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Dude. Glad you like the gun. Hope it gives you years of service. I was having a discussion the other day about the price of our accessories, and really we aren't that big of a market so if a product costs $25,000 to tool up there's not like a run of 500k units per year to water those costs down. It's probably more like 10k units/year depending on the product of course. This is why we see a lot of milled stuff. Believe me, I'm no expert and although the numbers are WAY OFF, the point remains that the potential sales isn't super high for those building quality products for us. That translates to higher prices... but quality is something we need to enjoy our sport.

At any rate. Have fun and I'll see you at a match sometime.

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I see your point on the tooling......didn't think about it like that. And I am blessed to have such quality to play with. It's only money right?

I would love to make it out to Colorado to shoot a matech sometime

Thanks for the comment, and stay safe

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Mag tubes are ordered, bullets and brass ordered and on the way....

I put the STI spacers into my CR speed mag holsters, but found out that I am missing one! So i will make a new spacer or just order one DAA Rasemaster to replace the one I can't find the spacer for. I do eventually want to replace all the CR Speed mag holsters with the DAA's but those damn things are expensive when you have to purchase 4 of them!

I did a little bit of dryfire last night, but I was pretty tired so it was just pretty informal. I am going to have to work on my grip for sure. I was feeling some hot spots that I didn't notice when I was at the range, so I am going to have to toughen up my hands a bit more before the season starts. I had to develop some callases for my M&P as well, so this is expected i suppose. I am temped to start messing with the plastic grips, but I am fighting the urge to do so untill I get a lot more rounds down range first. It is so hard to resist.......I like to tinker!

I am going to pony up and get the case feeder for my Dillion, so there is another chunck of change that I have to put down. I just don't want to spend forever at the reloading bench, and more time at the range and in dryfire.

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Mag guts showed up yesterday, and the tubes should be here by Friday. That is a good thing, because I plan on hitting the range to finish up the break in on the gun. The break in instructions from Brazzos suggests that I should get the gun a tad bit warm during the process....and the first range trip was not condusive to warmth exactly. At least a couple hundred more rounds through her should get me fairly close to the 500 mark that was suggested.

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Productive weekend. Made it to the range and shot another 200 rounds through the gun. Found a few hot spots for my hands. Looks like there is a sharp edge on near the intersection of the frame and the grip, right next to the grip safety. I am out of shooting shape for sure, and my hits proved that. I need some trigger pull work....I think I am snatching quite a bit.

Found a case feeder and brought that bad boy home with me! Can't wait to try it out! I am really hoping that it will improve the loading process for me quite a bit. I really just wanna shoot! I also picked up some brass and took it home and processed it as well. I am still working on the process of the wet tumbling. They are in mint condition when they come out of the tumbler, but getting them separated from the pins is a bitch and a half. Then I have to dry them. I think I will invent in a media separator soon, and work up a faster way of drying them off as well. But I am very happy with the results, so I am sticking with the wet.

Tuned the mags, followers, and the slide stop so that it will not lock back on the last round ( or with one left in the mag ) I was pretty nervous about doing it, but I am a pretty handy fella, so all is well on that front. I need to test them with live fire, but I am confident that it will be just fine. Polishing up the tubes is the next step. I started on it last night, but I was pooped so I will leave that for tonight. The tubes came from Dawsons with some light rust on them in the groves, but a quick hit on the buffing wheel seems to knock that right off. Still.....that is kinda shitty to have a new product be rusty.... I am going to slowly polish the lips of them mags as well while I am at it. But all the mags fed with no issues both times i have shot it, so I don't think that I will do much at all.

I just need to get the press converted to 40 and get loading! I have about 700 or so pieces of brass cleaned and drying now, so as soon as I get the press set up, I will start cranking them out. I have a great place to start with the load so that will be nice. The rounds RVB let me try last week, crono ok, and I have the load data, so I feel good about cranking out a bunch.

Kinda pissed now that I see the new DVC Limited STI that just came out!!! I am liking the grip on that, and the slide cuts would be nice as well. Don't care for the TiN coating, but I would deal with it!!! And to top it off, that thing is only a few hundred more than I paid for my Edge!!!! Damn my luck! Oh well.....I am gonna just march my ass right up to A class this year, even if I don't have the newest and coolest out there. I am still excited to shoot a match with mine and see how well I really can do!

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Polished up one mag last night. The kid decided that he wanted to "help" Daddy last night so i didn't get much done at all. But he is awesome and it is worth the time with him! I am hoping to get the caliber conversion done tonight, and start the process of the new load set up. I am going to experiment with some bullet types and shapes to see what the gun likes. I accidnetly ordered 165 HP instead of 180's.....maybe I will see if xtreme will let me send them back. I did pick up some precision bullets from Hillside that are 180gr RN so I will try them out first and see how it goes.

Still trying to decide what to do about the hot spot on the frame.......I might just have to suck it up and get a callas on my hand. I would love a PT grip, but those are hard to come by. Maybe I will try an Extreme Shooter grip instead. I want to finish buying the things i want/need and just focus on the shooting already!

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yell at me if there is a match!!! I will work up a load tonight and get it tested before the weekend!

Sunday, Feb 1

Registration opens at 8:30

Shooting starts at 9:00 following a shooters brief.

Hillside Shooting Sports

Indoor Range and Store

7870 N Mayne Rd

Roanoke, Indiana

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I have the conversion done on the reloading press, now I just need to crank out some test ammo and test it tomorrow before the indoor match! Once I get the setup finished, I should be able to crank out enough for a practice session and the match in an hour or so. I am excited to use the case feeder and see how much faster it is as well. It will be good to shake the rust off and get back into the swing of things with shooting.

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Testing went great! Got the gun sighted in for me and the rounds, and my groups were nice and tight. I got some great pointers from the range officer on my grip and trigger control. The grip change tightened my groups up instantly and the trigger work was getting them even tighter. I'm excited to dry fire and get these changes burned in.

I had about 5 rounds that didn't fire. They all looked to have good primer strikes but no detonation. The new case feeder cut the reload time in half, so I can have more time for practice.

When I was shown the correct position for my grip I made a mark on the Web of my strong hand that lines up with the center of the beavertail. That is a huge help lining this up.

great shooting day.

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got about 15 mins of dry fire in tonight. Grip is coming along well, but I am having some wrist pains that are new....some weight training might help with that.

More dryfire tomorrow and ordering some more bullets as well. I think I am going to try the Zero 180 hollow points this time and see how they do.

More range time this weekend as well if the weather doesn't kill the roads.....any one wanna go shoot?

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Made an unexpected trip to the range today, and boy was it worth it!

I beat the snot out of the A zone and the reloads went bang every time for about 500 rounds!

I have some learning to do as far as dealing with the recoil properly with the .40's I experimented with some things and found a sweet spot as far as grip and general tension in my wrists and hands. I have a long way to go to make the changes permanent but I think it will happen. Some strength training is going to go a long way to helping me get a better and consistent grip, as well as the proper position for my upper body in general. I just have to practice the right way to make those things habit. I can't just stand there plugging away for a full mag holding the tension in my entire body. I have to go through the entire draw stroke and fire each time. the draw with the new holster is different as well, and I will have to find the most efficent way and burn that in will dryfire.

so I am going to work on:

Grip grip grip

draw stroke

proper tension in my wrists, arms and back!

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Going to test some Zero bullets that I got last night. I have to increase the flare on the cases a bit as well. If they don't work out, I will just go back to the Powerbond bullets. They seem to work pretty darn good so far. But I am hoping that the hollow points will beat the poop out of the steel

I also have some grip tape that I am thinking about trying out as well.

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Do hollow points do better than other bullets on steel?

I don't really know if they do or not, but (especially w/ minor loads) they "seemed" to be slightly more likely to knock down poppers that were set heavy than ball loads. I tested it one day many years ago w/ just a couple rounds of each on a heavy set popper. I figure maybe since they deform more they transfer their momentum better, less elastic.... who knows, if I tried it again today maybe I'd see different results.

I may be nuts, but I shared my theory w/ Matt... so if it sounds looney, blame me (heck, if it sounds brilliant, blame me, too!)

I don't think for major PF it much matters....


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To be fair, I've heard that elsewhere too. Sounded like jibberish then too, but who knows. :goof: IF there is any difference at all, it can't be much. if it matters that much in a match, your ammo is too close to the PF threshold or you are hitting too far on the edge of the popper, lol.

Still want to see this new-fangled gun of yours :). hopefully the next Hillside match doesn't get cancelled.

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Sheesh relax? Did I say something that sounded tense? It's just the first time I heard this and I was just checking. No harm intended

I'm just play'n......don't get yer panties in a bunch.

I don't really do serious very well, so just ignore me.







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