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Practiscore ios 1.6.3 available.


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Some things I noticed were that the M and NS columns were finally moved and we have the new larger Review Screen - Hurray!

We implemented the "Shooter, Review your Score and Press the Next Shooter Button to Acknowledge" method like was used at MGN. One suggestion to make that work better would be to make that Next Shooter Button large and maybe on the bottom center of the screen to make it easy to hit.

On the bad side, now there is this huge obnoxious display when coming out of a shooter to go back to sync. You are forced to acknowledge that your "squad" still has shooters to score. First, we do not use squads so that is annoying at best, second it takes even more time to pull late registration and/or changes from the master into the stage iPad.

The addition to the battery life on the sync is good from the standpoint that the master can monitor the stage battery life when pulling scores. The bad part is that all the info (battery life, match loaded, etc) very much clutters up the screen when the ONLY THING a stage iPad should see is the MASTER designated for that match. On this past weekend's match, we had one iPad pull from another STAGE and another iPad pull from an entirely different MASTER that was being set up for an afternoon match.

We really need to be able to setup TRUE Master and Stage devices and get away from total peer-to-peer capabilities. Stages should ONLY have limited ability to enter and review scores and pull from a designated Master (until we finally get the ability to push from the Master). Registration, reports, etc only serve to get in the way of running the stage as they are functions of Stats on the Master device.

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pcarst, all very good points.

I'm really baffled by some of these "features" that seem to get added in on the fly. Throw in something no one asked for (i.e. the warning screen), expecting it to be a bonus. In reality, it is a hassle and everyone wishes it would go away. Three releases later, add yet more code to make it optional... all while a bunch of other stuff languishes in the to do list.

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I'm really baffled by some of these "features" that seem to get added in on the fly. Throw in something no one asked for...

You can always email your wishes to support@practiscore.com (they are always appreciated and do help to prioritize work), but how do you know what others have asked? From what I know, Ken runs quite a few matches and number of iOS features are driven by his experience from real matches.

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The peer to peer capabilities of Practiscore I feel are one of it best and most flexible features. It means I don't have to worry about which device is the master. If we need to swap one device for another it can be done very easily. If a extra stage needs to be setup it can be done with no hassle on one machine and a simple sync sorts it out. We have had devices overheat, run out of battery etc and it really hasn't been a problem. Could this have still been said if it had been the master.

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Master devices would be in Stats and not subject to head issues and (presumably) able to be plugged in so not have to worry about battery either. Good policy is to create a second Master so back up the first as well (Also in Stats). If you have a stage machine fail, sync a spare from the master and you are good. You should never have to sync a stage to a stage machine.

We have got to find a way of making the stage machines as simple as possible so that the RO running PractiScore can return to being a RO and pay more attention to the shooter and the safety of the range rather than to the electronics. Registration, synching, looking up results, emailing,etc. - all are functions of STATS, not Stages.

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In our times scoring GA state matches and the Area 6 Championship, I actually found there weren't any battery issues in the stats office with any iPads but especially iPad minis. They run pretty much all day.

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I'll have a chance to put the iOS version of PractiScore through its paces at the SC Sectional this coming weekend. My wife, Donna and I will be working with the stats team to do score entry on iPads.

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We have got to find a way of making the stage machines as simple as possible so that the RO running PractiScore can return to being a RO and pay more attention to the shooter and the safety of the range rather than to the electronics. Registration, synching, looking up results, emailing,etc. - all are functions of STATS, not Stages.

I'm not sure what you mean by "return to being an RO". Ideally Practiscore makes it much easier, not harder -- no more double checking arithmetic, filing forms, chasing down shooters for their signature, shuffling papers to announce the shooting order, etc.

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Ipad batteries last great except when the guys the match before forget to plug them back in. :). For our small weekend clubs match 2-3 squads 3-5 stages, the peer to peer nature gives us great flexibility. I have been known to forget to add people, put people in the wrong squad and build stages with the wrong number of targets. This can all be fixed with limited hassle and if required a sync corrects this on the other devices. They can all be fixed when needed rather than having to go to the master etc. I realise large matches have different requirements and usually have better planning and all I was trying to say we need to keep the peer to peer for these smaller matches more flexible matches.

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For idpa I like the android version score entry much more than the iPad. So much so that I bought a kindle just to score Tuesday night matches. Entering the score,hitting next and having the penalties on the same screen make it way easy to use.

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Zack. Are we using stage level practiscore??

Nope. Paper for stages and then we'll collect paper scores and enter into PractiScore. I offered to bring our NST's up from Charleston but Linda had already printed out the score sheets, etc.

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We have got to find a way of making the stage machines as simple as possible so that the RO running PractiScore can return to being a RO and pay more attention to the shooter and the safety of the range rather than to the electronics. Registration, synching, looking up results, emailing,etc. - all are functions of STATS, not Stages.

I'm not sure what you mean by "return to being an RO". Ideally Practiscore makes it much easier, not harder -- no more double checking arithmetic, filing forms, chasing down shooters for their signature, shuffling papers to announce the shooting order, etc.

We don't have a problem with the large match with dedicated RO's but our weekly matches are only now, after a year, getting to the point where enough people are comfortable with the iPads to do both entering data and paying attention to being an RO. The new updates to the screen fonts are a big reason for less errors, faster input, and generally more usable. We still have screen glare issues (much better with the big fonts and good glare screen filters), heat issues (solved as long as long as the units are put into our insulated "lunch bags" that have a cool ice bags in it), and registration issues (mostly solved with demanding pre-registration and going to the end of the line if they show up without doing so).

We run far too many shooters to use squads and have a 90 minute window of starting so we have found it best to open the window early, get the pre-registration people checked in (along with their many gun changes), and capture as many late entries as possible (all with a good tongue lashing at why they didn't pre-register). As soon as we get the bulk done, we do a last sync from each stage back to the master and get the stage ipads out to the match. Delay of just a few minutes means much less opportunity for someone to show up on a stage that doesn't have their registration in there and thus have to force a stop to sync.

We issue index cards to both signify the shooter has paid for the match (if they pre-register and are in the match, how do you stop them from just walking up and shooting?) and to use for a shooting order (again, we use open squadding so anyone can go to any stage and wait their turn).

We have had far too many mistakes made by the ROs with incomplete or incorrect scores and only recently gave up paper copies (much to the disagreement of many shooters). We are now trying to use the technique used at MGN where the shooter presses the "Next Shooter" button to signify review. Many don't like that either but without a paper copy, we tell them if it is wrong, they will get a zero for the stage (and I will do it, knowing full well that they will "blame" me for removing their score).

I strongly feel that many of these issues can be solved by letting the master do the work. The master should control and push to the stages, not the other way around. That would solve the pre-registration issue since we wouldn't need to do that anymore (can we hear a huge round of Hurray!!! from the shooters!) and no one would be in the match until they come to the stats window and pay. Wouldn't have to make corrections to gun/division either. The stages would never have to leave the stage/scoring screen to come out and sync so we would have less chance of scoring the shooter on the wrong stage as well. Less things to do at the stage level means that the scoring RO can get back to the work of being an RO and not spend time in the back trying to get the shooter into the iPad. (I still have to remind them that backing up the timer RO is why they are there tho!).


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What we need is a master sync.

Looks similar to normal sync with the list of availible ipads we can select which are in the sync list. Then it will proceed to pull all the scores one after another from the other ipads and once complete it pushes everything back them.

This sync list can also be sent to the other ipads then it does mater what ipad you pick up the master sync can be initiated from any device in the list. On the sync screen it will show the status of how it went with each device and give a total of scores outstanding so we can easily see if we are still missing scores or it the event is complete.

At the moment if you have 5 ipads then to sync them all up requires 8 syncs and the more devices the harder to manage.

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We never synch stage iPads to each other, only from the Master to each stage. Scores are only on the stage iPad that is assigned to that stage or on the Master device.

One concern we have is that if stage scores are available on every iPad, then it can more easily be changed and might be difficult to spot. Stuff like that could be found in the log but you gotta know to look and where to look. This would particularly be of concerned if no one is on a stage for a period of time and the iPad left unattended.

Edited by pcarst
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Pete, that makes sense -- I forgot you guys and your whacky free-for-all non-squad matches out there. :D

We have a hard enough time with a single Nook traveling with each squad, they still manage to get confused which stage/bay they're shooting on sometimes. However, the virtual elimination of scoring issues and discrepancies makes it a success here, and the time savings on the back end means it's here to stay.

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During the match I only pull scores from the tablets to the master. For steel challenge we leave the NST at the stage. I figure it's better to lose a single stage if things to south than to lose an entire squad of scores. Post match I sync from the master back to each scoring tablet and then export the match to SD card. That gives me 5 backups of the match file should I ever need one. Before anyone asks, yes I'm a bit paranoid about losing match data :).

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We have found most "lost scores" are really incomplete entries that are not transferred. Having only the assigned stage scores on the assigned stage device allows us to find those errors far more quickly.

If we didn't have to deal with the pre-registration and could push registrations at will, we wouldn't have no-shows on the match which would mean we could more easily look for missing shooter scores as well.

PS. We really like our whacky free-for-all non-squad matches!! A whole lotta shooting is going on. Come visit us and check us out!

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