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Another year, another hare-brained idea....

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4 years ago at a major match, I was one of 13 folks that showed up to shoot limited. I decided rather than trounce the 12 other folks that were all new shooter I would shoot in Tac-Optic. So I had the stats people switch me. I shot my real iron sight rifle against all the Tac Optic guys....and .....wait.....finished 4th in Tac-Optic with LIMITED GEAR! It isn't unusual to see Casanova High over all at the matchers he shoots with his little 1X dot....so yeah I'm hiding out....from shooting with elitist bores such as the guys who would post such a statement!

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I shoot in Tac Opt because the only new equipment that I needed to start was a shotgun. My AR-15 already had a 1.25 X 4 scope, Glock 34 was for IDPA and was competive in 3 Gun. I now shoot more 3 gun matches than anything else, I have more fun. I would shoot the same gear if the rules were the same as open. I have fun shooting that is why I compete.

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I said it was an impression and those can certainly be wrong. I think the same thing about 80% of the people who shoot Limited 10 (and sometimes Revolver) at major matches.

I don't doubt that that the less popular divisions have their share of talented competitors but I am sure you would agree that it is not on the same scale as TO and sometimes Open.

Since I am primarily going to compete I want to play where the bulk of the other shooters play so I get a fair and accurate understanding of my comparative capabilities or shortcomings. I understand that not everyone shares that same goal. Shooting a Revolver in anything but a dedicated revolver division is a great performance crutch. If anyone else beats you can hit that it's because you were disadvantaged because you are shooting a revolver at a 3 Gun match, whereas if you beat anyone else you really know that you kicked some butt. It's a win, win; right?

​I know several shooters have explicitly chosen divisions at major matches based on where the talent was not in hopes of placing higher overall in their respective divisions and walker sooner at a prize table. It is wrong of me to suggest that everyone who shoots a major competition in a non TO division has similar motivation so I apologize if I offended you or anyone else. I would not be in favor of pushing everyone into Open, but it seems like TO is a great compromise between the high and low ends of gear requirements. There are enough people who shoot in it (or could easily modify gear to shoot in it) that I think it makes sense to reduce the complexity of awards and prize table order by letting everyone shoot on a single level playing field.

Edited by alma
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Some of us aren't hiding from anyone. ( would have beaten a higher percentage of entrants in last month's FNH match in Open or TO, shooting my TL gear). Hell, I've been doing this for quite some time, and I'd be just as happy getting smoked by one bunch of shooters as another.

Some of us enjoy putting together and competing with different equipment sets. We just enjoy playing the game differently. The idea that we have equipment divisions just to allow for more people to "win" is what's insulting to me.

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It seems to me that much of your evidence for the motivation of 3 gun shooters is derived from your perceptions from UPPSA pistol. The culture and attitudes are not the same, nor is the game. I would not be so hasty to paint 3 gun participants with the same brush. I would also caution you against inferring that all those in USPSA chose the division they wish to shoot in from what you have witnessed or think you have witnessed. Even in USPSA people can do things for reasons that are not as childish as you seem to believe.

With your equipment logic, anyone that shoots scope tac is handicapping themselves by not shooting open, and thus building an excuse to loose. You can't play the argument against limited shooters, or even revolver shooters, and not play it against yourself. Also the assumption that the largest division will result in the best competition is incorrect. More people CAN provide more competition, but in reality it only takes two for a good race, and there is normally many more than that in limited and open at most matches and competition is plenty stiff.

Your comments did not offend me, no need to apologize, as long as you understand that you are wrong. Fortunately I have only one feeling, and I keep it buried deep, and insulated from the evil words that are shared on the internet.

I will now add to my list of important phrases....

Prize tables are the devil

All stages should have loud music while we shoot

Revolvers are cool

Beer is good

I like big long stages with American Ninja shit

Steel must fall to score

If you can't see it with your naked eye then we shouldn't have to shoot at it

I am not hiding from anyone in Limited, I wear a very noticable yellow jersey with a half naked lady on top of a beer keg

Edited by Stlhead
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The "hiding" accusation might be insulting to people who aren't doing it, but I doubt alma meant it that way. While it's true that true that most people who shoot a non popular division do so becasue they enjoy that flavor, there's also a grain to truth to the statement that some people look to those divisions for an easier way to to the top of the charts.


I'm 100% a gamer about all this. I don't care about the "practical" aspect at all.

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Why limit it to AC/DC. Music seems to add far more to stages than I would have thought before I tried it. I do not want to shoot matches without it anymore. We do this shit for fun, and music makes it more fun.

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4 years ago at a major match, I was one of 13 folks that showed up to shoot limited. I decided rather than trounce the 12 other folks that were all new shooter I would shoot in Tac-Optic. So I had the stats people switch me. I shot my real iron sight rifle against all the Tac Optic guys....and .....wait.....finished 4th in Tac-Optic with LIMITED GEAR! It isn't unusual to see Casanova High over all at the matchers he shoots with his little 1X dot....so yeah I'm hiding out....from shooting with elitist bores such as the guys who would post such a statement!

About 4 years ago I took a whoop'n from a guy shooting iron sights. Tossed my brother my competition rifle with scope on it and got a new one with a Leupold pris. Been racing that guy since at many of the major matches and it was the best thing I could have ever done. I can honestly say that it has made me a much better rifle shooter. And, don't think for a minute that its an easy division. There are plenty of good shooters around that will happy to give whoop'ns and drink beer with you at the end of the day.

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A few years ago, I am not even sure how many at this point, but before the big tube change, I went to USPSA multi gun Nationals in Vegas. At that time I was all about the HM. At registration it turned out that there where only three guys shooting HM. All three of us where squaded together anyway so we decided it would be a travesty to have a national champ crowned from a division of three. We all moved to limited, the other two guys shot their HM gear, I had a 223 with a red dot on it and had never even shot it before as the change to allow 1x was brand new, I used it, a revolver, and my pump in limited. I had a great time, and this to me proves that there are at least 3 guys who are not hiding in a small division looking for easy hardware.

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I'll admit, I like competing in smaller divisions at bigger matches. Being at 70% in limited gets you through the prize table and on the road faster than being at 70% in Tac Scope.

The biggest problem I have with everyone being in Tac Scope is the stages are often designed around that equipment. Shotgun targets in clusters of 9. There's always some place to rest a fore end on long range so bipods aren't of any use in open. Rarely is there any awkward shooting positions that expose the limitation of limited eye relief optics. I could go on. Stages should be designed to be challenging period, without regard for commonly used equipment.

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Heck, when I shoot HM it's because my Garand told me it was feeling unloved.


WWII division at TX multigun a couple of years ago was awesome!!!

Would've been more awesome if I hadn't earned myself at trip to Dairy Queen...at least I got to shoot 10 out of 12 stages.

I used the Garand some at local matches (CCC) as well...on the 500 yard target, it was BANG-PING-"Hit!"-BEEP! Great feeling. Especially when only about half the TO guys could hit the 500.

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