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Max OAL for .40

lucky #7

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I loaded mine out to a max of 1.155. My mags handled up to 1.165 but loading out to that length would cause the occasional jam because there was no room for error. I eventually settled on 1.145 as the length that worked best for my 185gr Precision Bullet load.

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What will catch you on a lot of magazines is that the max length for 5 is longer than 10 and 10 is longer than 20. As the cartridges are placed into the magazine they start to flatten out so cartridges will start to bind the more you put in. At 1.170" you might get 5 to 6 cases in before they start to bind. At 1.165" you might get 15 or 16. Shorter than 1.165" and you can fill the entire magazine.

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  • 6 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I loaded out to 1.157 and we ran them in my 1911 and my son’s Glock. My son had a few feeding issues on his G35 gen 4 so I scrubbed the chamber and shortened up to 1.150 and it has been solid so far. 

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That's an excellent point. Which reminds me, make sure you fill your mag with the new length / bullet shape. On the 1911 I could shoot a longer OAL than the 1.157 but in my son's Glock they would hang up on the mag catch bumps in the mag. It would strip the first round but the following rounds just stayed down in the mag. 

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