safe it is to use.

Maybe working in a profession where multimillion dollar liability lawsuits are a constant threat has made me paranoid, but I for one would not be willing to load somebody else's ammo, other than for my own family. So, yes for love, but not for money or friendship.

My .02, FWIW.

Kevin C.

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There used to be a company in Castro Valley CA that reloaded 38 super to my spec. I signed a release that they we performing a service under my direction or some such and every one was happy.

They disappeared some time during my ten year hiatus, so you might have a point. However, most local gun related businesses also disappeared so I can't really draw any conclusions :unsure:


P.S. a double charge is not an issue for major 9 or 38 super with most powders, since you barely have room for one :P

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