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Trying to buy your way out of bad habits


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I hate when people have problems, and instead of fixing the cause of the problem...they blame it on some external factor.

Most answers to life's problems (and shooting problems) can be found by looking within.

No equipment needed.

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Great observation Flex!   We live in a society with out any patience.  Fast food, pills instead of exercise, and 1-800 Miss Cleo to tell us the future.  I've got a seven year old daughter and I can't watch network TV with out  Bob Dole or Enerex trying to sell me pecker medicine. The next spot is for some magic potion to make mamma have huge hooters.  What is so wrong with just being who we are?  

     I hate to tell Bob Dole, but if he ain't able to play "hide the weenie" anymore maybe he ought to think about becoming a Democrat.  They don't seem to have too many problems gettin laid.  

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A few days ago I watched a guy with a $3,000 .38 Super comp gun draw and blast a serious hole in a concrete range floor, 2-1/2 feet in front of him, in .70 second. Can you say, "DQ"? Hell, this guy was almost saying, "Home vascectomy."

You know what his reaction was? "I wonder if there's something wrong with the gun."

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Wow. That's most impressive.

How 'bout this one:

A friend of mine used to work at an indoor shooting range. This guy comes in with a Ruger 9mm. He goes out on the range, Tom is watching him through the bulletproof glass. It goes like this: BANG! Jam. Clear it out. BANG! Jam. Clear it out. I mean this guy can't fire two shots in a row without getting a failure to cycle.

He comes out and complains to Tom, "This gun is just a piece of junk. It doesn't work." Tom grabs a box of 9mm from behind the counter, goes out on the range, loads up the Ruger. Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang.... Takes his box of ammo, goes back to the cash register, watches the guy some more. BANG! Jam. Clear it out...

Tom goes back out onto the range. "Sir, could I see the ammo you're firing in that gun?" Checks the box. "Sir, is there a reason you're firing .380s in your 9mm?"

"Well, I didn't like the recoil."

Apparently this guy had just enough familiarity with guns to know you could fire .38s as a reduced recoil substitute in a .357 Magnum, and he figured you could do the same thing in a 9mm with .380s.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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At the local range a cop comes in for some pistol practice with his new wondernine.  He starts having the same problem's as Tom's customer ----- the range staff checks his ammo, .380.  When he's asked why he says " But it says 9mm right here on the box, 9x17 that is.  I bought it because it was cheaper than 9x19......."

Good thing he wasn't in charge of procurement for his department!

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When I first started writing magazine articles, back before I learned to take my own photography, I had my photos taken by a local photographer, a guy who had retired after 20 years as a deputy sheriff. One of the shots we had to take was of a revolver in an open-top concealment holster. The photographer said to me, "Can we cock the gun in the holster? It'd be so much more VISUAL!" I can't begin to communicate the level of chirpy enthusiasm in his voice for this brain-dead idea. And this is a guy who, we assume, carried a revolver to work every day for 20 years.


"Why not?" He seemed hurt by my refusal, and couldn't understand why I wasn't as hipped on the idea as he was.

"Because only an idiot would ever carry a revolver cocked in the holster."

He actually seemed offended by that statement.

Jesus wept.

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All right here's a story I heard second hand.  This happened at the police academy I went to right after I graduated in '92.   It was the first day of firearms training and the students were told to bring their pistols to school but ABSOLUTELY no ammo.  When the class got started the instructor was walking around lectering and noticed a guy had the hammer cocked on his Ruger P89.  The instructor told him to decock it.  The student took the gun pointed it down over his right leg and pulled the trigger.  BAM! Oooh man that had to hurt! Turns out the a friend of the student borrowed the gun the day before and failed to unload it and the student didn't know the first things about guns other than what he learned by watching MTV gangsta rap videos.

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  • 1 month later...

I like the first posting from Flex. A buddy of mine recently made the observation that you could give any of the top shooters an average gun (meaning no bells, whistles, gizmos, super duper anything) and they'll still beat you and your $3000 .38 super duper laser guided, gun with paper seeking bullets. It takes practice. A little talent doesn't hurt, but in the end, it's practice.

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  • 10 years later...

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