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VA-MD Section Match

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Despite uncooperative weather, and some controversy over point series participation, the 2004 Virginia- Maryland Section Match at Thurmont, MD successfully hosted nearly 110 shooters over the weekend of 16-17 October.

Post your match comments and feedback here.

Open guns clearly dominated this match - there were lots of tight, long shots, plenty of hard cover and no-shoots. Without a dot, the stages were a challenge, especially the long plate shots.

Great RO's, lousy weather, and some tough stages.

What did you think? I'm especially interested in comments from production/limited shooters; did you enjoy shooting this match?

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Great stage designs! Very technically challenging match w/ a large variety of target types/distances/presentations.

Also, from a shooter's perspective, administration ran efficiently & quickly. Stats were run top notch & complete results posted on Sunday night. Well done!

I know issues will/have come up (its a 1st effort at Thurmont), but please keep in mind that this match has fantastic future potential (and yes, it is an easy drive from my place so I am a little biased). Lets build on this year's experience & make next year even better. Regards, D.

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It was great to meet Carlos, Bill Schwab, David O. and everyone else I forgot to mention.

I think the match was not open gun dominated, lots of opportunities to reload but it was still a challenge. the little plates were my only annoyance.... someone must have been short on steel 8" would be nice!!!

i loved the stages i was very skeptical when i saw the stages 2 months ago i didn't even want to shoot the match! but the modified stages turned out great, i shot horribly, and my gun jammed but had a good time. luckily i missed the rain shooting saturday morning.

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Awesome match, I had lotsa fun. Very challenging, which is a nice change from up close and personal targets. There weren't many RO's on a few stages, but my squad of four (yes, four) didn't seem to care.

Was cool seeing Kingman again, and meeting Steve Moneypenny. :D

It was very cool being squadded with David Olhassa (sp?), he is a riot. As an example, on the very first stage I ended the stage with a No-shoot hit, David walked up and, with a sarcastic smile on his face, yelled back to the other shooters "HEY, I NEED A WHITE PASTER OVER HERE", I was having a hard time clearing my gun because I was laughing so hard.

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Tons of fun. We setup all day and shot in the afternoon. I was too tired and should have come back on Sunday. The stages were a awesome. After working most of the day building the Harbor Tunnel, it was fun to shoot. Plus, being illuminated by the headlights from our trucks made it more interesting. Driver8M3 was in my squad and I got to meet Monster who drove up just to pick up some powder. I had a great time and can't wait for next year.

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My first big match - I had a great time. Wish my friggin' gun had worked...

This was a very technical match, and it was very easy to screw up. I managed to hose my way through Jailhouse Rock, missed two or three shots with two or three more marginal hits. After that, I managed to relax a bit and get better hits.

Actually, I finished higher than I thought I would.

Lots of ports, which are my personal cross to bear. If I bone a stage up, ports will have had something to do with it. :D

I'm very much looking forward to the next one.

- Chris

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...light poppers...


light poppers? wtf? oh, thats right, you didnt shoot friday! ;) my 132 pf ammo had lots of trouble on the poppers (even when i hit them).

i thought the stages were really cool....would love to shoot that match in nice weather (and daylight). we had a good squad...no complaining about the crappy weather, and .40AET was a great caddy, driving my bag from stage to stage. THANKS!

looking forward to next year.

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Driver8M3 wrote: "and .40AET was a great caddy, driving my bag from stage to stage"

Criminy! The guy wins two Glocks and a CZ in one weekend & the very next week he has to have a caddy to carry his shooting bag around for him??! Man o man, you REALLY let that GSSF win go to your head! <_<

Good shooting Russell. After last night's classifier match, I think there is a new classification card in your immediate future. D.

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my 132 pf ammo had lots of trouble on the poppers (even when i hit them).

170pf didn't do any better. Everyone needs to thank Adam for driving up to Philly Friday night and picking up the new popers that were used on Sat and Sun.

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it was my first big match as well. i shot production in Steve Moneypenny's squad. hey steve, i was the asian guy.

great match. unfortunately i really stunk. i'm sure trying to keep up w. steve did not help maters considering i'm only D class. anyways, shot way below my ability. i could not concentrate worth a damn. i actually freezed during one stage and could not remember what to do next for a few seconds. however, i still loved the experience. can't wait for the next big one. i'll work on the mental game this time.

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had i not lost my ass on the largest stage of the match my overall placement would have been much better.

dghboy315: you are very good at shooting. it's the reloading you stunk at :-) seriously if you pick out your array's and places to reload (plan a couple extra rounds in there in most cases so misses don't throw you off) you would rocket to B class. ..... me i'm doomed to be in B forever!!! (not because of ability because of classifiers not posting)

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