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being me....


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In case you were wondering today is actually Monday (a day I hate) posing as Friday. All kinds of things have gotten screwed up today and the worst part is that I am to blame for some of them. I ate not one but two of my shoes, sticking my feet in my mouth, and inadvertently hurt some feelings in the process. I'm not certain I could apologize enough to fix it. I am behind at work with projects piling up because I still can't get a programming fix done (out damned bugs!). And, I accidentally wrote over my back up file because I am in a medicine induced haze and can't focus. On top of that I forgot to punch in on Wednesday and was told about it today. Any moment I expect my boss to tell me, "hiring you was like losing two good people."

I don't seem to be able to manage my stress response (relax? what's that?) so I am continually run down and am sick of being sick. I picked up a cold on the plane back from SHOT show that seemed to be getting better but then NSV (non specific virus) set in so I have been stewing in my own juices for the last three days with a fever and barely sleeping. Today I awoke with literally no voice. My toddler can't understand why I can't talk without wincing and just won't quit asking questions. I got my times mixed up and cost myself $70.00 for a missed appointment that I have to make up tomorrow and pay another $70.00 for. And before I sat down at the computer, I got off the phone with Discover who told me someone used our credit card to buy a couple hundred dollars worth of groceries. I'm on the edge of my seat to see what happens next. I'm sure it could be far worse but at the moment it pretty much sucks being me.


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I'm sure it could be far worse but at the moment it pretty much sucks being me.


Never ever feel like that.

Give your body a break in the rush of life, which seems normal these days; it isn't normal.

Get rid of the stress, cope with the problems and stay in balance :)

Stress response, what is that? There is no stress, you create stress, pull the plug on that one!!!

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Been there, done that.

Sinus Infection in November, Pneumonia for Christmas, Constant cough in January... :angry:

Of course, the Professor's at College and my employer couldn't care less..." get your ass to school/work regardless." :angry:

If I could...I'd give 'em all the germs I have and then some. ;)

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Okay, now I get to rant further about credit card theft and how it gets handled. It turns out my husband didn't get his card back from a resteraunt he went to. My husband called the resteraunt to find out if they still had it and no they didn't. It turns out the server that didn't return the card went home sick after the lunch rush too. Turns out the bogus charge was made very shortly there after. Coincidence? Hmmm I wonder. When I talked to the credit card company, I was told their "investigation" will take at least until next Wednesday before they will "credit" back the amount. They also told me not to contact the grocery store as I would be interferring with their investigation. When I said I would make a police report, they advised me to tell the police not to bother calling them until next Wednesday. At any rate, I called the police department to make a report so the card company can't stick us with the amount. They took the information but when I volunteered the information about the server, they were not interested and I was stopped mid sentence. Apparently because the grocery store won't claim it's theft until they get charged back for the money, nothing is going to happen. I'm not Columbo but every grocery store I go into has those "eye in the sky" cameras above the cashiers. I would presume that those cameras actually record video tape. I would also bet that those tapes get recycled at least weekly and probably more often. It is no small wonder that credit card theft is a multi-billion dollar problem when you have to measure response time with a calendar!


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Well, I took everyone's advice and I just got back from a back massage. I do feel less stressed most certainly but the amazing thing is that she hit some pressure points that cleared up my sinuses and chest congestion. Within minutes I could actually breath - full, deep breaths without going into spasmotic coughing. What a difference it makes to get oxygen to the brain...especially for a blond, it does help!

So the only thing I hate now (besides credit card fraud) is that I was whiny enough to make this post to start with!

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