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Safariland comp III "foots"


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I don't remember if I make this answer before..

On one of my Safariland, recently broken one of the 3 little foot and I try to remove on this one also the other 2.

Well, my sensation it works better, I notice when the cartridges flip in my 686, the speedloader go down more free.

Anyone have a suggestion? It's only a sensation?

Thanks a lot


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It's not your imagination. You can remove more than just the "feet".

Look here.

Yeah there isn't much left on my Comp III's skirt...I like mini-skirts :D

What I don't understand is removing the spring cover thingy though?

Edited by steel1212
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I see sometimes the pics of bubberizing the Comp III, but actually I only want to know that removing all the foots on my Comp give not a problem in some particular condition. I want to be very shure before make the job !

Because in Italy it cost so much! 25€ for one!

I start to cut guys ??!! :blink:

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It's not your imagination. You can remove more than just the "feet".

Look here.

Yeah there isn't much left on my Comp III's skirt...I like mini-skirts :D

What I don't understand is removing the spring cover thingy though?

Dust cover = dirt trapper. It serves to trap particulants and add unnecessary weight.


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It's not your imagination. You can remove more than just the "feet".

Look here.

Yeah there isn't much left on my Comp III's skirt...I like mini-skirts :D

What I don't understand is removing the spring cover thingy though?

Dust cover = dirt trapper. It serves to trap particulants and add unnecessary weight.


Ah, I was thinking in the reverse it would keep dust out!

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