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Total Knee Replacement


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Well, after 7 knee surgeries to my left knee over the past 20 years I am being scheduled for a total knee replacement. I go into my surgeon's office on the 3rd of July to do all of the pre-op work up. I have known for some time that this was in my future, but it still caught me a little by surprise. I always hurt, especially after major matches and extended practice days but the last two weeks have been intense.
My shooting partner, Gerwin texted my that TGO had knee replacements and has done well. If I thought I would be able to shoot like The Great One I would replace both knees and both hips, And as a side note, Gerwin immediately offered to buy my guns and gear. I think I'll hold off on any fire sales and hope I will not be out for too long.

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My wife had hers done a year ago, my advice to you is; Don't sell any of your guns, do everything your Physical Therapist tells you, and don't miss one session. Recovery will be painful, but worth it......

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Make sure your surgeon is a good yankee doctor . You don't want to wake-up and find out that some redneck witch doctor used duct tape for bandages. :devil:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had (as everyone knows) both my hips done and will be having the left shoulder replaced on July 29. The hips were a piece of cake. And I don't particularly imagine the shoulder will hang me up for long, either. I've known LOTS of people who've had hips or knees replaced and they swear by it.

The knees require a little gradual stretching of a vertical incision, but that's usually the only complaint I hear from patients in this arena. I've had other types of surgery on both knees (not related to joint replacement) and getting that scar to flex is where the work is, but is not a long-term issue. This issue is not present with hip replacement.

That IS good advice what UFO said. Follow doctor's and therapist's directions and do your recuperative exercising with religious zeal. I wish you tons of luck and happy healing; these procedures are done by the hundreds every day, and are notoriously successful under normal circumstances.

And, for God's sake, don't sell your guns (or your ammo)!

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  • 1 month later...

had my knee replaced and I am two weeks into therapy. What an experience. I never realized how much trauma the surgery would do to my calf muscles, quads and hamstrings. and after a couple of weeks of therapy I have rally improved. I still have some stiffness and pain, but it seems like it is getting better each day. I haven't been to the range since before the surgery, but if I keep improving I plan to shoot the Gator at the end of October. I know I will be slow but I'm going to try do it. Who am I kidding, I was always slow. Maybe the it would have been better to say "slower."

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My experience with the joint replacements is take things one day at a time and do the physical therapies that are recommended. Knees are particular sensitive joints and may cause more discomfort than other joints. But it just depends on your attitude and your particular tolerance for discomfort. All in all, it requires patience during the traditional six-week initial healing. That "getting better every day" is the same as my experience.

My left arm atrophied a lot before and after the shoulder work, but I'm being patient with it, realizing what a trauma joint replacement actually is when you really think about it.

My elderly mom had a knee replaced some years ago and did just fine all along and is still doing fine with it.

I wish you the very best and will send thoughts. I'm glad you finally had it done and imagine that you'll be firing projectiles before long.

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From every recent year knee replacement story I've heard, I'd bet you will wish you hadn't waited until now.

Based upon a weeks progress since my last post, I am already wishing I would have done it sooner. I still need therapy work on the supporting tissue, but I do no have the pain level that was present pre-surgery. and I have not been using a cane for the last five days. My therapist is about 3/8 mile from my house and he OK'd me walking to my appointment, with the advice to carry the cane and take it slow. thanks for the support.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Make sure your surgeon is a good yankee doctor . You don't want to wake-up and find out that some redneck witch doctor used duct tape for bandages. :devil:

Whats wrong with duct tape, they make all different colors and gotta use some bailing wire as well..................:).

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  • 1 month later...

Well, after 7 knee surgeries to my left knee over the past 20 years I am being scheduled for a total knee replacement. I go into my surgeon's office on the 3rd of July to do all of the pre-op work up. I have known for some time that this was in my future, but it still caught me a little by surprise. I always hurt, especially after major matches and extended practice days but the last two weeks have been intense.

My shooting partner, Gerwin texted my that TGO had knee replacements and has done well. If I thought I would be able to shoot like The Great One I would replace both knees and both hips, And as a side note, Gerwin immediately offered to buy my guns and gear. I think I'll hold off on any fire sales and hope I will not be out for too long.

I can feel you and understand your situation. I myself with 6 Left knee surgeries and a partial knee replacement.] also a TKR in the future.
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