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New Blaster


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Just got my new blaster in from Dan Bedell of Bedell Custom. This thing is awesome. Dan's pays so much attention to all the little details. With a little help I'll have a pic posted here soon. The gun is a shorty in 9mm. Here's a list of what Dan did extra. The parts list is on Shooters Connection webpage.


Custom mount cuts

custom trigger

relieved slide stop so won't lock back

Safties contoured

mag release relieved so no way to pin mag in frame

mount centered over bore

slide racker checkered

beavertail pinned

I can't think of one thing I would do different or change. Dan also kept me updated on the progress of my gun and even sent picture's along the way. Also one of the funniest gunsmith's around. I can't wait to shoot it. The overall fit and finish is as good, if not a whole lot better, than any I have seen. And all this for what is the best price going. Thanks Dan Bedell!!

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What hapened to limited?

I thought you gave up on 9mm major, it just happens I will be buying an open gun in about a year, think you will be selling it by then? ;):wub:

That is the exact setup I have been thinking about. Look forward to seeing it at a match as long as the weather leaves us alone.

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Actually my sucky pictures don't do it justice. Won't be able to shoot it until Sat. maybe even Sunday. I still can't believe how much time Dan puts into all the little details. Last night I took it apart and found some other things Dan does that it awesome.

There were several reasons I decided to go with this setup. First off the shorty size. I have shot several, owned one. Snappy was what I would describe it. But I got to shoot one of Dan's and it was different. For those of you running full size guns would you feel limited to shooting a 5 inch cone comp'ed gun? Probably not right? Well Dan's is using the commander length bull barrels. This means that the barrel is only going to be 1/4" shorter that a 5 inch gun using a cone comp. 1/4"????? That to me was a wash. I like the way the shorty points and indexes. So that is the main reason I went with the shorty gun setup. Now back to the 9major. Yes I know I spoke down of it before. One of the things that was frusterating was not being able to have the setup I really wanted and also the availablility of powder. SP2 seemed to be the ticket because it was so dense. However getting it was tough. Also the Vit powders are great, expensive, but great. Now that powder seems to be tough and no one locally carries it. A few months ago I heard about this new powder called True Blue. Got some and tested in super and liked it a lot. This powder is also very dense and there were several good reports on here with people using it in 9 major. Thus my final decision to go with this setup, using this load. Now I won't know 100% for sure until I get to shoot the gun and get it's timing down. I feel my resoning is sound, but the proof will be in the shooting.

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My Bedell shorty will be one year old this month. After a very short break in period, it has been flawless. True Blue is the way to go with the 9. I prefer it to the other 5 or 6 powders that I tried. Also, I am loading to 1.16, and Dan's guns will run without a spacer in the STI mags. I have some of each, and can't tell the difference, they both work.


PS the only thing I would have changed, is the addition to the Dawson magwell.....

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Got to shoot the new blaster today. By far, hands down the best blaster I have ever owned. This won't be for sale any time soon. For a shorty it wasen't to harsh. Again I am loosing a whole 1/4" from a trubore or cone comped 5 " gun. Had a little primer flow, I still need to chrono though. Found the true blue very nice to shoot, a little dirtier than I was hoping for but not terrible. Dans was super helpful as I had a few questions. I had a few that did not quite get stripped of the magazine. This held the slide in place and a slight bump would chamber the round. I talked to Dan and with the gun being so new and tight we elected to change the main recoil spring of th erecoil master to an 8lb spring. This gave it a little more and worked fine there on out. Had one round that did not ignite, oh wait that was my fault, primer in up-side-down. Seems "VERY" accurate. Can't wait to get some matches in with it. Shooting one tomorrow so I'll update tomorrow.

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UPDATES, we want UPDATES!!!!

Paul, how is the brass working? B) I forgot to charge you for it. :huh: .....here's the bill; be the consultant as I order my first open gun. (and don't tell anyone, it's a secret) ;)

I am leaning towards a Bedell, same as what I can see on yours but SV Scott grip and SV mags, and Swensons.


Ti Comp? why or why not (I think I want one)

AET or not and why? REALLY mixed reviews on that gimick, esp for Open.

STI Mags? (Most of the stuff I read says SV are easier to get working, but you are the open GM and well....I"m not :unsure: ).

Keep us posted.

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Eric....Thanks for the brass!!

Eric, this is the best open gun I have ever owned. Dan's work is better than awesome. SV mags are great, I'm using STI with stainless steel spacers. The grip is personal choice, I like what Dans does to his.

TI comp, a little lighter in the nose, really personal preference. The AET barrel seems to shoot great. The fluttings are not very deep at all and since I don't care about the brass...... Seems to shoot very accurately.

I'm going to chrono and shoot some 25yrd groups from a rest to see what she can really do.

The only thing I have changed is the thumb rest and slide racker. Both were not for me. I got wacked with the slide racker last weekend, damn that hurts. But again that is a personal thang.

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