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Help me choose a sizing die.


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I took a Lee resize die and ground the open end down to remove most of the bevel now it goes all the way down the brass to just barely above the rim. Then on 9 and 45 I use the Lee factory crimp die in station 5. On 40 station 5 is empty and I move all the loaded rounds to the single stage press and push them all the way through the factory crimp die that has all the crimp inards removed so the bullet only gets pushed on the outside and it gets pushed all the way through the die collecting on the round die case from lee

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I voted Lee for the U-Die. EGW die is a Lee U-Die - Identical except for costing double.

The Dillon die is slightly looser (less coke bottle effect) and is the only other die I have found of acceptable design.

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I used to run a Dillon die followed by the U-die thinking it was easier on the brass. It worked very well but not 100%. Now I have a CasePro and roll all of my range brass I also removed the U-die and they all fit the case gauge now.

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I used to run a Dillon die followed by the U-die thinking it was easier on the brass. It worked very well but not 100%. Now I have a CasePro and roll all of my range brass I also removed the U-die and they all fit the case gauge now.

Case-Pro then FL size and you are good to go.....it just works. I am Using Dillon carbide FL sizing die.

Edited by Kaskillo
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My last experience with reloading was with RCBS gear 20 years ago in 10mm in a 1911. I am about to start again with a Dillon 650 and a Glock 35. I'm hoping to eventually be doing Limited major. With all of the reading I have been doing, the thing I think I'm most nervous about is pushback. There seem to be a lot of opinions about crimp for one thing. So I'm wondering what steps I can take to minimize the risk of pushback. Initially I plan to load only jacketed, and I'm using Dillon dies. It appears to me the GR-x in a cheap press will sooner or later be a valuable (maybe essential) addition. I don't have an aftermarket barrel yet, but I can imagine that will happen pretty quickly. I really don't want to get into casting bullets though.

BTW, I'm thinking a piece of vinyl tubing and an old soft drink bottle might replace the $17 G-RX bottle kit?

Edited by mntbighker
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For my SV sight tracker with the AET barrel I use the EGW undersize with the depriming pin in station 1 and the lee fcd in station 5 to crimp and resize once more, no problems using Blue Bullets 200 gr. loaded OAL 1.205. .420 crimp. Passes the plunk and spin test.

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EGW undersized die made by Lee. I've loaded many tens of thousands of 1x fired brass from Glocks and the occasional MP5 with a U-die in Station 1 of my Dillon presses. Malfunctions due to ammo are extremely rare.

I only reload my brass a maximum of two times then dump it so that probably helps things too.

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I just use the dillon sizer, when i was only shooting glocks all was good. Sure the brass had funny shape, i just viewed it as fire formed brass for the bigger glock chamber. I figure it was not good to work the brass any more then needed.

However, when i purchased a XDM the brass would not fit, and then i bought a barsto barrel for one glock and the brass wound definatly not go into it.

I solved the problem by trimming off the bottom of the dillon size die so the carbide ring is almost exposed allowing the case to get fully sized.

Now the brass goes through all the guns just fine.

FWIW the fired brass from glock chambers is .432, the XDM is .428, the barsto barrel is .424

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