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Another botched order from the crack team...

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So I placed an order over the phone last week with EAA: 3 .45 mags, a large frame 9mm conversion kit (standard length) and a 6" large frame 9mm barrel. I call to corfirm the following day, she tells me the LF 9mm conversion is on back order, but the mags and barrel will ship today, great!

The box shows up today with 3 .45 mags and a 6" .40 barrel...

The invoice shows the mags, and a 9mm barrel shipped with a .22 conversion on back order. Grrr.

Now that I've got that off my chest, has anyone shot a .40 barrel in a .45 slide? I've done a 9mm barrel in a .40 slide, but this is a little more slop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good to hear you got the 6" 9mm barrel.

I've had one on order along with a 9mm super slide conversion kit since January (or was it feb...I've forgotten now). Haven't heard a thing yet, and when I did call even though the lady was pleasant all she really said was that if I had ordered it then it will ship when it becomes available.

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Thanks for the info - I'll give them a call again.

They had told me the wonder finish was no longer available when I place my order. Go figure.

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Mr. KneeingAtlas - just got off the phone with the pleasant parts lady at EAA. I was polite, but direct and explained my situation and said I heard a fellow shooter got a 6" 9mm barrel in hand recently and also that there might be wonderfinish 9mm conversions available...and I want one of each, and a 9mm extractor if they are in stock...but don't hold shipment on the 9mm longslide conversion or 9mm barrel if the extractor isn't in stock. I also said that if they don't have the wonderfinish, that blue would be fine...but I would rather have the wonder finish. She seemed to get what I was saying and was kind of wondering why my order from January hadn't been filled, but said that they would fill this as soon as possible.

It appears that they have no idea of what parts they have in stock, nor do they have any idea of when parts may come in, and it isn't necessarily a first ordered, first served system.

I really like the way tanfos shoot, and think it is a great and competitive platform (heck EG is kind of unstoppable right now and he is shooting one). If factory or aftermarket support was more available I think there would be a lot more folks using them.

Anyway, thank you very much for the head up on the parts availability and we will see how this works out.

Edited by Bamboo
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it isn't necessarily a first ordered, first served system

I'm ashamed to admit it Bamboo but that's why I didn't mention the 6" 9mm barrel until I got it in my hand, I knew there were a lot on back order so I didn't want anyone to call and snatch mine! :ph34r:

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it isn't necessarily a first ordered, first served system

I'm ashamed to admit it Bamboo but that's why I didn't mention the 6" 9mm barrel until I got it in my hand, I knew there were a lot on back order so I didn't want anyone to call and snatch mine! :ph34r:

Ahhhh! A man of conscious! At least on my part I am damned glad you got the barrel...and that you suffered through your shame long enough to post! Maybe I will get so lucky so I can get this gun shipped to Canyon Creek to get a comp fitted to the 9mm barrel before I am too old to shoot anymore. If i get any of the parts you are looking for by accident I'll let you know. ;)

One amusing side note - As the crow flies I am only a few miles from EAA (heck, I can almost see it over the river from my yard) and previously when I placed the order and gave them my address they politely made it very clear that I cannot come by the shop to either talk or pick up the parts. Another local place - Kel-tec - is totally different and actually has a walk up window for parts and service and they are super friendly if you want to stop by and have your plastic pocket rocket fixed or you want to pick up some five buck part. Of course, KelTec makes their own stuff and EAA doesn't.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been waiting patiently for my parts since early March. A few days ago I received an email stating:

"Your online order was cancelled due to no response with regard for credit card information. If you have already received this, please disregard this message. Thank You (name deleted) EAA Your order has been updated to the following status. New status: Delivered Please reply to this email if you have any questions."

So I replied that I never received any request from them for credit card information. Then they told me I had lost my place in line and to reorder. So much for waiting patiently since March.

My Tanfo Match is by far the best pistol I've ever had for the money (I put Henning's flat trigger in it and now it's even better), but getting parts from EAA is hit or miss- to put it mildly. There's a gunstore in town here who won't sell Tanfoglios because of the parts issue.

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waiting patiently

Rookie mistake! I've learned that when dealing with EAA, persistence is paramount and the squeaky wheel gets the oil. When I place an order I call the following day and ask them to read it back to me.

Okay, thanks for cluing me in. It's sad to still be a rookie at my age. :sick:

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Ok KneelingAtlas...Upon your advice I called today to check on the order and expressed how much I would like to get the parts and give them my money for said parts - the nice lady verifeid the order and said it will be filled and in fact a guy in back was working on orders today. (of course, that doesn't mean he will be filling MY order today)

Don't know if that phone call helped, but it probably didn't hurt.

Seriously, the guns are very good....but holy cow, getting factory parts here in the USofA is horrid. (BTW - I should say my experiences with getting Henning's parts has been outstanding so not to confuse the two sources. Unfortunatley Henning doesn't have a lot of the factory parts...)

I'll be going to Mexico this year and am seriously wondering if I can get parts faster through tanfo's Mexican distruibutor, José Lavin.... <_<

Maybe call it Operation Slow and Frustrating. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

my order is still pending for 9mm long slide conv been since dec. and 3 months ago was told only waiting on mags, now mags are in but not of the slides are in

I am so frustrated with EAA and most of the time they cant even find my order

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Bamboo- you might want to ask ATF and/or what used to Customs Inspections (I don't know what they're called now since the Homeland Security overhaul) about importing gun parts. I know there's hoops to jump through when trying to export gun parts.

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