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Friday Flame War


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I hate the fact that I'd finaly organized a trip to get a group of folk to the range to shoot for the first time and I now have to cancel for a work related trip! :(

On the bright side, the team I'm visiting are taking a day to go shoot some clays and I just may tag along :ph34r:


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"I hate the fact that when I had the one chance to talk to Brian, I was too shy to do so"
Ah, Jimmy, do not be afraid. The Host BEing is one of the nicest guys on Earth. He also doesn't hesitate to talk for long periods of time, too. He listens well AND has lots to say. B)

--Yes, reality shows suck. Much of network TV suxx. :angry:

--Wow, walang' really let fly...! Good. :o

--I, too, hate clowns. They're evil... like spiders. Damned perverse. :ph34r:

--I hate foggy, cold, dank Northwest wintery days. Gah. :angry:

--I will, however, drink cold coffee. :P

On the brighter side, I did have a far-out little job interview today and was No.1 on their short list even before I arrived. Now I'm really No.1 after we talked. One more interview to go with a board member (I can handle it) and we'll see if I can take home the trophy. B)

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I hate that everyone flaked on sky-diving this weekend.  I'm just going to go by myself! ... maybe.

If you go by yourself...who will land the plane?

He wouldn't care since he wouldn't be in it :-)

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I hate putting the wrong shell in the shotgun and nuking a couple ducks at 25 yards with a 3" Mag shell full of BB's.

The upshot is, it turns out I didn't lose my cell phone duck hunting after all. :)

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I hate that my management at work is so clueless that they won't hire people who actually KNOW the job their getting hired for. Instead, they hire people just to fill slots to make the numbers look good.

I also hate the fact that I am the one who is forced to train these idots. I hate that it it ME who has to deal with these psychotic, incompetent, lazy people.

I hate the fact that my management thinks that I am the problem when I tell them that these people aren't making it.

I hate it that I love my job so much that I will tell my supervisors that I will train these people when asked.

I hate that I can't go to work anymore and do what I love to do.

I hate that I'm TOO qualified to be in management.

What I hate the MOST is that these people get hired into my career field, get hired on at a journeymans wage, SAME wage as I, yet I have to train them.

I hate that I'm still up at 1 a.m.


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