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Customer service question

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Sorry for the length of this post and I am by no means trying to trash anyones rep, but I am in a quandry and would love to hear some opinions on a customer service issue.

Last month I ordered 10k bullets from a well respected maker in order for them to arrive early enough for me to begin load development for a new gun. So bullets arrive and I load about 200 rds with 3 different powders at different charge weights BLAH BLAH BLAH. I head to the range and begin chrono testing and my velocities are all over the place. I check all three loads, same thing. I go back make some more reloads, more carefully this time, meticulously checking all the factors that I felt could affect my velocity variations and again same thing. All told I have used 300-350 of the bullets by now.

As I am going thru all the things I could think of, and low and behold I find that the bullets I received are oversized. Not by much but enough so that in my new gun there is a little shaving at the chamber mouth. I call the retailer who I got them thru and was then contacted by the company themselves. They immediately stated that I had been mistakenly sent bullets from a run that was oversized and that the bullets I had would be replaced with bullets of the correct dimension. So far I am thinking this is no big deal, pain in the ass yes, but understandable and the service so far has been great. I was asked how many of the original bullets I had left (9500in boxes...approx 150 or so loose) so that they could send shipping labels for the return of the boxed bullets. I receive ups labels in the mail to send the oversized bullets back and I am told new bullets should be arriving soon.

So today the UPS man comes picks up old bullets and drops off new bullets, and I get very excited because all told it has been 3 weeks of setting in my reloading room looking at a new gun I can't shoot. I open the boxes to find that they only replaced 9500 of instead of the 10k. :(

Now on one hand yes indeed I only returned 9500 bullets and the replacement process was costly, but it was due to the companies mistake that the 500 bullets were useless as originally intended. On the other hand I paid for 10k of the CORRECTLY sized bullets and have now been waiting for a month since the original order to be able to use them.

So my question is:

How would you guys look at this service? Is it out of line for me to expect 10k of the correct product? or was it worth it to this company to save the $20 on 500 bullets?

Thanx in advance, Craig

BTW Yes I know I should be contacting the company however it is a holiday and I am thinking I should just get loading and shooting and let this debacle go.

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I would contact them and complain. They have most likely already lost a ton of money on your deal but it is still their fault in the first place. It would be different if you shot them in a match and they worked fine but doing load development they were worthless to you. I cant imagine they wont replace them for you. Plus you have been nice and not mentioned their name here. If you did then they would inevitably get a lot of emails about their customer service. I hope it was just an oversite on their behalf.

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I think they did what was required and only that much. There are folks out there that would have sent you 11K just to say "sorry" but those are the big exception to the rule.

I'd just chalk it up to experience and in the future the first handful of bullets out of every box hits the micrometer.

I had a similar problem with some lead bullets from a now defunct mom and pop shop. They sold me one weight when it was really a different weight, same style. Simple mistake to make.

Ever since I have made it a practice that when I open a box I weigh and measure a couple bullets just to make sure things are still where I expect them to be.

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I once ordered 5k 170s from laser cast, when I opened the box I had 5k 155s, I called them and was told the correct bullets would ship the next day. I asked how to ship the returns and was told to ship them down range at targets. Larry

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Guest Larry Cazes

It wouldn't bother me at all. They replaced the bullets you had left and gave great service while doing it. I have long since stopped letting "the little things" in life bother me. Be thankful for the great service and enjoy shooting the new bullets.

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I would suggest you write the company and remind them that you spent your time, powder, primers and energe with incorrectly loaded bullets, and feel they should replace the other 500 as well. I would also suggest you ask them to handle this by sending you a letter redeemable for an extra 500 on your next order - it will save them the cost and hassle of a tiny shipment, and remind them they are dealing with a repeat customer - an "everyone wins" sort of deal.

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Hmm, I would drop them a friendly note saying it might be nice if they compensated you for the wasted powder and primers and time. I try only to do business with people who's name (reputation) means something to them. If they leave you high and dry I would find a new supplier. Then again, I'm old fashioned that way.

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I don't exactly consider getting 95% of what I paid for, GREAT service, not to mention cost of powder primers and the time on the chrono. God how I hate load development. I will say they did make an effort to solve the problem though, and admittedly in the grand scheme of things 500 bullets isn't a huge deal. BUT....

Everyone else. Thanx for confirming my feelings. I too expected an extra or a rebate or whatever as an apology for my trouble and the delay. However I was somewhat taken aback when I saw the effort they made to replace the bullets only for it to be overridden by the pettiness in trying to save themselves 500 bullets.

After the holiday I will give the CS rep a call and see what they have to say. I will admit though that I am not very inclined to do business with them again. IMO there are just too many other people in our sport who are great to do business with.

Take care and have a happy Thanksgiving. Craig

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Guest Larry Cazes

Craig, The point I was trying to make had very little to do with the 500 lost bullets nor whether the company should reimburse you for them or not. ;) I guess I'm a little strange, I ENJOY load development and never seem to have enough time to do as much of it as I'd like.

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I'm always nice :D. and yes Rob's idea is a good one.

No I guess I was just very surprised that all along emails were answered, dropoff's pickups were arranged etc. etc. but in the end effort was made for what I see as a very small benefit to the company. 500 bullets cannot be worth what it cost them to ship twice yet they expended extra effort to save them. Oh well.

I guess a good analogy would be that you go to a restaurant order a meal take a couple of bites realize it was made with spoiled ingredients, point it out to mgmt. they are cordial, tell you to pick another meal and then bring it with a couple of bites missing, and still expect you to think you got a full meal.

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend, I am eating enough turkey tomorrow to keep me asleep until Saturday morning's match. :lol:

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I will admit though that I am not very inclined to do business with them again.  IMO there are just too many other people in our sport who are great to do business with.

I personally bet that it is an oversight on their behalf. But if they give you static then what you wrote above is what you tell them. Shooters are a tight knit community. That type of service wont last long(if it was intentional).

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Mr. Boudrie's credit idea IS a great idea. (I love diplimatic compromises.) Moreover, it'll put the entire deal onto the next level and they'll HAVE to respond in SOME way. Chances are they may even appreciate your/RBoudrie's creativity. ;)

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