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Arkansas Section Championship

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Thanks to everyone involved! Nice to meed a bunch of new friends and see old ones. This was a fun match. We really enjoyed the format, but us open guys found out just how "limited" we are when not shooting DOTS :wacko: .....Planning on returning next year.

It was a real pleasure shooting with you guys on squad 8 Sunday, Jack and Jaime are real pros and very helpful. I learned a lot and hope to be able to shoot with them in the future.


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Had a blast, great match, fun stages, and LOTS of lead downrange. Thanks to all who worked so hard so we could play.

Enjoyed visiting with everyone and hope to do it again next year!


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I'm still trying to recover from 5 days of set up and match duties. My right foot has a blister on it. :( But I have to tell you it was worth it. The match was great and of course the people make the match great.

I have the results posted on casarange.com under "scores" and also on the USPSA web site under local matches under Central Arkansas Shooters Assn.

I got to take home a placgue both days. I know that doesn't mean much to some, but I enjoy them. The few that I have. 2nd "C" for Production and 3rd "B" for Open. I screwed the pooch on one stage while shooting Open. 5% of Manny.

I got to meet Lynn Jones and Sam Keen and Manny, all who are from this site. Manny is a character, we were squaded together for 2 days. We had a great working squad for both days. :)

Mark, you should have intoduced yourself as who you are. "the flying pigs avatar"

And Derrick I don't remember meeting you, maybe we'll meet at a future match.

Thanks for coming out.

Ron Johnston

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Great match. A lot of fun and the stages were really very well designed. Good test of a lot of technical skills!

Thanks for the props Lynn, and I was glad to hear you had such a good match as well.

I shot with Jamie Craig for the first time in about 7 years and it was really good to catch up.

Manny shot great. Thumped everyone on Saturday at the limited match and then shot his limited gun on Sunday against the open shooters giving Jamie a run for his money! Impressive considering Jamie shot pretty damn good himself!

All in all it was just an incredibly fun match. Ron you and your team did a great job. David Hyden deserves props too for all the work he did. Ordinarily shooting Lim-10 I'd hate a bunch of 32 round courses but the stages at this match challenged you enough and gave you enough options that trully it was a test of execution. I suspect the match was more fun shooting lim-10 or production than open or limited for that simple fact.

Good stuff. Looking forward to next year.


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hey jack,

when i usually shot with jack he crashes and burns...well at least he thinks he thinks. :lol: looks what happens when hes not in my squad. :lol: he trashes everyone...and i do well too. what's up with that jack? karma?

now go get that GM!


Edited by lynn jones
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Just want to add my thanks to everyone who worked hard on the match and at the match.

I plan on going back also.

And thanks to those on my squad (Saturday, squad 6) for not asking "How many mikes?!" after each stage.


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Al & Mark it was great being squadded with you on Sat.

Al "you done good", Mark and I were too busy between stages trying to find the

damn dot switch on the limited & prod guns to know how many points anybody shot!

Mark, I'm working on a hand mounted dot for next year. You just have to get

your grip the same every time. ;)

You shot a great match Sunday. You should thank us for voting you out of squad 6. :rolleyes:

Congrats to Hopalong "Jerry Jr.", Lynn and the rest of Team Memphis on their wins and shooting a great match.

A big congratulations to JB and MM on their AR championships and to Manny for his

wins and support.

Thank you to Ron, David, Tom, Bruce and the other guys for putting on such a

good event. You other BE'ers should check out the AR matches. They are always a good time.


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Great match. I would like to thank the ROs and MD for a awsome match. :)

  Where else can you go and pay just $100 to shoot over 500 rounds in two days.


Congrats to the winners.

Indeed Tony! Congrats to you on a great weekend of shooting and I do appreciate your time in walking me through some COF afterwards to show me where you kicked my ass so bad! ;)


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Just like to add my congratulations to all involved in setting up the weekend.

Had the priviledge of shooting on squad 8, which on Sunday appears to have dominated the awards, HOA L10 and Open, High C L10, High C L10. High A Open, High B Open and High SS Open - great group.

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